Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here. Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?distri=opensuse&groupid=1&version... Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug on bugzilla.opensuse.org. For more information on filing bugs please see https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Submitting_bug_reports Packages changed: ImageMagick ( -> PackageKit akonadi-import-wizard analitza (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) apparmor (2.13 -> 2.13.2) augeas (1.10.1 -> 1.11.0) autoyast2 (4.0.68 -> 4.0.70) avahi bea-stax blinken (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) bovo (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) branding-openSUSE brotli (1.0.5 -> 1.0.7) cervisia (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) chrony claws-mail (3.17.1 -> 3.17.3) clutter-gtk cppcheck curl (7.62.0 -> 7.63.0) dbus-1 dbus-1-x11 desktop-data-openSUSE (15.0.20171024 -> 15.1.20181213) diffstat (1.61 -> 1.62) digikam dtc (1.4.4 -> 1.4.7) epiphany evince expat ffmpegthumbs (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) fonts-config (20160921 -> 20181211) fprintd (0.8.0 -> 0.8.1) freeipmi gcin (2.8.6 -> 2.8.8) gd geoclue2 (2.4.12 -> 2.5.1) glib2 (2.58.1 -> 2.58.2) gnome-bluetooth gnome-clocks gnome-documents gnome-music gnome-shell gobject-introspection (1.58.2 -> 1.58.3) gpgme grub2 gtk3 gwenview5 gzip (1.9 -> 1.10) hdf5 hwdata (0.314 -> 0.318) ibus indent (2.2.11 -> 2.2.12) inn (2.5.4 -> 2.6.2) installation-images-Kubic (14.393 -> 14.403) intel-vaapi-driver (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0) joe (4.4 -> 4.6) juk (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kalgebra (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kalzium (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kanagram (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kapptemplate (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) katomic (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kblackbox (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kblocks (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kbounce (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kbreakout (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kbruch (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kcachegrind (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kcodecs kcompletion kconfig kcron (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kde-print-manager (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kdeedu-data (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kdegraphics-thumbnailers (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kdf (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kdiamond (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kernel-source (4.19.11 -> 4.19.12) kfilereplace kgeography (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kget (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kgoldrunner (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) khangman (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kiconthemes kig (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kimagemapeditor (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kiriki (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kiten (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kjumpingcube (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) klettres (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) klines (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kmahjongg (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kmime kmines (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kmod kmouth (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kmplot (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) knavalbattle (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) knetwalk (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) knotifyconfig kolf (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kollision (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kolourpaint (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) konquest (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) konsole kpat (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kqtquickcharts (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) krdc (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) krename kreversi (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) krfb (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) krita kshisen (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) ksirk (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kspaceduel (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) ksquares (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) ksudoku (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) ksystemlog (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kteatime (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) ktimer (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) ktouch (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) ktuberling (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kturtle (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kubrick (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) kwordquiz (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) latex2html (2017.2 -> 2018) libKF5NetworkManagerQt libapparmor (2.13 -> 2.13.2) libcontainers-common libdb-4_8 libdrm libfm ( -> 1.3.1) libfm-extra ( -> 1.3.1) libfprint (0.6.0 -> 0.99.0) libgarcon (0.6.1 -> 0.6.2) libgphoto2 (2.5.21 -> 2.5.22) libgsf (1.14.44 -> 1.14.45) libjpeg-turbo libkdegames (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) libkeduvocdocument (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) libkexiv2 libkmahjongg (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) libnettle (3.4.1~rc1 -> 3.4.1) libopenmpt (0.3.13 -> 0.4.1) libpng16 (1.6.34 -> 1.6.36) libqt5-qtbase libraw (0.19.1 -> 0.19.2) libreoffice ( -> librsvg (2.44.10 -> 2.44.11) libsecret (0.18.6 -> 0.18.7) libssh (0.8.5 -> 0.8.6) libstorage-ng (4.1.54 -> 4.1.74) libvdpau libvirt libyui-ncurses (2.50.3 -> 2.50.4) libyui-qt (2.49.7 -> 2.49.13) llvm7 lokalize (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) lskat (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) lzip (1.20 -> 1.21~rc1) mailman man-pages-ja (20171215 -> 20181215) mariadb mbox-importer (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) mint-themes (1.7.6 -> 1.7.8) mlterm (3.8.6 -> 3.8.7) mtools (4.0.22 -> 4.0.23) mtr mutt (1.10.1 -> 1.11.1) ncurses netpbm (10.84.2 -> 10.85.0) ntp okteta (0.25.4 -> 0.25.5) ovmf parley (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) patterns-base (20170410 -> 20180616) patterns-desktop patterns-devel-base patterns-games patterns-kde (20180709 -> 20181130) patterns-media patterns-office patterns-yast (20180613 -> 20181130) pcmanfm (1.3.0 -> 1.3.1) perl-DBD-SQLite (1.60 -> 1.62) perl-DateTime-TimeZone (2.21 -> 2.23) perl-ExtUtils-F77 (1.22 -> 1.23) perl-Package-Stash (0.37 -> 0.38) perl-Package-Stash-XS (0.28 -> 0.29) php7 pim-data-exporter (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) pim-sieve-editor (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) plasma5-pk-updates plymouth (0.9.4+git20181204.0cd0613 -> 0.9.4+git20181219.c8f1256) polkit polkit-default-privs privoxy (3.0.26 -> 3.0.28) purple-lurch (0.6.7 -> 0.6.8) python-Pillow (5.3.0 -> 5.4.1) python-asn1crypto python-backports (4.0.0 -> 1.0.0) python-chardet python-cryptography (2.4.1 -> 2.4.2) python-iniparse python-jedi (0.13.1 -> 0.13.2) python-lxml python-numpy (1.15.3 -> 1.15.4) python-olefile python-packaging python-pycryptodome (3.6.6 -> 3.7.2) python-pycurl python-pyparsing python-python-dateutil python-pytz python-pyudev python-pyxdg python-requests python-setuptools (40.6.2 -> 40.6.3) python-typing python-urllib3 (1.24 -> 1.24.1) qemu (3.0.0 -> 3.1.0) qemu-linux-user (3.0.0 -> 3.1.0) rdma-core (20.1 -> 21) rpcbind rubygem-yast-rake (0.2.29 -> 0.2.30) samba (4.9.3+git.113.3f6a4cdc269 -> 4.9.3+git.121.c328d5e9101) sendmail signon-kwallet-extension (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) squid (4.4 -> 4.5) step (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) strace (4.25 -> 4.26) sweeper (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) terminus-bitmap-fonts (4.46 -> 4.47) texlive thunar-volman (0.9.0 -> 0.9.1) timezone (2018g -> 2018i) timezone-java (2018g -> 2018i) tmux tuned umbrello (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) unbound util-linux util-linux-systemd vala (0.42.3 -> 0.42.4) virtualbox (5.2.22_k4.19.11_1 -> 5.2.22_k4.19.12_1) webkit2gtk3 wget (1.20 -> 1.20.1) xdg-desktop-portal (0.11 -> 1.0.3) xdg-desktop-portal-gtk (0.11 -> 1.0.2) xen xf86-video-chips (1.2.7 -> 1.3.0) xfce4-panel xfce4-panel-plugin-clipman (1.4.2 -> 1.4.3) xfce4-panel-plugin-systemload (1.2.1 -> 1.2.2) xfce4-taskmanager (1.2.1 -> 1.2.2) yast2 (4.1.34 -> 4.1.47) yast2-add-on (4.1.7 -> 4.1.10) yast2-auth-client (4.0.0 -> 4.1.0) yast2-auth-server (4.0.0 -> 4.1.0) yast2-bootloader (4.1.11 -> 4.1.13) yast2-control-center (4.1.2 -> 4.1.4) yast2-country (4.1.5 -> 4.1.7) yast2-dhcp-server (4.1.3 -> 4.1.5) yast2-dns-server (4.1.1 -> 4.1.2) yast2-drbd (4.0.3 -> 4.1.0) yast2-firewall (4.0.34 -> 4.1.3) yast2-firstboot (4.0.6 -> 4.1.2) yast2-fonts (4.0.2 -> 4.1.0) yast2-ftp-server (4.1.4 -> 4.1.6) yast2-http-server (4.1.1 -> 4.1.3) yast2-installation (4.1.25 -> 4.1.34) yast2-instserver (4.1.3 -> 4.1.5) yast2-iscsi-client (4.1.2 -> 4.1.4) yast2-isns (4.1.2 -> 4.1.4) yast2-journal (4.1.3 -> 4.1.5) yast2-kdump (4.0.4 -> 4.1.1) yast2-mail (4.0.4 -> 4.1.0) yast2-multipath (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0) yast2-network (4.1.18 -> 4.1.27) yast2-nfs-client (4.1.0 -> 4.1.4) yast2-nfs-server (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3) yast2-nis-client (4.0.3 -> 4.1.0) yast2-nis-server (4.0.1 -> 4.1.1) yast2-ntp-client (4.1.6 -> 4.1.7) yast2-online-update (4.0.1 -> 4.0.2) yast2-online-update-configuration (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0) yast2-packager (4.1.12 -> 4.1.24) yast2-printer (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3) yast2-proxy (4.0.2 -> 4.1.0) yast2-ruby-bindings (4.1.0 -> 4.1.1) yast2-samba-client (4.0.3 -> 4.0.4) yast2-samba-server (4.1.1 -> 4.1.3) yast2-scanner (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3) yast2-schema (4.0.4 -> 4.0.6) yast2-security (4.1.1 -> 4.1.2) yast2-services-manager (4.1.8 -> 4.1.11) yast2-slp-server (4.1.0 -> 4.1.1) yast2-snapper (4.0.5 -> 4.1.0) yast2-sound (4.0.1 -> 4.1.1) yast2-squid (4.1.1 -> 4.1.4) yast2-storage-ng (4.1.35 -> 4.1.43) yast2-sudo (4.0.0 -> 4.0.1) yast2-support (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0) yast2-sysconfig (4.1.0 -> 4.1.2) yast2-tftp-server (4.1.4 -> 4.1.6) yast2-trans (84.87.20181125.c884a64bcb -> 84.87.20190105.e1195fbe48) yast2-tune (4.0.1 -> 4.0.2) yast2-update (4.1.5 -> 4.1.7) yast2-users (4.0.9 -> 4.1.4) yast2-vpn (4.0.0 -> 4.0.1) yast2-x11 (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0) yelp (3.28.1 -> 3.30.0) zenity === Details === ==== ImageMagick ==== Version update ( -> Subpackages: ImageMagick-extra libMagick++-7_Q16HDRI4 libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI6 libMagickWand-7_Q16HDRI6 perl-PerlMagick - update to 7.0.8-21: * Check to ensure SeekBlob() offset can be represented in an off_t. * Cube image format returns a HALD image. * CLAHE tiles overlapped are now centered relative to the image. ==== PackageKit ==== Subpackages: PackageKit-backend-zypp PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin PackageKit-gtk3-module PackageKit-lang libpackagekit-glib2-18 typelib-1_0-PackageKitGlib-1_0 - Drop PackageKit-avoid-endless-loop-on-autoupdate.patch: With PackageKit-return-on-transactions-going-backwards.patch and PackageKit-remove-default-thread-check.patch, EULA promt works without any issue (bsc#1038425). - Add PackageKit-remove-default-thread-check.patch: Remove the pk_is_thread_default() check in pk_backend_is_eula_valid() so that we can call it in zypp backend without any issue (gh#hughsie/PackageKit#301, bsc#1038425). - Add PackageKit-return-on-transactions-going-backwards.patch: transaction: Return directly when its state is going backwards (gh#hughsie/PackageKit#301, bsc#1038425). ==== akonadi-import-wizard ==== Subpackages: akonadi-import-wizard-lang libKPimImportWizard5 - Update summaries. ==== analitza ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: analitza-lang libAnalitza5 - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Generalize description. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * remove qt include prefix * Fix minor EBN issues * No need to guard po directory for existance * Add Arcconfig * Readability * Improve render of 2D plots on higher density displays * Plots2D Widgets: Don't resize unless it's needed * Include a d-pointer in Plotter2D * Depending on Qt 5.6 is acceptable * Fix clazy warnings * Locally fix test, may need investigation * Use nullptr ==== apparmor ==== Version update (2.13 -> 2.13.2) Subpackages: apparmor-abstractions apparmor-docs apparmor-parser apparmor-parser-lang apparmor-profiles apparmor-utils apparmor-utils-lang pam_apparmor pam_apparmor-32bit perl-apparmor python3-apparmor - add profile_filename_cornercase.diff: drop check that lets aa-logprof error out in a corner-case (log event for a non-existing profile while a profile file with the default filename for that non-existing profile exists) (boo#1120472) - netconfig: write resolv.conf to /run with link to /etc (fate#325872, boo#1097370) [patch apparmor-nameservice-resolv-conf-link.patch] - update to AppArmor 2.13.2 - add profile names to most profiles - update dnsmasq profile (pid file and logfile path) (boo#1111342) - add vulkan abstraction - add letsencrypt certificate path to abstractions/ssl_* - ignore *.orig and *.rej files when loading profiles - fix aa-complain etc. to handle named profiles - several bugfixes and small profile improvements - see https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/wikis/Release_Notes_2.13.2 for the detailed upstream changelog - remove upstreamed fix-syntax-error-in-rc.apparmor.functions.patch - update to 2.13.1 - add qt5 and qt5-compose-cache-write abstractions - add @{uid} and @{uids} kernel var placeholders - several profile and abstraction updates - ignore "abi" rules in parser and tools (instead of erroring out) - utils: fix overwriting of child profile flags if they differ from the main profile - several bugfixes (including boo#1100779) - see https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/wikis/Release_Notes_2.13.1 for the detailed upstream changelog - remove upstream(ed) patches: - aa-teardown-path.diff - fix-apparmor-systemd-perms.diff - logprof-skip-cache-d.diff - fix-samba-profiles.patch - make-pyflakes-happy.diff - dnsmasq-Add-permission-to-open-log-files.patch - refresh apparmor-samba-include-permissions-for-shares.diff - add fix-syntax-error-in-rc.apparmor.functions.patch ==== augeas ==== Version update (1.10.1 -> 1.11.0) Subpackages: augeas-lenses libaugeas0 - update to 1.11.0 General changes/additions - augmatch: add a --quiet option; make the exit status useful to tell whether there was a match or not - Drastically reduce the amount of memory needed to evaluate complex path expressions against large files (Issue #569) - Fix a segfault on OSX when 'augmatch' is run without any arguments (Issue #556) API changes - aug_source did not in fact return the source; and always returned NULL for that. That has been fixed. Lens changes/additions - Chrony: add new options supported in chrony 3.2 and 3.3 (Miroslav Lichvar) - Dhclient: fix parsing of append/prepend and similar directives (John Morrissey) - Fstab: allow leading whitespace in mount entry lines (Pino Toscano) (Issue #544) - Grub: tolerate some invalid entries. Those invalid entries get mapped to '#error' nodes - Httpd: accept comments with whitespace right after a tag opening a section (Issue #577) - Json: allow escaped slashes in strings (Issue #557) - Multipath: accept regular expressions for devnode, wwid, and property in blacklist and blacklist_exceptions sections (Issue #564) - Nginx: parse /etc/nginx/sites-enabled (plumbeo) allow semicolons inside double quoted strings in simple directives, and allow simple directives without an argument (Issue #566) - Redis: accept the 'bind' statement with multiple IP addresses (yannh) (Issue #194) - Rsyslog: support include() directive introduced in rsyslog 8.33 - Strongswan: new lens (Kaarle Ritvanen) - Systemd: do not try to treat *.d or *.wants directories as configuration files (Issue #548) ==== autoyast2 ==== Version update (4.0.68 -> 4.0.70) Subpackages: autoyast2-installation - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.70 - Function SelectProduct removed in order NOT to select All available products (bsc#1116332). - 4.0.69 ==== avahi ==== Subpackages: avahi-lang libavahi-client3 libavahi-client3-32bit