неділя, 9 лютого 2020 р. 23:01:05 EET Dominique Leuenberger написано:
kernel-source (5.4.14 -> 5.5.1)
Hi, For those who are using official NVidia repositories. Current 440.44 doesn't support 5.5 yet, I've moved to 5.5 some time ago and ported patches from 440.48.02 to 440.44. While we have no 440.59 in repositories, you can patch /usr/src/kernel-modules/nvidia-440.44-default with patch [1] before installing kernel-default-devel. If you've already installed it, you may patch & reinstall kernel-default-devel (remove & install again, install with --force doesn't work). Maybe there is nicer method to trigger modules building, idk. [1] https://susepaste.org/24527204 -- Kind regards, Mykola Krachkovsky -- Найкращі побажання, Микола Крачковський