Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here. Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?distri=opensuse&groupid=1&version... Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug on bugzilla.opensuse.org. For more information on filing bugs please see https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Submitting_bug_reports Packages changed: akonadi-calendar-tools akonadi-import-wizard akonadi-search akonadi-server akregator ark attica-qt5 (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) baloo5 (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) bijiben (3.32.1 -> 3.32.2) bluedevil5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) bluez-qt (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) breeze (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) breeze-gtk (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) breeze4-style (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) breeze5-icons (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) calendarsupport checkmedia (4.1 -> 5.2) curl (7.65.1 -> 7.65.3) discover (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) drkonqi5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) eventviews exim (4.92 -> 4.92.1) frameworkintegration (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) gnome-user-docs (3.32.1 -> 3.32.3) grantleetheme incidenceeditor java-11-openjdk ( -> kactivities-stats (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kactivities5 (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kactivitymanagerd (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) kaddressbook kalarmcal karchive (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kauth (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kbookmarks (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kcm_sddm (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) kcmutils (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kcodecs (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kcompletion (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kconfig (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kconfigwidgets (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kcoreaddons (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kcrash (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kdav kdbusaddons (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kde-cli-tools5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) kde-gtk-config5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) kde-user-manager (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) kdeclarative (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kded (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kdelibs4support (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kdepim-addons kdepim-apps-libs kdepim-runtime kdesu (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kdevelop5 (5.3.2 -> 5.3.3) kdnssd-framework (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kdoctools (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kemoticons (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kernel-source (5.2.1 -> 5.2.2) kfilemetadata5 (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kgamma5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) kglobalaccel (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kguiaddons (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) khelpcenter5 kholidays (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) khotkeys5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) khtml (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) ki18n (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kiconthemes (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kidletime (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kimageformats (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kinfocenter5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) kinit (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kio (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kirigami2 (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kitemmodels (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kitemviews (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kjobwidgets (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kjs (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kjsembed (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kldap kleopatra kmail kmail-account-wizard kmailtransport kmenuedit5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) knewstuff (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) knotes knotifications (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) knotifyconfig (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kontact korganizer kpackage (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kparts (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kpeople5 (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kpimtextedit kplotting (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kpty (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kross (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) krunner (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kscreen5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) kscreenlocker (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) kservice (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) ksshaskpass5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) ksysguard5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) ktexteditor (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) ktextwidgets (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kunitconversion (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kwallet (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kwayland (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kwayland-integration (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) kwidgetsaddons (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kwin5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) kwindowsystem (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kxmlgui (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) kxmlrpcclient5 (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) libKF5ModemManagerQt (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) libKF5NetworkManagerQt (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) libgravatar libkdecoration2 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) libkscreen2 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) libksieve libksysguard5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) mailcommon mailimporter messagelib milou5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) oxygen5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) oxygen5-icon-theme (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) paprefs (1.0 -> 1.1) perl-DateTime-TimeZone (2.35 -> 2.36) phonon (4.10.2 -> 4.10.3) phonon-backend-gstreamer (4.9.0 -> 4.9.1) pimcommon plasma-browser-integration (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) plasma-framework (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) plasma5-addons (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) plasma5-desktop (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) plasma5-integration (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) plasma5-openSUSE plasma5-pa (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) plasma5-workspace (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) polkit-kde-agent-5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) powerdevil5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) prison-qt5 (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) privoxy purpose (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) qqc2-desktop-style (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) salt solid (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) sonnet (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) squid syndication (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) syntax-highlighting (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) systemd systemsettings5 (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) threadweaver (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) webkit2gtk3 xdg-desktop-portal-kde (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) ypbind === Details === ==== akonadi-calendar-tools ==== Subpackages: akonadi-calendar-tools-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== akonadi-import-wizard ==== Subpackages: akonadi-import-wizard-lang libKPimImportWizard5 - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== akonadi-search ==== Subpackages: akonadi-search-lang libKF5AkonadiSearch - Use kf5_debugdir macro for specifying the logging categories location ==== akonadi-server ==== Subpackages: akonadi-server-lang akonadi-server-sqlite