libavahi-common3 libavahi-common3-32bit libavahi-core7 libdns_sd - Replace avahi-0.7-python3.patch with avahi-0.7-dbm.patch: use what is upstream (boo#1110668). - Add avahi-0.7-encode-strings-as-utf8.patch: encode strings as UTF-8 (boo#1110668). - Add avahi-0.7-python3-bookmarks.patch: make bookmarks python 3 compatible (boo#1110668). - Add CVE-2018-1000845.patch: drop legacy unicast queries from address not on local link (boo#1120281 CVE-2018-1000845). - Drop avahi-0.6.31-invalid-packet.patch: fixed upstream. ==== bea-stax ==== - Add LICENSE file to packages - Upgrade to released bea-stax 1.2.0 and bea-stax-api 1.0.1 - Add maven pom files ==== blinken ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: blinken-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix my typo * Add caption to the screenshot * Remove color variants from methods, pass color as parameter * Simplify code in the paintEvent * Fix indent * Fix minor EBN and Clang issues * Use KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings + use nullptr ==== bovo ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: bovo-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Remove ldconfig calls as there are no libraries. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * fix mem leak found by asan - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix minor EBN issues and typos * Add arcconfig ==== branding-openSUSE ==== Subpackages: grub2-branding-openSUSE plymouth-branding-openSUSE wallpaper-branding-openSUSE xfce4-splash-branding-openSUSE yast2-qt-branding-openSUSE - Add LibreOffice branding - Slim down plymouth branding by 100kb - Change fonts in installer to fit the branding - Added systemd icons package before systemd 240 - Fixed issues with YaST showing wrong size of icons for partitioner - Migrated YaST theme to using SVG images instead of PNG ==== brotli ==== Version update (1.0.5 -> 1.0.7) Subpackages: libbrotlicommon1 libbrotlidec1 libbrotlienc1 - Avoid bashisms, install manpages without +x bit, get rid of wrap descriptions, feed through cleaner. - brotli 1.0.7: * faster decoding on ARM * improved precision of window size calculation in CLI - includes changes from 1.0.6: * fix unaligned 64-bit accesses on AArch32 * add ASAN/MSAN unaligned read specializations * fix JDK 8<->9 incompatibility ==== cervisia ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: cervisia-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Fix the description's grammar. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix minor EBN issues and typos ==== chrony ==== - Read runtime servers from /var/run/netconfig/chrony.servers to fix bsc#1099272. - Move chrony-helper to /usr/lib/chrony/helper, because there should be no executables in /usr/share. - Make sure to generate correct sysconfig file (boo#1117147) - Update clknetsim to revision 8b48422 ==== claws-mail ==== Version update (3.17.1 -> 3.17.3) Subpackages: claws-mail-lang - Updated to version 3.17.3: + Add support for TLS Server Name Indication (SNI). This enables the sending of your hostname, if available, to the server so that it can select the appropriate certificate for your domain. This is useful for servers which host multiple domains on the same IP address. This is a hidden Account preference, 'use_tls_sni', and is enabled by default. + SSL/TLS certificate manager: The Delete key will now delete the selected certificate. + Window sizes are now remembered for the 'Apply tags' and SSL/TLS certificate manager windows. + Bug fixes: * claws#3519, 'Links including umlauts are broken'. * claws#4134, 'Save message to' option not set when it should be. * Prevent the Tools/SSL/TLS Certificates dialogue from crashing when certificate filenames contain a fingerprint. * Build on GNU Hurd. * Various build fixes when building without GnuTLS. - Changes from version 3.17.2: + Message List: A context menu has been added to the column headers, it has two entries: a new option, 'Lock column headers', and 'Set displayed colums'. + Folder List: A context menu has been added to the column headers, containing 'Set displayed columns'. + Preferences: The Display/Summaries option page has been split into three notebook pages: Folder List, Message List, and Defaults. The Message List page contains the new 'Lock column headers' option. The Defaults page contains several new options for new folders. + New Folder Properties: It is now possible to control signing and encrypting options on the Compose page. By default it follows the Account preferences, but they can be overridden to always sign and/or encrypt, or never sign/encrypt. + Saving sent messages: The global preference, 'Save sent messages', can now be overriden by the Folder Property and Account preferences. The global preference no longer needs to be activated for the Account Preference, 'Put sent messages in ...' option to function. Likewise, the Folder Property, 'Save copy of outgoing messages to this folder instead of Sent', no longer relies on the global preference being set. + SSL/TLS certificates: The SHA-256 fingerprint is now displayed, and the MD5 fingerprint has been removed. + SSL/TLS certificates list: Status and Expiry columns have been added, and expired and invalid certificates are now clearly indicated. + QuickSearch: body searches are now quicker. + QuickSearch: symbols used in Extended searches are now expanded in the 'Edit' dialogue. + Re-editing: Flags and tags are now preserved when re-editing a message. + PDF Viewer plugin: Ctrl+scroll now zooms. + Tools: added cm-break.pl script, which breaks thread references for the selected messages; textviewer.pl has been updated and now requires perl 5.14.1. + The legacy "sylpheed-claws" symlink is no longer installed in the bindir. + Bug fixes: * claws#3418, 'Building on a Cross Compiling toolchain doesn't work'. * claws#3889, 'Address and quoted message inconsistent in reply'. * claws#4114, 'autogen.sh: Fix argument quoting'. * claws#4115, 'autogen: avoid unwarranted re-configure'. * claws#4120, 'New cert files are created in $HOME instead of in ~/.claws-mail/certs'. * claws#4121, 'Moving a subfolder in another folder erases its processing rules' (sic). * claws#4132, '"Mark all as (un)read" dialog appears when acting on 1 message only'. * claws#4133, 'trying to read message from an NNTP group (with all expired articles.'. * Regression where mail was not being checked at startup when it should have been. * Show correct address:port in SOCKS5 proxy connection failure message. * Prevent unexpected loss of drafted message. * Quicksearch eating keypresses it didn't handle. * Reply from mainwindow menu and toolbar when mainwindow's messageview is hidden. * CID 1438531 Fix wrong test leading to dead code. * CID 1439871 and validate Unicode char strictly. * CID 1439996 and remove unnecessary comparison. * RSSyl: lost processing rules when renaming folder. * Annoyance where your current reading is disturbed when a new msg is filtered into the current folder. * Don't leave the user in limbo when privacy system is 'none' and auto signing/encrypting is set. * Several memory leaks. + Translation updates. - Drop bug3889-fix_rev0.patch as this is now upstreamed. - Drop deprecated macros handled by file triggers. - Disable jpilot for SLE builds. ==== clutter-gtk ==== Subpackages: clutter-gtk-lang libclutter-gtk-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-GtkClutter-1_0 - Add upstream bug fix patches: + clutter-gtk-Add-private-header.patch: Add private header for GtkClutterEmbed. + clutter-gtk-Declare-private-callbacks-static.patch: Declare private callbacks as static. ==== cppcheck ==== - Workaround for CMake lacking a CFGDIR variable. * Patch was submitted (https://github.com/danmar/cppcheck/pull/1554) and accepted so this change should be reverted and replaced with a CMake compile definition - DCFGDIR=\"%{_datadir}/%{name}\" once a new upstream version is released. - Small packaging enhancements - Use Python 3 instad of Python 2 - Switch to CMake as the used build system, otherwise Python 3 could not be detected by plain make ==== curl ==== Version update (7.62.0 -> 7.63.0) Subpackages: libcurl4 - Update to version 7.63.0 Changes: * curl: add %{stderr} and %{stdout} for --write-out * curl: add undocumented option --dump-module-paths for w32 * setopt: add CURLOPT_CURLU Bugfixes: * (lib)curl.rc: fixup for minor bugs * CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL: extract the Location: header field unvalidated * CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION.3: match 'nitems' name in synopsis/desc * CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION.3: spell out that it gets called many times * Curl_follow: accept non-supported schemes for "fake" redirects * KNOWN_BUGS: add --proxy-any connection issue * NTLM: Remove redundant ifdef USE_OPENSSL * NTLM: force the connection to HTTP/1.1 * OS400: add URL API ccsid wrappers and sync ILE/RPG bindings * SECURITY-PROCESS: bountygraph shuts down again * TODO: Have the URL API offer IDN decoding * ares: remove fd from multi fd set when ares is about to close the fd * axtls: removed * checksrc: add COPYRIGHTYEAR check * cmake: fix MIT/Heimdal Kerberos detection * configure: include all libraries in ssl-libs fetch * configure: show CFLAGS, LDFLAGS etc in summary * connect: fix building for recent versions of Minix * cookies: create the cookiejar even if no cookies to save * cookies: expire "Max-Age=0" immediately * curl: --local-port range was not "including" * curl: fix --local-port integer overflow * curl: fix memory leak reading --writeout from file * curl: fixed UTF-8 in current console code page (Win) * curl_easy_perform: fix timeout handling * curl_global_sslset(): id == -1 is not necessarily an error * curl_multibyte: fix a malloc overcalculation * curle: move deprecated error code to ifndef block * docs: curl_formadd field and file names are now escaped * docs: escape "\n" codes * doh: fix memory leak in OOM situation * doh: make it work for h2-disabled builds too * examples/ephiperfifo: report error when epoll_ctl fails * ftp: avoid unsigned int overflows in FTP listing parser * host names: allow trailing dot in name resolve, then strip it * http2: Upon HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED, retry the request with HTTP/1.1 * http: don't set CURLINFO_CONDIITON_UNMET for http status code 204 * http: fix HTTP DIgest auth to include query in URI * http_negotiate: do not close connection until negotiation is completed * impacket: add LICENSE * infof: clearly indicate truncation * ldap: fix LDAP URL parsing regressions * libcurl: stop reading from paused transfers * mprintf: avoid unsigned integer overflow warning * netrc: don't ignore the login name specified with "--user" * nss: Fall back to latest supported SSL version * nss: Fix compatibility with nss versions 3.14 to 3.15 * nss: fix fallthrough comment to fix picky compiler warning * nss: remove version selecting dead code * nss: set default max-tls to 1.3/1.2 * openssl: Remove SSLEAY leftovers * openssl: do not log excess "TLS app data" lines for TLS 1.3 * openssl: do not use file BIOs if not requested * openssl: fix unused variable compiler warning with old openssl * openssl: support session resume with TLS 1.3 * openvms: fix example name * os400: Add curl_easy_conn_upkeep() to ILE/RPG binding * os400: add CURLOPT_CURLU to ILE/RPG binding * os400: fix