libKF5AkonadiAgentBase5 libKF5AkonadiCore5 libKF5AkonadiPrivate5 libKF5AkonadiWidgets5 libKF5AkonadiXml5 - Use kf5_debugdir macro for specifying the logging categories location - Add patch to revert upstream PostgreSQL fix that apparently causes problems with MySQL (boo#1141604, kde#409753): * 0001-Revert-Adapt-DBInitializer-to-behavior-change-of-QPS.patch ==== akregator ==== Subpackages: akregator-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== ark ==== Subpackages: ark-lang libkerfuffle19 - Use kf5_debugdir macro for specifying the logging categories location ==== attica-qt5 ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Attica5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Add some documentation for PlatformDependent * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== baloo5 ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: baloo5-file baloo5-file-lang baloo5-imports baloo5-imports-lang baloo5-kioslaves baloo5-kioslaves-lang baloo5-tools baloo5-tools-lang libKF5Baloo5 libKF5BalooEngine5 libKF5BalooEngine5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Too many changes to list here - Refreshed patches: * 0001-Do-not-use-qfileinfo-metadatachangetime-if-Qt-lt-5.10.patch ==== bijiben ==== Version update (3.32.1 -> 3.32.2) Subpackages: bijiben-lang gnome-shell-search-provider-bijiben - Update to version 3.32.2: + Fixed appdata screenshots' URLs. + Fixed flatpak using stable EDS and libical releases. ==== bluedevil5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: bluedevil5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== bluez-qt ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: bluez-qt-imports bluez-qt-udev libKF5BluezQt6 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Add MediaTransport API * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 * Add LE Advertising and GATT APIs * Minor change to prevent force push removed commits from returning ==== breeze ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: breeze5-cursors breeze5-decoration breeze5-style breeze5-style-lang breeze5-wallpapers libbreezecommon5-5 - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== breeze-gtk ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze gtk3-metatheme-breeze metatheme-breeze-common - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== breeze4-style ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: libbreezecommon4-5 - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== breeze5-icons ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Add id="current-color-scheme" to collapse-all icons (kde#409546) * Add disk-quota icons (kde#389311) * Symlink install to edit-download * Change joystick settings icon to game controller (kde#406679) * Add edit-select-text, make 16px draw-text like 22px * Update KBruch icon * Add help-donate-[currency] icons * Make Breeze Dark use same Kolourpaint icon as Breeze * Add 22px notifications icons ==== calendarsupport ==== Subpackages: calendarsupport-lang libKF5CalendarSupport5 - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== checkmedia ==== Version update (4.1 -> 5.2) - merge gh#openSUSE/checkmedia#12 - fix compat issue with older gcc - 5.2 - merge gh#openSUSE/checkmedia#11 - work also with older gpg versions - 5.1 - Use noun phrase in summaries. - Drop redundant ldconfig PreReq. - merge gh#openSUSE/checkmedia#10 - add support for signed media (bsc#1139561) - adjust tagmedia script - update doc - adjust test cases - add links to signature magic value origins - allow to set specific gpg key for signature verification - rearrange data structure to provide some compatibility - check for empty signature - better error log - added tests for signature verification - signature test results reference - 5.0 ==== curl ==== Version update (7.65.1 -> 7.65.3) Subpackages: libcurl4 - Update to 7.65.3 * progress: make the progress meter appear again - Update to 7.65.2 * Bugfixes: - CIPHERS.md: Explain Schannel error SEC_E_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH - CMake: Fix finding Brotli on case-sensitive file systems - CURLOPT_RANGE.3: Caution against using it for HTTP PUT - CURLOPT_SEEKDATA.3: fix variable name - bindlocal: detect and avoid IP version mismatches in bind() - build: fix Codacy warnings - c-ares: honor port numbers in CURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS - config-os400: add getpeername and getsockname defines - configure: --disable-progress-meter - configure: fix --disable-code-coverage - configure: more --disable switches to toggle off individual features - configure: remove CURL_DISABLE_TLS_SRP - conn_maxage: move the check to prune_dead_connections() - curl: skip CURLOPT_PROXY_CAPATH for disabled-proxy builds - docs: Explain behavior change in --tlsv1. options since 7.54 - docs: Fix links to OpenSSL docs - docs: fix string suggesting HTTP/2 is not the default - headers: Remove no longer exported functions - http2: call done_sending on end of upload - http2: don't call stream-close on already closed streams - http2: remove CURL_DISABLE_TYPECHECK define - http: allow overriding timecond with custom header - http: clarify header buffer size calculation - krb5: fix compiler warning - lib: Use UTF-8 encoding in comments - libcurl: Restrict redirect schemes to HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS - multi: enable multiplexing by default (again) - multi: fix the transfer hashes in the socket hash entries - multi: make sure 'data' can present in several sockhash entries - netrc: Return the correct error code when out of memory - nss: don't set unused parameter - nss: inspect returnvalue of token check - nss: only cache valid CRL entries - openssl: define HAVE_SSL_GET_SHUTDOWN based on version number - openssl: disable engine if OPENSSL_NO_UI_CONSOLE is defined - openssl: fix pubkey/signature algorithm detection in certinfo - os400: make vsetopt() non-static as Curl_vsetopt() for os400 support - quote.d: asterisk prefix works for SFTP as well - runtests: keep logfiles around by default - runtests: report single test time + total duration - test1165: verify that CURL_DISABLE_ symbols are in sync - test1521: adapt to SLISTPOINT - test1523: test CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT - test153: fix content-length to avoid occasional hang - test188/189: fix Content-Length - tests: have runtests figure out disabled features - tests: support non-localhost HOSTIP for dict/smb servers - tests: update fixed IP for hostip/clientip split - tool_cb_prg: Fix integer overflow in progress bar - typecheck: CURLOPT_CONNECT_TO takes an slist too - typecheck: add 3 missing strings and a callback data pointer - unit1654: cleanup on memory failure - unpause: trigger a timeout for event-based transfers - url: Fix CURLOPT_MAXAGE_CONN time comparison - Rebased patch curl-use_OPENSSL_config.patch - Disable new added failing test1165 ==== discover ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: discover-backend-flatpak discover-backend-packagekit discover-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - Changes since 5.16.2: * snap: fix typo * snap: match gnome software in the id used when there's no appstream id * i18n: use rc.cpp for extra sources * Fix XML ==== drkonqi5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: drkonqi5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - Changes since 5.16.2: * update integration test * hide save-login-info checkbox when kwallet is disabled (kde#363570) * reduce nesting by using a return condition rather than two if branches * auto log in if username and password have been loaded from kwallet (kde#202495) * kick more hardcoded sizes to the bucket * do not set a hardcoded minimum size (kde#403408) * force the backtracewidget into loading state when the generator is loading (kde#381644) ==== eventviews ==== Subpackages: eventviews-lang libKF5EventViews5 - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== exim ==== Version update (4.92 -> 4.92.1) - update to exim 4.92.1 * CVE-2019-13917: Fixed an issue with ${sort} expansion which could allow remote attackers to execute other programs with root privileges (boo#1142207) ==== frameworkintegration ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: frameworkintegration-plugin libKF5Style5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== gnome-user-docs ==== Version update (3.32.1 -> 3.32.3) Subpackages: gnome-user-docs-lang - Update to version 3.32.3: + Updates to GNOME Help. + Updated translations. - Update to version 3.32.2: + Updates to GNOME Help. + Updated translations. ==== grantleetheme ==== Subpackages: grantleetheme-lang libKF5GrantleeTheme5 - Use kf5_debugdir macro for specifying the logging categories location ==== incidenceeditor ==== Subpackages: incidenceeditor-lang libKF5IncidenceEditor5 - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== java-11-openjdk ==== Version update ( -> Subpackages: java-11-openjdk-headless - Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.4+11 (July 2019 CPU) * Security fixes + S8208698, CVE-2019-2745, bsc#1141784: Improved ECC Implementation + S8212328, CVE-2019-2762, bsc#1141782: Exceptional throw cases + S8213431, CVE-2019-2766, bsc#1141789: Improve file protocol handling + S8213432, CVE-2019-2769, bsc#1141783: Better copies of CopiesList + S8216381, CVE-2019-2786, bsc#1141787: More limited privilege usage + S8217563: Improve realm maintenance + S8218863: Better endpoint checks + S8218873: Improve JSSE endpoint checking + S8218876, CVE-2019-7317, bsc#1141780: Improve PNG support options + S8219775: Certificate validation improvements + S8220517: Enhanced GIF support + S8221345, CVE-2019-2818, bsc#1141788: Better Poly1305 support + S8221518, CVE-2019-2816, bsc#1141785: Normalize normalization + S8222678, CVE-2019-2821, bsc#1141781: Improve TLS negotiation * Other fixes + S6913047: Long term memory leak when using PKCS11 and JCE exceeds 32 bit process address space + S8139178: Wrong fontMetrics when printing in Landscape (OpenJDK) + S8163805: hotspot/test/serviceability/sa/sadebugd/ /SADebugDTest.java failed with timed out + S8170494: JNI exception pending in PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c + S8174691: [TESTBUG] A number of native hotspot unit tests fail when executed in stand-alone mode + S8179098: Crypto AES/ECB encryption/decryption performance regression (introduced in jdk9b73) + S8181143: Introduce diagnostic flag to abort VM on too long VM operations + S8188133: C2: Static field accesses in clinit can trigger deoptimizations + S8190361: Incorrect version info in jaccessinspector.exe and jaccesswalker.exe + S8195793: Remove GTE CyberTrust Global Root + S8200286: (testbug) MOptionTest test fails with java.lang.AssertionError: Classfiles too old! + S8200613: SA: jstack throws UnmappedAddressException with a CDS core file + S8201317: X25519/X448 code improvements + S8201633: Problems with AES-GCM native acceleration + S8202353: os::readdir should use readdir instead of readdir_r + S8202414: Unsafe write after primitive array creation may result in array length change + S8202651: Test ComodoCA.java fails + S8202794: Native Unix code should use readdir rather than readdir_r + S8202884: SA: Attach/detach might fail on Linux if debugee application create/destroy threads during attaching + S8203627: Swing applications with JRadioButton and JCheckbox fail to render correctly when using GTK3 and the GTK L&F + S8204308: SA: serviceability/sa/TestInstanceKlassSize*.java fails when running in CDS mode + S8205574: Loop predication "assert(f <= 1 && f >= 0) failed Incorrect frequency" + S8205611: Improve the wording of LinkageErrors to include module and class loader information + S8206955: MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance does not support default methods + S8207340: (fs) UnixNativeDispatcher close and readdir usages should be fixed + S8207748: Fix for 8202794 breaks tier1 builds + S8207760: SAXException: Invalid UTF-16 surrogate detected: d83c ? + S8208634: Add x-IBM-1129 charset + S8208648: ECC Field Arithmetic Enhancements + S8208702: javax/swing/reliability/ /HangDuringStaticInitialization.java may hang on macos + S8208996: X11 icon window color handing bug + S8209055: c.s.t.javac.code.DeferredCompletionFailureHandler seems to use WeakHashMap incorrectly + S8209414: AArch64: method handle invocation does not respect JVMTI interp_only mode + S8209415: Fix JVMTI test failure HS202 + S8209573: [TESTBUG] gc/epsilon/TestMemoryMXBeans should retry on failure + S8209914: javadoc search sometimes generates bad URIs + S8209951: Problematic sparc intrinsic: com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherBlockChaining + S8210008: custom extension for make/SourceRevision.gmk + S8210197: javac can't tell during speculative attribution if a diamond expression is creating an anonymous inner class or not + S8210283: Support git as an SCM alternative in the build + S8210320: PPC64: Fix uninitialized variable in C1 LIR assembler code + S8210457: JVM crash in ResolvedMethodTable::add_method(Handle) + S8210483: AssertionError in DeferredAttr at setOverloadKind caused by JDK-8203679 + S8210519: build/releaseFile/CheckSource.java failed additional sources found + S8210739: Calling JSpinner's setFont with null throws NullPointerException + S8210782: Upgrade HarfBuzz to the latest 2.3.1 + S8210803: Compilation failure in codeBlob.cpp for Windows 32-bit + S8210837: Add libXrandr-devel to the Linux devkits + S8210863: Remove Xrandr include files from JDK sources + S8210880: Remove HPKeysym.h from JDK sources + S8210886: Remove references in xwindows.md to non-existent files. + S8210899: (zipfs) ZipFileSystem.EntryOutputStreamCRC32 mistakenly set the crc32 value into size field + S8211266: [TESTBUG] ZipFSTester.java failed intermittently in ZipFSTester.checkRead(): bound must be positive + S8211350: Remove jprt support + S8211393: Memory leak issue on awt_InputMethod.c + S8211435: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-1" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null source + S8211698: Crash in C2 compiled code during execution of double array heavy processing code + S8211810: X11 Time stamp data should be unsigned + S8211826: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException happens via GetStringUTFRegion() + S8211841: [testbug] sun/nio/cs/OLD/TestIBMDB.java does not compile (aix) + S8211969: test/jdk/lib/security/CheckBlacklistedCerts.java searching for wrong paths + S8211971: Move security/cacerts/VerifyCACerts.java and security/CheckBlacklistedCerts.java + S8212202: [Windows] Exception if no printers are installed. + S8212205: VM asserts after CDS archive has been unmapped + S8212562: To remove lib/security from test/jdk/TEST.groups + S8212676: AWT SystemColor setting on CDE + S8212677: X11 default visual support for IM status window on VNC + S8212678: Windows IME related patch + S8212794: IBM-964 is required for AIX default charset + S8212828: (process) Provide a way for Runtime.exec to use posix_spawn on linux + S8213015: Inconsistent settings between JFR.configure and - XX:FlightRecorderOptions + S8213213: Remove src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/ /X11/keysym2ucs.h + S8213232: Unix/X11 setCompositionEnableNative issue + S8213292: Input freezes after MacOS key-selector (press&hold) usage on macOS Mojave + S8213294: Upgrade IANA LSR data + S8213515: Improve freetype detection on linux/ppc64/ppc64le/ /s390x + S8213614: DnD operation change feature does not work with 64bit big endian CPU + S8213617: JFR should record the PID of the recorded process + S8213618: IBM970 charset has missing entry and remove unexpected entries + S8213825: assert(false) failed: Non-balanced monitor enter/exit! Likely JNI locking + S8213944: Fix AIX build after the removal of Xrandr.h and add a configure check for it + S8214002: Cannot use italic font style if the font has embedded bitmap + S8214109: XToolkit is not correctly displayed color on 16-bit high color setting + S8214111: There is no icon in all JOptionPane target image + S8214112: The whole text in target JPasswordField image are not selected + S8214252: Expanded & Collapsed nodes of a JTree look the same on GTK3 + S8214253: Tooltip is transparent rather than having a black background + S8214468: jQuery UI upgrade from 1.11.4 to 1.12.1 + S8214533: IBM-29626C is required for AIX default charset + S8214765: All TrayIcon MessageType icons does not show up with gtk3 option set + S8214935: Upgrade IANA LSR data + S8215026: Incorrect amount of memory unmapped with ImageFileReader::close() + S8215123: Crash in runtime image built with jlink --compress=2 + S8215284: Reduce noise induced by periodic task getFileSize() + S8215296: do not disable c99 on Solaris + S8215342: [Zero] Build fails after JDK-8200613 + S8215364: JavaFX crashes on Ubuntu 18.04 with Wayland while using Swing-FX interop + S8215374: 32-bit build failures after JDK-8181143 (Introduce diagnostic flag to abort VM on too long VM operations) + S8215398: -Xlog option usage => Invalid decorator '\temp\app_cds.log'. + S8215443: The use of TransportContext.fatal() leads to bad coding style + S8215472: (zipfs) Cleanups in implementation classes of jdk.zipfs and tests + S8215707: [macosx] fix pthread_getschedparam and pthread_setschedparam calls + S8215757: C2: PhaseIdealLoop::create_new_if_for_predicate() computes wrong IDOM + S8215790: Delegated task created by SSLEngine throws java.nio.BufferUnderflowException + S8216045: The size of key_exchange may be wrong on FFDHE + S8216355: missing NULL checks in libnet in interface iteration and potential resource leak in getMacAddress + S8216556: Unnecessary liveness computation with JVMTI + S8216577: Add GlobalSign's R6 Root certificate + S8216597: SIGBUS in Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_getNativeKeyInfo after JDK-6913047 + S8216970: condy causes JVM crash + S8217088: Disable JDK-6913047 fix (SunPKCS11 memory leak) after JDK-8216597 (SIGBUS error in getNativeKeyInfo) + S8217094: HttpClient SSL race if a socket IOException is raised before ALPN is available + S8217263: Automate DashOffset test + S8217311: Improve Exception thrown when MulticastSocket.setInterface fails on AIX(Unix) + S8217564: idempotent protection missing in crc32c.h + S8217647: JFR: recordings on 32-bit systems unreadable + S8217690: Update public suffix version + S8217707: JNICALL declaration breaks Splash screen functions + S8217765: Internal Error (javaCalls.cpp:61) guarantee(thread->can_call_java()) failed + S8217786: Provide virtualization related info in the hs_error file on linux s390x + S8217878: ENVELOPING XML signature no longer works in JDK 11 + S8217879: hs_err should print more instructions in hex dump + S8217880: AIX build issue after JDK-8214533 + S8218020: Fix version number in mesa.md 3rd party legal file + S8218060: JDK-8217786 breaks build due to remaining unused function + S8218063: JDK-8218060 breaks build for S390 + S8218152: [javac] fails and exits with no error if a bad annotation processor provided + S8218469: JSlider display issue with slider for GTKLookAndFeel + S8218470: JScrollBar display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8218472: JProgressBar display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8218473: JOptionPane display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8218479: JTextPane display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8218618: Program fails when using JDK addressed by UNC path and using Security Manager + S8218629: XML Digital Signature throws NAMESPACE_ERR exception on OpenJDK 11, works 8/9/10 + S8218674: HTML Tooltip with "img=src" on component doesn't show + S8218733: SA: CollectedHeap provides broken implementation for used() and capacity() + S8218781: Localized names for Japanese era Reiwa in COMPAT provider + S8218811: replace open by os::open in hotspot coding + S8218854: FontMetrics.getMaxAdvance may be less than the maximum FontMetrics.charWidth + S8218960: CONFIG level logging statements printed in CLDRCalendarDataProviderImpl.java even when default log Level is INFO + S8218991: s390: Add intrinsic for GHASH algorithm + S8219006: AArch64: Register corruption in slow subtype check + S8219011: Implement MacroAssembler::warn method on AArch64 + S8219112: name_and_sig_as_C_string usages in frame_s390 miss ResourceMark + S8219335: "failed: unexpected type" assert failure in ConnectionGraph::split_unique_types() with unsafe accesses + S8219389: Delegated task created by SSLEngine throws BufferUnderflowException + S8219414: SA: jhsdb jsnap throws UnmappedAddressException with core generated by gcore + S8219448: split-if update_uses accesses stale idom data + S8219460: ppc: adjust NativeGeneralJump::insert_unconditional to stack allocated MacroAssembler + S8219566: JFR did not collect call stacks when MaxJavaStackTraceDepth is set to zero + S8219574: Minimal VM build failure after JDK-8219414 + S8219582: PPC: Crash after C1 checkcast patched and GC + S8219584: Try to dump error file by thread which causes safepoint timeout + S8219698: aarch64: SIGILL triggered when specifying unsupported hardware features + S8219710: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk11.0.4 + S8219746: Provide virtualization related info in the hs_error file on linux ppc64 / ppc64le + S8219915: [TESTBUG] Fix test langtools/tools/javac/processing/ /model/completionfailure/SymbolsDontCumulate.java in Standalone mode + S8219918: ProblemList hotspot tests failing in SAP testing. + S8220165: Encryption using GCM results in RuntimeException- input length out of bound + S8220166: Performance regression in deserialization (4-6% in SPECjbb) + S8220198: Lots of com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher tests fail on x86_32 due to missing SHA512 stubs + S8220281: IBM-858 alias name is missing on IBM00858 charset + S8220293: Deadlock in JFR string pool + S8220349: The fix done for JDK-8214253 have caused issues in JTree behaviour + S8220353: [TESTBUG] TestRegisterRestoring uses SafepointALot without UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions + S8220374: C2: LoopStripMining doesn't strip as expected + S8220441: [PPC64] Clobber memory effect missing for memory barriers in atomics + S8220495: Update GIFlib library to the 5.1.8 + S8220513: Wrapper Key may get deleted when closing sessions in SunPKCS11 crypto provider + S8220625: tools/javac/classreader/8171132/ /BadConstantValue.java failed with "did not see expected error" + S8220707: [TESTBUG] serviceability/sa/ /TestHeapDumpForLargeArray.java fails with jtreg - vmoption:-Xmx < 8g + S8220714: C2 Compilation failure when accessing off-heap memory using Unsafe + S8220718: Missing ResourceMark in nmethod::metadata_do + S8220781: linux-s390 : os::get_summary_cpu_info gives bad output + S8220794: PPC64: Fix signal handler for SIGSEGV on branch to illegal address + S8221083: [ppc64] Wrong oop compare in C1-generated code + S8221175: Fix bad function case for controlled JVM crash on PPC64 big-endian + S8221244: Unexpected behavior of PropertyDescription.getReadMethod for boolean properties + S8221263: [TEST_BUG] RemotePrinterStatusRefresh test is hard to use + S8221304: Problem list java/awt/FontMetrics/ /MaxAdvanceIsMax.java + S8221400: java/lang/String/StringRepeat.java test requests too much heap + S8221401: java/math/BigInteger/LargeValueExceptions.java test should be disabled on 32-bit platforms + S8221412: lookupPrintServices() does not always update the list of Windows remote printers + S8221437: assert(java_lang_invoke_ResolvedMethodName::vmtarget(resolved_method()) == m()) failed: Should not change after link resolution + S8221470: Print methods in exception messages in java-like Syntax. + S8221479: Fix JFR profiling on s390 + S8221483: TestOopCmp.java fails due to "Multiple garbage collectors selected" + S8221535: add steal tick related information to hs_error file [linux] + S8221610: Resurrect (legacy) JRE bundle target + S8221639: [i386] expand_exec_shield_cs_limit workaround is undefined code after JDK-8199717 + S8221833: Readability check in Symbol::is_valid not performed for some addresses + S8221870: use driver to run CtwRunner in applications/ctw tests + S8221880: Better customization for Windows RC properties FileDescription and ProductName + S8221915: cleanup ticks related coding in os_perf_aix.cpp [aix] + S8221917: serviceability/sa/TestPrintMdo.java fails on 32-bit platforms + S8221924: get(null) on single-entry unmodifiable Map returns null instead of throwing NPE + S8222027: java/util/logging/LogManager/TestLoggerNames.java generates intermittent ClassCastException + S8222032: x86_32 fails with "wrong size of mach node" on AVX-512 machine + S8222089: [TESTBUG] sun/security/lib/cacerts/ /VerifyCACerts.java fails due to cert within 90-day expiry window + S8222133: Add temporary exceptions for root certs that are due to expire soon + S8222136: Remove two Comodo root CA certificates that are expiring + S8222137: Remove T-Systems root CA certificate + S8222397: x86_32 tests with UseSHA1Intrinsics SEGV due to garbled registers + S8222410: java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributeView/ /UnixSocketFile hangs when "nc" does not accept "-U" + S8222522: Add configure options for Mac Bundle creation + S8222532: (zipfs) Performance regression when writing ZipFileSystem entries in parallel + S8222913: Add Jib support for VERSION_EXTRA* + S8222930: ConcurrentSkipListMap.clone() shares size variable between original and clone + S8223266: PPC64: Check for branch to illegal address before checking for mem serialization + S8223395: PPC64: Improve comments in the JVM signal handler to match ISA text + S8223499: Remove two DocuSign root certificates that are expiring + S8223555: Cleanups in cacerts tests + S8223597: jdk/nio/zipfs/ZipFSTester.java RuntimeException: CHECK_FAILED! (getAttribute.crc <entries20> failed 6af4413c vs 0 ...) + S8223665: SA: debugd options should follow jhsdb style + S8224474: harfbuzz 2.3.1 code fails to compile with gcc 4.4.7 + S8224671: AArch64: mauve System.arraycopy test failure + S8224727: Problem list test security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ActalisCA.java + S8224828: aarch64: rflags is not correct after safepoint poll + S8224880: AArch64: java/javac error with AllocatePrefetchDistance + S8225402: events logging in deoptimization.cpp should go to deopt-log + S8225716: G1 GC: Undefined behaviour in G1BlockOffsetTablePart::block_at_or_preceding + S8226876: Assertion in sun/util/locale/provider/ /CalendarDataUtility on Windows after JDK-8218960 + S8226880: Backport of JDK-8208698 (Improved ECC Implementation) should not bring parts of JDK-8205476 (KeyAgreement#generateSecret is not reset for ECDH based algorithm) ==== kactivities-stats ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Fix a crash in KactivityTestApp when Result has strings with non-ASCII ==== kactivities5 ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kactivities5-imports libKF5Activities5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kactivitymanagerd ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: kactivitymanagerd-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== kaddressbook ==== Subpackages: kaddressbook-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kalarmcal ==== Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-kalarmcal kalarmcal-lang libKF5AlarmCalendar5 - Use kf5_debugdir macro for specifying the logging categories location ==== karchive ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Do not crash if the inner file wants to be bigger than QByteArray max size * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kauth ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Auth5 libKF5Auth5-lang libKF5AuthCore5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kbookmarks ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Bookmarks5 libKF5Bookmarks5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kcm_sddm ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: kcm_sddm-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== kcmutils ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5KCMUtils5 libKF5KCMUtils5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kcodecs ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Codecs5 libKF5Codecs5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kcompletion ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Completion5 libKF5Completion5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kconfig ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kconf_update5 libKF5ConfigCore5 libKF5ConfigCore5-lang libKF5ConfigGui5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kconfigwidgets ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5ConfigWidgets5 libKF5ConfigWidgets5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kcoreaddons ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kcoreaddons-lang libKF5CoreAddons5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * KPluginMetaData: use Q_DECLARE_METATYPE * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kcrash ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kdav ==== Subpackages: kdav-lang libKPimKDAV5 - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kdbusaddons ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kdbusaddons-tools libKF5DBusAddons5 libKF5DBusAddons5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kde-cli-tools5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: kde-cli-tools5-lang - Add kde408632.patch to fix kde-open5 incorrectly handling port numbers in URLs (boo#1138956, kde#408632) - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - Changes since 5.16.2: * fix kstart5 crash on wayland (kde#403965) ==== kde-gtk-config5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: kde-gtk-config5-gtk2 kde-gtk-config5-gtk3 kde-gtk-config5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== kde-user-manager ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: kde-user-manager-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== kdeclarative ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kdeclarative-components libKF5CalendarEvents5 libKF5Declarative5 libKF5Declarative5-lang libKF5QuickAddons5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * [GridDelegate] Fix gaps in corners of thumbnailArea highlight * get rid of blockSignals * [KCM GridDelegate] Silence warning * [KCM GridDelegate] Take into account implicitCellHeight for inner delegate height * Fix GridDelegate icon * Fix fragile comparison to i18n("None") and describe behavior in docs (kde#407999) ==== kded ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kded-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kdelibs4support ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kdelibs4support-lang libKF5KDELibs4Support5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kdepim-addons ==== Subpackages: kdepim-addons-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kdepim-apps-libs ==== Subpackages: kdepim-apps-libs-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kdepim-runtime ==== Subpackages: kdepim-runtime-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kdesu ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Su5 libKF5Su5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kdevelop5 ==== Version update (5.3.2 -> 5.3.3) Subpackages: kdevelop5-lang kdevplatform kdevplatform-lang libkdevplatform53 - New upstream release 5.3.3 * Use KDE_INSTALL_LOGGINGCATEGORIESDIR for kdebugsettings .categories files * TextDocument: remove actions from contextmenu on hide already * Sublime: fix crash on undocking toolviews with Qt 5.13 (kde#409790) * Kdevplatform/interfaces: fix missing explicit QVector include * Fix kdevelopui.rc: bump version as required by string context changes * Shell: overwrite katectagsplugin to be disabled by default * Translate relative paths of input files to absolute ones * Welcome page: do not add currently unused qml pages to qrc data * Fix browse mode not disabled after Ctrl is released * Attempt to fix a crash on shutdown * ProblemHighlighter: Fix mark type handling * Cmakebuilddirchooser: Set a minimum size * Fix memory leaks reported by ASAN * Qmake: Move builder plugin to correct category (kde#407396) * Add DesktopEntry to notifyrc * Output config subpages alphabetically, instead of order in which corresponding plugins were loaded * Flatpak plugin - fix typo ("flies" -> "files") - Drop fix-crash-on-undocking-toolviews.patch, merged upstream ==== kdnssd-framework ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5DNSSD5 libKF5DNSSD5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kdoctools ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kdoctools-lang libKF5DocTools5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Update pt-BR user.entities ==== kemoticons ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kernel-source ==== Version update (5.2.1 -> 5.2.2) Subpackages: kernel-default kernel-default-devel kernel-devel kernel-docs kernel-macros kernel-syms kernel-vanilla - Revert "netfilter: conntrack: remove helper hook again" (http://lkml.kernel.org/r/20190718092128.zbw4qappq6jsb4ja@breakpoint.cc). - commit 8e9a006 - Linux 5.2.2 (bnc#1012628). - x86/entry/32: Fix ENDPROC of common_spurious (bnc#1012628). - crypto/NX: Set receive window credits to max number of CRBs in RxFIFO (bnc#1012628). - crypto: talitos - fix hash on SEC1 (bnc#1012628). - crypto: talitos - move struct talitos_edesc into talitos.h (bnc#1012628). - s390/qdio: don't touch the dsci in tiqdio_add_input_queues() (bnc#1012628). - s390/qdio: (re-)initialize tiqdio list entries (bnc#1012628). - s390: fix stfle zero padding (bnc#1012628). - s390/ipl: Fix detection of has_secure attribute (bnc#1012628). - ARC: hide unused function unw_hdr_alloc (bnc#1012628). - x86/irq: Seperate unused system vectors from spurious entry again (bnc#1012628). - x86/irq: Handle spurious interrupt after shutdown gracefully (bnc#1012628). - x86/ioapic: Implement irq_get_irqchip_state() callback (bnc#1012628). - genirq: Add optional hardware synchronization for shutdown (bnc#1012628). - genirq: Fix misleading synchronize_irq() documentation (bnc#1012628). - genirq: Delay deactivation in free_irq() (bnc#1012628). - firmware: improve LSM/IMA security behaviour (bnc#1012628). - drivers: base: cacheinfo: Ensure cpu hotplug work is done before Intel RDT (bnc#1012628). - nilfs2: do not use unexported cpu_to_le32()/le32_to_cpu() in uapi header (bnc#1012628). - Input: synaptics - enable SMBUS on T480 thinkpad trackpad (bnc#1012628). - e1000e: start network tx queue only when link is up (bnc#1012628). - Revert "e1000e: fix cyclic resets at link up with active tx" (bnc#1012628). - commit 93f0a54 ==== kfilemetadata5 ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kfilemetadata5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Fix extracting of some properties to match what was written (kde#408532) * Use debugging category in taglib extractor/writer * Format photo exposure bias value * [XAttr] Probably fix build on Windows * fix property name * Remove photo prefix from every exif property name * Rename ImageMake and ImageModel properties * [UserMetaData] Add method to query which attributes are set * Format focal length as milli meter * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 * Format photo exposure time as rational when applicable * Enable usermetadatawritertest for all UNIXes, not only Linux. * Format the aperture values as F numbers. ==== kgamma5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: kgamma5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== kglobalaccel ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kglobalaccel5 libKF5GlobalAccel5 libKF5GlobalAccel5-lang libKF5GlobalAccelPrivate5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kguiaddons ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Don't