return type of curl_easy_pause() in ILE/RPG binding * packages: remove old leftover files and dirs * pop3: only do APOP with a valid timestamp * runtests: use the local curl for verifying * schannel: be consistent in Schannel capitalization * schannel: better CURLOPT_CERTINFO support * schannel: use Curl_prefix for global private symbols * snprintf: renamed and now we only use msnprintf() * ssl: fix compilation with OpenSSL 0.9.7 * ssl: replace all internal uses of CURLE_SSL_CACERT * symbols-in-versions: add missing CURLU_symbols * test328: verify Content-Encoding: none * tests: disable SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE for stunnel/Win * tests: drop http_pipe.py script no longer used * tests: drop http_pipe.py script no longer used * tool_cb_wrt: Silence function cast compiler warning * tool_doswin: Fix uninitialized field warning * travis: build with clang sanitizers * travis: remove curl before a normal build * url: a short host name + port is not a scheme * url: fix IPv6 numeral address parser * urlapi: only skip encoding the first '=' with APPENDQUERY set ==== dbus-1 ==== Subpackages: libdbus-1-3 libdbus-1-3-32bit - Avoid bashisms in scriptlets. - Avoid ugly error message from %pre(install) script when installing for the first time. ==== dbus-1-x11 ==== - Avoid bashisms in scriptlets. - Avoid ugly error message from %pre(install) script when installing for the first time. ==== desktop-data-openSUSE ==== Version update (15.0.20171024 -> 15.1.20181213) - Update to version 15.1.20181213: * Replace old menus and set wallpapers for Gnome * Remove all irrelevant stuff from KDE4, Novell and duplicated icons * Fix up cursors not working by default, DMZ theme doesn't exist ==== diffstat ==== Version update (1.61 -> 1.62) - Update to 1.62 + improve checks for unmodified files when -S and -D options are given. + improve test-packages, to check warning-options. + minor fixes for manpage (Debian #895963) + minor fixes for prefix-stripping with -S option. ==== digikam ==== Subpackages: kipi-plugins kipi-plugins-lang - Add upstream git commits to fix build with exiv2-0.27: * add-support-for-Exiv2-0.27.patch * be-compatible-with-backward-0.26.patch * adjust-find-cmake-script-to-exiv2-0.27-RC1.patch * first-patch-to-be-compatible-with-Exiv2-0.27.patch * f27ab9c1051bd0a0.patch * fix-compile.patch ==== dtc ==== Version update (1.4.4 -> 1.4.7) - Upgrade to version 1.4.7: * checks.c: Overlay fragments are a special case * checks.c: added handling of various busses (eg PCI, simple, i2c, SPI) * checks.c: added some plausibility and syntax checks mainly for device proerties. * dtc.c: annotate .dts with input source location * some code restructuring, cosmetic changes. * decumentation cleanup and update * some more tests added. ==== epiphany ==== Subpackages: epiphany-lang gnome-shell-search-provider-epiphany - Add upstream bug fix patches from stable branch: + epiphany-window-Set-correct-current-height.patch: window: set correct current height. + epiphany-encoding-dialog-add-some-column-spacing.patch: encoding-dialog: add some column spacing to grid. + epiphany-web-view-Handle-NULL-URIs.patch: web-view: Handle NULL URIs in ephy_web_view_set_address(). + epiphany-Tags-with-empty-labels.patch: Tags with empty labels are no longer allowed in bookmarks. + epiphany-Fix-saving-web-app-icons.patch: Fix saving web app icons when changed. + epiphany-Fix-remote-inspector-support.patch: Fix remote inspector support. ==== evince ==== Subpackages: evince-lang evince-plugin-comicsdocument evince-plugin-djvudocument evince-plugin-dvidocument evince-plugin-pdfdocument evince-plugin-psdocument evince-plugin-tiffdocument evince-plugin-xpsdocument libevdocument3-4 libevview3-3 nautilus-evince typelib-1_0-EvinceDocument-3_0 typelib-1_0-EvinceView-3_0 - Add upstream bug fix patches from stable branch: + evince-previewer-Fix-default-icon-name.patch: previewer: Fix default icon name. + evince-shell-Use-monitor-instead-of-screen.patch: Use monitor instead of screen to determine window size. ==== expat ==== Subpackages: libexpat-devel libexpat1 libexpat1-32bit - Drop docbook2x dependency, the manpages are generated in the upstream archive and this way we break buildcycle ==== ffmpegthumbs ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Fix LLVM/Clang warnings * Fix address in the last unfixed file * Fix address * Fix minor EBN issues ==== fonts-config ==== Version update (20160921 -> 20181211) - Update to 20181211 * Update subpixel rendering config * fix missspelling fonts-config-fix-misspelling.patch no longer required * fix boo#1092737 * other minor tidyups - Use noun phrasing and user-independent wording. - Add fonts-config-fix-misspelling.patch: fix misspelling in configuration file(boo#1111791). - new upstream: https://github.com/openSUSE/fonts-config development will continue there. - drop patch: fontconfig-infinality-generate-tt-groups.patch * infinality project is dead, we use a static result in upstream instead of generating it every time. - update 20180430 * support color emoji * modern fonts for symbol * add configurations for Noto Sans/Serif CJK ==== fprintd ==== Version update (0.8.0 -> 0.8.1) Subpackages: fprintd-lang fprintd-pam fprintd-pam-32bit - Update to version 0.8.1: + Fix build when builddir != srcdir. + Fix possible crash on exit. + Avoid warnings in copy/paste header. + Sandbox fprintd daemon more. + Update website address. + Minimise debug output. + Updated translations. - Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec. - Drop _service file, upstream have moved to gitlab and are using a unique Url for tarball source so service no longer makes sense. ==== freeipmi ==== Subpackages: libfreeipmi17 