try to generate python bindings for kmodifierkeyinfoprovider_p.h * KModifierKeyInfo: we are sharing the internal implementation * Remove #ifdef for Qt 5.11 since we require it nowadays * Remove double look-ups * Move to runtime the decision to use x11 or not ==== khelpcenter5 ==== Subpackages: khelpcenter5-lang - Use kf5_debugdir macro for specifying the logging categories location ==== kholidays ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Holidays5 libKF5Holidays5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Update UK Early May bank holiday for 2020 (kde#409189) * Fix ISO code for Hesse / Germany ==== khotkeys5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: khotkeys5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== khtml ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5KHtml5 libKF5KHtml5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== ki18n ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5I18n5 libKF5I18n5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kiconthemes ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5IconThemes5 libKF5IconThemes5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kidletime ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kimageformats ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kimageformats-eps - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * QImage::byteCount -> QImage::sizeInByes ==== kinfocenter5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: kinfocenter5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== kinit ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kinit-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kio ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kio-core kio-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Fix KFileItemTest::testIconNameForUrl test to reflect different icon name * Fix i18n number-of-arguments error in knewfilemenu warning message * [ftp] Fix wrong access time in Ftp::ftpCopyGet() * [CopyJob] Batch reporting processed amount * [CopyJob] Report results after finishing copy (kde#407656) * Move redundant logic in KIO::iconNameForUrl() into KFileItem::iconName() (kde#356045) * Install KFileCustomDialog * [Places panel] Don't show Root by default * Downgrade "Could not change permissions" dialog box to a qWarning * O_PATH is only available on linux. To prevent the compiler from throwing an error due to it's absence fallback to O_RDONLY. * Show feedback inline when creating new files or folders * Auth Support: Drop privileges if target is not owned by root * [copyjob] Only set modification time if the kio-slave provided it (kde#374420) * Cancel privilege operation for read-only target with the current user as owner * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 * Add KProtocolInfo::defaultMimetype * Always save view settings when switching from one view mode to another * Restore exclusive group for sorting menu items * Dolphin-style view modes in the file dialog (kde#86838) * kio_ftp: improve error handling when copying to FTP fails * kioexec: change the scary debug messages for delayed deletion - Dropped patches, now upstream: * copyjob-Only-set-modification-time-if-the-kio-slave-provided-it.patch ==== kirigami2 ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kirigami2-lang libKF5Kirigami2-5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * [ActionTextField] Make action glow on press * Remove ifdef for Qt 5.11 since that is now the required version * support text mode and position * mouseover effect for breadcrumb on desktop * Fix typo in documentation * enforce a minimum height of 2 gridunits * Set SwipeListItem implicitHeight to be the maximum of content and actions * Hide tooltip when PrivateActionToolButton is pressed * Remove accidentally slipped back traces of cmake code for Plasma style * ColumnView::itemAt * force breeze-internal if no theme is speacified * correct navigation on left pinned page * keep track of the space covered by pinned pages * show a separator when in left sidebar mode * in single column mode, pin has no effect * first semi working prototype of pinning ==== kitemmodels ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kitemviews ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5ItemViews5 libKF5ItemViews5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Remove ifdef for Qt 5.11 since we require that version now ==== kjobwidgets ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5JobWidgets5 libKF5JobWidgets5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Remove ifdef for Qt 5.11 since we require that version now * Use new syntax * [KUiServerJobTracker] Handle ownership change * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kjs ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5JS5 libKF5JSApi5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Disable broken and no longer needed workaround code with msvc2019 ==== kjsembed ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5JsEmbed5 libKF5JsEmbed5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kldap ==== Subpackages: kldap-lang libKF5Ldap5 - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kleopatra ==== Subpackages: kleopatra-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kmail ==== Subpackages: kmail-application-icons kmail-lang ktnef - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kmail-account-wizard ==== Subpackages: kmail-account-wizard-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kmailtransport ==== Subpackages: kmailtransport-lang libKF5MailTransport5 libKF5MailTransportAkonadi5 - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kmenuedit5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: kmenuedit5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== knewstuff ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5NewStuff5 libKF5NewStuff5-lang libKF5NewStuffCore5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * [kmoretools] Add icons to download and install actions * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== knotes ==== Subpackages: knotes-lang - Use kf5_debugdir macro for specifying the logging categories location ==== knotifications ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Notifications5 libKF5Notifications5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Don't search for phonon on Android * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 * add .vscode to .gitignore ==== knotifyconfig ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5NotifyConfig5 libKF5NotifyConfig5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kontact ==== Subpackages: kontact-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== korganizer ==== Subpackages: korganizer-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kpackage ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kpackage-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * performance, Qt API * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kparts ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Parts5 libKF5Parts5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Add profile support interface for TerminalInterface ==== kpeople5 ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kpeople5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kpimtextedit ==== Subpackages: kpimtextedit-lang libKF5PimTextEdit5 - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== kplotting ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kpty ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Pty5 libKF5Pty5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kross ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kross-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== krunner ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Don't delay emission of matchesChanged indefinitely * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kscreen5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: kscreen5-lang kscreen5-plasmoid - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== kscreenlocker ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: kscreenlocker-lang libKScreenLocker5 - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== kservice ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kservice-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Add X-Flatpak-RenamedFrom as recognized key * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== ksshaskpass5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: ksshaskpass5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== ksysguard5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: ksysguard5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== ktexteditor ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: ktexteditor-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * fix goto line centering force center for any external set cursor position call (kde#408418) * Fix bookmark icon display on icon border with low dpi * Fix action "Show Icon Border" to toggle border again * Remove ifdef for Qt 5.11 since we require that version now * Fix compiler warning about unused variable * Fix empty pages in print preview and lines printed twice (kde#348598) * remove no longer used header * fix unit test for all operating systems * fix unit test * fix autoscrolling down speed (kde#408874) * Add default variables for variables interface * Make automatic spellcheck work after reloading a document (kde#408291) * raise default line length limit to 10000 * WIP:Disable highlighting after 512 characters on a line. * KateModeMenuList: move to QListView * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== ktextwidgets ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5TextWidgets5 libKF5TextWidgets5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kunitconversion ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5UnitConversion5 libKF5UnitConversion5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== kwallet ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: kwallet-tools kwallet-tools-lang kwalletd5 kwalletd5-lang libKF5Wallet5 libkwalletbackend5-5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kwayland ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Include a description * Proof of concept of a wayland protocol to allow the keystate dataengine to work * Use new logging category directory ==== kwayland-integration ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - Changes since 5.16.2: * Span wayland objects to lifespan of the QApplication (kde#372789) ==== kwidgetsaddons ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5WidgetsAddons5 libKF5WidgetsAddons5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * set the focusPolicy of kpasswordlineedit to the policy of its proxy (kde#398275) * Replace "Details" button with KCollapsibleGroupBox ==== kwin5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: kwin5-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir to install logging categories files. - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - Changes since 5.16.2: * Fix check for SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK feature in clean build * [effects/blur] Disable sRGB when the framebuffer is linear (kde#408594) * Fix maximize Apply Now rule * [tabbox] Properly determine depressed modifiers on X11 (kde#407720) * glx: Prefer an sRGB capable fbconfig * Decorate only toplevel internal clients (kde#407612) - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Fix-for-the-blur-effect-on-Intel-on-X.patch ==== kwindowsystem ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5WindowSystem5 libKF5WindowSystem5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kxmlgui ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5XmlGui5 libKF5XmlGui5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== kxmlrpcclient5 ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5XmlRpcClient5 libKF5XmlRpcClient5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== libKF5ModemManagerQt ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== libKF5NetworkManagerQt ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== libgravatar ==== Subpackages: libKF5Gravatar5 libgravatar-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== libkdecoration2 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2-5-lang libkdecorations2private6 - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== libkscreen2 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: libKF5Screen7 libkscreen2-plugin - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== libksieve ==== Subpackages: libksieve-lang - Use kf5_debugdir macro for specifying the logging categories location ==== libksysguard5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: libksysguard5-helper libksysguard5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== mailcommon ==== Subpackages: libKF5MailCommon5 mailcommon-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== mailimporter ==== Subpackages: libKF5MailImporter5 libKF5MailImporterAkonadi5 mailimporter-lang - Use kf5_debugdir macro for specifying the logging categories location ==== messagelib ==== Subpackages: messagelib-lang - Use %_kf5_debugdir for logging categories. ==== milou5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: milou5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== oxygen5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== oxygen5-icon-theme ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: oxygen5-icon-theme-large - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== paprefs ==== Version update (1.0 -> 1.1) Subpackages: paprefs-lang - Update to version 1.1: + Replace dbus-glib and libdbus with gdbus. + Use module-combine-sink instead of module-combine. - Drop paprefs-module-combine-sink.patch: Fixed upstream. - Drop pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1) BuildRequires: No longer needed. - Drop conditional post(un) handling of desktop_database_post(un) for obsolete versions of openSUSE, not needed for any currently supported version. - Replace gcc-c++ with c++_compiler BuildRequires. ==== perl-DateTime-TimeZone ==== Version update (2.35 -> 2.36) - updated to 2.36 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes 2.36 2019-07-01 - This release is based on version 2019b of the Olson database. This release includes contemporary changes for Brazil and Palestine. ==== phonon ==== Version update (4.10.2 -> 4.10.3) - Update to 4.10.3: * QFOREACH use was removed in headers when building for Qt 5. * Localization has been fixed for the Qt 5 build. ==== phonon-backend-gstreamer ==== Version update (4.9.0 -> 4.9.1) - Update to 4.9.1 * VideoWidgets no longer go blank when paused under certain circumstances. (kde#409363) * Localization has been fixed for the Qt 5 build. - Delete icons here, they are installed by the Qt5 version now - Run spec-cleaner ==== pimcommon ==== Subpackages: libKF5PimCommon5 libKF5PimCommonAkonadi5 pimcommon-lang - Use kf5_debugdir macro for specifying the logging categories location ==== plasma-browser-integration ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: plasma-browser-integration-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - Changes since 5.16.2: * i18n: use https for bugs.kde.org ==== plasma-framework ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Plasma5 plasma-framework-components plasma-framework-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * [Svg] Fix porting error from QRegExp::exactMatch * ContainmentAction: Fix loading from KPlugin * regular expression shouldn't be static * Better use of Qt APIs in Plasma::Theme * [TabBar] Remove exterior margins * pluginloader: Change behavior of X-KDE-ParentApp * make pinch in calendar work again * Add disk-quota icons (kde#403506) * Make Plasma::Svg::elementRect a bit leaner * Automatically set version of desktopthemes packages to KF5_VERSION * Don't notify about changing to the same state it was at * Fix the alignment of the label of the toolbutton * [PlasmaComponents3] Vertically center button text as well ==== plasma5-addons ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: plasma5-addons-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== plasma5-desktop ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: plasma5-desktop-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - Changes since 5.16.2: * Fix compilation without libinput * Add missing libinput include * Also filter on the ghns_excluded tag, otherwise they'll be shown... * Add TagFilter (for top level tags), and don't explicitly reject 4 * Filter KNewStuff Plasma Themes by Download Tag ==== plasma5-integration ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: plasma5-integration-plugin plasma5-integration-plugin-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - Changes since 5.16.2: * Fix selectedNameFilter() multiple matches (kde#407819) ==== plasma5-openSUSE ==== Subpackages: plasma5-defaults-openSUSE plasma5-theme-openSUSE plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE sddm-theme-openSUSE - Update to 5.16.3 ==== plasma5-pa ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: plasma5-pa-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - Changes since 5.16.2: * [KCM] Use sourceSize for avatar to improve appearance and reduce memory consumption BUG: 409187 FIXED-IN: 5.16.2 (kde#409187) ==== plasma5-workspace ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: gmenudbusmenuproxy plasma5-session plasma5-session-wayland plasma5-workspace-lang plasma5-workspace-libs xembedsniproxy - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - Changes since 5.16.2: * Keep Klipper notifications out of notification history (kde#408989) * [Notifications] Print warning about missing identification only if both are missing * [Notifications] Ignore excess spam (kde#409157) ==== polkit-kde-agent-5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: polkit-kde-agent-5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== powerdevil5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: powerdevil5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== prison-qt5 ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Prison5 prison-qt5-imports - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== privoxy ==== - removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2019-01/msg00490.html ==== purpose ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Purpose5 libKF5PurposeWidgets5 purpose-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Change initial size of the config dialog * Improve Job Dialog buttons' icons and text * Fix translation of actiondisplay * Add ellipsis where appropriate * Don't show error message if sharing is cancelled by the user * Fix warning when reading plugin metadata * Redesign config pages * Use QLatin1Char * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 * ECMPackageConfigHelpers -> CMakePackageConfigHelpers * phabricator: Fix fallthrough in switch ==== qqc2-desktop-style ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Remove Qt 5.11 ifdef since we require that version now * MobileTextActionsToolBar: fix runtime warnings when controlRoot isn't set yet (kde#408719) * Show shortcut in menu item when specified (kde#405541) * Add MenuSeparator * Fix ToolButton remaining in a pressed state after press * [ToolButton] Pass custom icon size to StyleItem * honor visibility policy (kde#407014) - Refreshed patches: * 0001-Fix-MobileTextActionsToolBar.qml-with-Qt-5.9.patch ==== salt ==== Subpackages: python3-salt salt-master salt-minion - virt.volume_infos: don't raise an error if there is no VM - Added: * virt-1.volume_infos-fix-for-single-vm.patch - Prevent ansiblegate unit tests to fail on Ubuntu - Added: * prevent-ansiblegate-unit-tests-to-fail-on-ubuntu.patch ==== solid ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5Solid5 libKF5Solid5-lang solid-imports solid-tools - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * [Fstab] Select appropriate icon for home or root directory * [Fstab] Show mounted "overlay" filesystems * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 * [UDev Backend] Narrow device queried for ==== sonnet ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5SonnetCore5 libKF5SonnetCore5-lang libKF5SonnetUi5 - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== squid ==== - old_nettle_compat.patch: Fix compatibility with nettle in SLE-12 ==== syndication ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 ==== syntax-highlighting ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) Subpackages: libKF5SyntaxHighlighting5 libKF5SyntaxHighlighting5-lang - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - Changes since 5.59.0: * Fortran: relicense to MIT * Improve the Fortran fixed format syntax highlighting * fix file path * Fortran: implement free & fixed formats * Fix CMake COMMAND nested paren highlighting * Fix and expand GDB unit test * Add more keywords and also support rr in gdb highlighter * Detect comment lines early in GDB highlighter * AppArmor: update syntax * Julia: update syntax and add constants keywords (kde#403901) * Fix build failure due to reference to non-existing itemData attribute * Install in new logging directory when we use kf5 5.59.0 * CMake: Highlight the standard CMake environment variables * Add syntax definition for ninja build * CMake: Support for 3.15 features * Jam: various improvements and fixes * Lua: update for Lua54 and end of function as Keyword rather than Control * C++: update for C++20 * debchangelog: add Eoan Ermine ==== systemd ==== Subpackages: libsystemd0 libsystemd0-32bit libudev-devel libudev1 libudev1-32bit systemd-32bit systemd-container systemd-logger systemd-sysvinit udev - Import commit 0f9271c1336c5c9055e75389732a44745d796851 (changes from v242-stable) 07f0549ffe network: do not send ipv6 token to kernel 9d34e79ae8 systemd-mount: don't check for non-normalized WHAT for network FS 5af677680c core: set fs.file-max sysctl to LONG_MAX rather than ULONG_MAX (bsc#1142099) 29dda7597a random-util: eat up bad RDRAND values seen on AMD CPUs eb6c17c178 util-lib: fix a typo in rdrand 829c20dc8e random-util: rename "err" to "success" 5442366fbf man: rework the description of Aliases and .wants/.requires directories ae71c6f634 docs: typo in arg name replace-irreversible -> replace-irreversibly 09774a5fcb meson: make nologin path build time configurable 69ffeeb0b1 man: add note about systemctl stop return value 4cf14b5513 shared/conf-parser: say "key name" not "lvalue", add dot 4481ca7f86 shared/conf-parser: emit a nicer warning for something like "======" 46f3db894b shared/conf-parser: be nice and ignore lines without "=" 7d928995f7 nspawn: fix memleak in argument parsing 7727e6c0ae resolve: fix memleak 7f32a81976 journal: properly read unaligned le64 integers fa419099e5 activate: move array allocation to heap 815a9fef2a systemctl: print non-elapsing timers as "n/a" not "(null)" a4fc3c88f1 factory: include pam_keyinit.so in PAM factory configuration a453d63315 factory: add comment to PAM file, explaining that the defaults are not useful d9a5a70a59 factory: tighten PAM configuration 5e2d3bf80b test: make sure colors don't confuse our test 5fe3be1334 wait-online: change log level c49b6959d5 systemctl: emit warning when we get an invalid process entry from pid1 and continue 3c9f43eb03 systemctl: do not suggest passing --all if the user passed --state= 5964d1474e man: offline-updates: make dependence on system-update.target explicit a04dd26e03 alloc-util: drop _alloc_ decorator from memdup_suffix0() 7c46a694ca man: add example for setting multiple properties at once 1d72789271 man: CPUShares= is so 2015 45da304673 man: document that WakeSystem= requires privs bed58a06e4 man: document that "systemd-analyze blame/critical-chain" is not useful to track down job latency c5461f31b3 man: be more explicit that Type=oneshot services are not "active" after starting 455ee07abe man: document that the supplementary groups list is initialized from User='s database entry 5f0cb2616a alloc-util: drop _alloc_(2, 3) decorator from memdup_suffix0_multiply() 7bc336794d generator: downgrade Requires= ? Wants= of fsck from /usr mount unit 66465c4381 systemctl: allow "cat" on units with bad settings ca937b49da pid1: fix serialization/deserialization of commmands with spaces 4bb3113023 growfs: call crypt_set_debug_level() correctly, skip if not needed 0db716771e cryptsetup: enable libcryptsetup debug logging if we want it c8b9b3956f cryptsetup: set libcryptsetup global log callback too 679b3f6b7f basic/log: fix SYSTEMD_LOG_* parsing error messages 8d6b5158aa units: add SystemCallErrorNumber=EPERM to systemd-portabled.service 6681fcd445 network: fix the initial value of the counter for brvlan 853ec5f458 man: Add some notes about variable $prefix for StateDirectory= e6d23358e9 sd-netlink: fix inverted log message 6feb862407 blockdev: filter out invalid block devices early 9f7c0dbc75 blockdev-util: propagate actual error 3f5355bcb9 man: document tmpfiles.d/ user/group resolvability needs c15b92cd98 man: fix wrong udev property name 9768a900d6 meson: drop duplicated source 15194f22ed cryptsetup-generator: fix luks-* entry parsing from crypttab c2475390b4 core: skip whitespace after "|" and "!" in the condition parser fdc754aeb7 shared/condition: fix printing of ConditionNull= 572385e135 test: add testcase for issue #12883 9aa1edddb0 conf-parser: fix continuation handling 8fbc72f45f networkd: fix link_up() (#12505) - State directory of systemd-timesync might become inaccessible after upgrading to v240+ (bsc#1137341) This happens for users who had previously used systemd-timesync with DynamicUser=true, ie the ones who upgraded from a systemd version between v235 and v239 to systemd v240 and later (v240 was the version where DynamicUser was switched back to OFF). ==== systemsettings5 ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: systemsettings5-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== threadweaver ==== Version update (5.59.0 -> 5.60.0) - Update to 5.60.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.60.0.php - No code changes since 5.59.0 ==== webkit2gtk3 ==== Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18 libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37 libwebkit2gtk3-lang typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_0 typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_0 webkit2gtk-4_0-injected-bundles - Add webkit2gtk3-bwo197558-hang.patch for hang (bwo#197558) ==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde ==== Version update (5.16.2 -> 5.16.3) Subpackages: xdg-desktop-portal-kde-lang - Update to 5.16.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.3.php - No code changes since 5.16.2 ==== ypbind ==== - removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2019-01/msg00490.html -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-factory+owner@opensuse.org