libipmiconsole2 libipmidetect0 libipmimonitoring6 - Remove has_systemd conditions - Add rcservice shortcut links to control services - Fix some more build warnings - Use %license instead of %doc where appropriate - Extract ipmiseld service as a separate package as done with other services - Declare /var/lib/freeipmi/ipckey as %ghost and do not create it explicitly in .spec file (bsc#1100124) ==== gcin ==== Version update (2.8.6 -> 2.8.8) Subpackages: gcin-gtk2 gcin-gtk3 gcin-qt4 gcin-qt5 libgcin-im-client1 - Update to 2.8.8 + Fix a cursor issue in 26 keys bopomofo + Fix a issue with Hsu's keyboard layout and enabling "more UTF-8 characters" - Refresh gcin-fix-qt5-iid.patch - Use %license for COPYING ==== gd ==== Subpackages: libgd3 - add gd-devel as baselibs, for building 32bit libaries on 64bit ==== geoclue2 ==== Version update (2.4.12 -> 2.5.1) Subpackages: system-user-srvGeoClue typelib-1_0-Geoclue-2_0 - Update to version 2.5.1: + Fix libgeoclue ABI break in 2.5.0. + Use absolute paths for libexecdir. - Changes from version 2.5.0: + Drop authorization for system (non-flatpak) apps. + Switch from autotools to meson build system. + Use WiFi-based geolocation for city level accuracy. + Provide Vala API. + Don't enable all warnings from C compiler by default. + No need to mark translatable strings in desktop files. - Changes from version 2.4.13: + Configuration file related changes: - Allow absence of agent if agent white-list is empty. - Add elementary-desktop-agent to whitelist. - Allow disabling of all sources. - Warn about use of Google's services. - Document that all settings are mandatory. + Increase default inactivity timeout to 60s. + Increase agent timeout from 100ms to 20s. + Console message on inactivity timeout. - Switch to meson buildsystem, add meson BuildRequires and macros. ==== glib2 ==== Version update (2.58.1 -> 2.58.2) Subpackages: glib2-lang glib2-tools libgio-2_0-0 libgio-2_0-0-32bit libglib-2_0-0 libglib-2_0-0-32bit libgmodule-2_0-0 libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit libgobject-2_0-0 libgobject-2_0-0-32bit libgthread-2_0-0 libgthread-2_0-0-32bit - Update to version 2.58.2: + Fix calling gdbus-codegen with --interface-info-{header,body}. + Fix parsing month names in certain locales with g_date_set_parse(). + Fix ^*ay handling in g_variant_iter_loop(). + Various buffer overflow fixes in GMarkup/GVariant/GDBus. + A huge number of fixes to the Meson build. + Prevent bind mounts being advertised as mounts. + Fix cross-compilation of 2.58.x releases with autotools. + Bugs fixed: glgo#gnome/GLib!527, glgo#gnome/GLib#1605, glgo#gnome/GLib#1271, glgo#gnome/GLib#1546, glgo#gnome/GLib#1527, glgo#gnome/GLib!406, glgo#gnome/GLib!334, glgo#gnome/GLib#1528, glgo#gnome/GLib#1539, glgo#gnome/GLib#1536, glgo#gnome/GLib#1544, glgo#gnome/GLib#1562, glgo#gnome/GLib!367, glgo#gnome/GLib!416, glgo#gnome/GLib#1572, glgo#gnome/GLib#1522, glgo#gnome/GLib#1576, glgo#gnome/GLib!407, glgo#gnome/GLib#1582, glgo#gnome/GLib!428, glgo#gnome/GLib#1588, glgo#gnome/GLib!462, glgo#gnome/GLib!238, glgo#gnome/GLib!312, glgo#gnome/GLib#1520, glgo#gnome/GLib!403, glgo#gnome/GLib#1543, glgo#gnome/GLib!414, glgo#gnome/GLib!409, glgo#gnome/GLib!400, glgo#gnome/GLib!430, glgo#gnome/GLib!437, glgo#gnome/GLib#1337, glgo#gnome/GLib!542, glgo#gnome/GLib#1343, glgo#gnome/GLib!471, glgo#gnome/GLib!544, glgo#gnome/GLib#945, glgo#gnome/GLib#1014, glgo#gnome/GLib#656, glgo#gnome/GLib#1313, glgo#gnome/GLib!346. + Updated translations. - Drop upstream fixed patches: + 0001-gvariant-Fix-checking-arithmetic-for-tuple-element-e.patch + 0002-gvarianttype-Impose-a-recursion-limit-of-64-on-varia.patch + 0003-gvariant-Check-array-offsets-against-serialised-data.patch + 0004-gvariant-Check-tuple-offsets-against-serialised-data.patch + 0005-gvariant-Limit-GVariant-strings-to-G_MAXSSIZE.patch + 0006-gdbusmessage-Validate-type-of-message-header-signatu.patch + 0007-gdbusmessage-Improve-documentation-for-g_dbus_messag.patch + 0008-gdbusmessage-Clarify-error-returns-for-g_dbus_messag.patch + 0009-gdbusmessage-Fix-a-typo-in-a-documentation-comment.patch + 0008-gdbusmessage-Clarify-error-returns-for-g_dbus_messag.patch + 0009-gdbusmessage-Fix-a-typo-in-a-documentation-comment.patch + 0010-gdbusmessage-Check-for-valid-GVariantType-when-parsi.patch + 0011-gvariant-Clarify-internal-documentation-about-GVaria.patch + 0012-tests-Tidy-up-GError-handling-in-gdbus-serialization.patch + 0013-tests-Use-g_assert_null-in-gdbus-serialization-test.patch + 0014-gutf8-Add-a-g_utf8_validate_len-function.patch + 0015-glib-Port-various-callers-to-use-g_utf8_validate_len.patch ==== gnome-bluetooth ==== Subpackages: gnome-bluetooth-lang libgnome-bluetooth13 typelib-1_0-GnomeBluetooth-1_0 - Add gnome-bluetooth-Add-Sculpt-Comfort-Mouse.patch: lib: Add another oui for "Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Mouse". ==== gnome-clocks ==== Subpackages: gnome-clocks-lang gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-clocks - Add upstream bug fix patches from stable branch: + gnome-clocks-timer-Set-width-chars2.patch: timer: Set width-chars=2 property on the spinbuttons. + gnome-clocks-timer-fixes.patch: Various backported timer fixes. ==== gnome-documents ==== Subpackages: gnome-documents-lang gnome-documents_books-common gnome-shell-search-provider-documents - Add upstream bug fix patches from stable branch: + gnome-documents-build-Remove-unused-variable.patch: build: Remove unused variable. + gnome-documents-build-Ensure-Git-submodules-are-updated.patch: build: Ensure that the Git submodules are kept updated. ==== gnome-music ==== Subpackages: gnome-music-lang - Add upstream bug fix patch: + gnome-music-playlistview-Fix-playlist-renaming.patch: playlistview: Fix playlist renaming. ==== gnome-shell ==== Subpackages: gnome-shell-browser-plugin gnome-shell-calendar gnome-shell-lang - Add upstream bug fix patches from stable branch: + gnome-shell-ibusManager-Dont-pass-undefined-callback.patch: ibusManager: Don't pass undefined callback to ibus. + gnome-shell-altSwitcher-Fix-error-when-alternatives-are-disabled.patch: AltSwitcher: Fix error when all alternatives are disabled. + gnome-shell-dash-Destroy-items-child-before-tooltip.patch: dash: destroy items's child before tooltip. + gnome-shell-st-button-Ignore-pointer-emulated-touch-events.patch: st-button: Ignore pointer emulated touch events. ==== gobject-introspection ==== Version update (1.58.2 -> 1.58.3) Subpackages: girepository-1_0 libgirepository-1_0-1 - Update to version 1.58.3: + docwriter: Support python-markdown 3.x. + scanner: Define grefcount and gatomicrefcount as aliases to gint. + scanner: make using bool without stdbool include work again. + gir: Update glib annotations for glib 2.58.2. - Drop upstream fixed patches: + gi-docwriter-Support-markdown-3.x.patch: docwriter: Support markdown 3.x. + gi-Define-grefcount-and-gatomicrefcount-as-aliases.patch: Define grefcount and gatomicrefcount as aliases to gint. + gi-Update-glib-annotations.patch: Update glib annotations (glib-2-58). - Add upstream bug fix patches from stable branch: + gi-docwriter-Support-markdown-3.x.patch: docwriter: Support markdown 3.x. + gi-Define-grefcount-and-gatomicrefcount-as-aliases.patch: Define grefcount and gatomicrefcount as aliases to gint. + gi-Update-glib-annotations.patch: Update glib annotations (glib-2-58). ==== gpgme ==== Subpackages: libgpgme11 libgpgmepp6 libqgpgme7 - Regen keys in Qt tests to not expire bsc#1121051: * gpgme-key-expirity.patch ==== grub2 ==== Subpackages: grub2-i386-pc grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin grub2-x86_64-efi grub2-x86_64-xen - Support for UEFI Secure Boot on AArch64 (FATE#326541) * 0001-efi-refactor-grub_efi_allocate_pages.patch * 0002-Remove-grub_efi_allocate_pages.patch * 0003-arm64-efi-move-EFI_PAGE-definitions-to-efi-memory.h.patch * 0004-efi-Add-central-copy-of-grub_efi_find_mmap_size.patch * 0005-efi-Add-grub_efi_get_ram_base-function-for-arm64.patch * 0006-Add-support-for-EFI-handover-on-ARM64.patch ==== gtk3 ==== Subpackages: gtk3-data gtk3-immodule-amharic gtk3-immodule-inuktitut gtk3-immodule-thai gtk3-immodule-tigrigna gtk3-immodule-vietnamese gtk3-immodule-xim gtk3-lang gtk3-tools libgtk-3-0 typelib-1_0-Gtk-3_0 - Add gtk3-x11-fix-deprecation-macro-use.patch to fix the potential crash (boo#1120456) ==== gwenview5 ==== Subpackages: gwenview5-lang - Fix build with Exiv2 0.27 Add 0001-Compile-more-files-with-enabled-exceptions-required-.patch Add 0002-Use-forward-declaration-for-Exiv2-Image-port-to-std-.patch ==== gzip ==== Version update (1.9 -> 1.10) - gzip 1.10: * Compressed gzip output no longer contains the current time as a timestamp when the input is not a regular file. Instead, the output contains a null (zero) timestamp. This makes gzip's behavior more reproducible when used as part of a pipeline. * A use of uninitialized memory on some malformed inputs has been fixed. * A few theoretical race conditions in signal handers have been fixed. - drop upstreamed patches: * gnulib-libio.patch * gzip-1.8-deprecate_netstat.patch ==== hdf5 ==== Subpackages: libhdf5-103 libhdf5_hl100 - Do not build non-HPC on SLE: This helps to save some build cycles. - Use upstream-recommended %{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d directory for the rpm macros. ==== hwdata ==== Version update (0.314 -> 0.318) - Update to version 0.318: * Updated pci, usb and vendor ids. - Update to version 0.315: * Updated pci, usb and vendor ids. ==== ibus ==== Subpackages: ibus-gtk ibus-gtk-32bit ibus-gtk3 ibus-lang libibus-1_0-5 libibus-1_0-5-32bit typelib-1_0-IBus-1_0 - Disable emoji support on armv6l, ppc and riscv64, which have no nodejs support ==== indent ==== Version update (2.2.11 -> 2.2.12) - indent 2.2.12: * New options: + -pal / --pointer-align-left and -par / --pointer-align-right + -fnc / --fix-nested-comment + -gts / --gettext-strings + -slc / --single-line-conditionals + -as / --align-with-spaces + -ut / --use-tabs + -nut / --no-tabs + -sar / --spaces-around-initializers + -ntac / --dont-tab-align-comments + -linux preset now includes -nbs. + -kr preset now includes -par. * Indent now recognises C99 and C11 keywords, and also typeof. - drop patches: * indent-2.2.10-lcall.diff * indent-2.2.10-man.diff * indent-2.2.10-warnings.diff * indent-texi2html-5.0.patch - add upstream signing key and verify signature ==== inn ==== Version update (2.5.4 -> 2.6.2) - update to inn-2.6.2 * support for compressed newsfeeds * many bug fixes and documentation improvements * dropped patch: inn-2.5.4.diff * new patch: inn-2.6.2.diff - use native systemd service [#1116017] * new file: inn.service ==== installation-images-Kubic ==== Version update (14.393 -> 14.403) - added skelcd-fallbackrepo for SLE_HPC, SLE_RT, and CAASP - add skelcd-fallbackrepo-* packages to SLES image - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#286 - allow adding package files to inst-sys (fate#325482) - add skelcd-fallbackrepo packages to instsys - 14.403 - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#285 - check font config (bsc#1113164) - add missing Source Sans Pro fonts (bsc#1113164) - add not always all skelcd-control packages - fix style issue in check_fonts - add check_fonts script (and other stuff) - 14.402 - use adobe-sourcesanspro-fonts on openSUSE - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#284 - add all available skelcd-control packages to inst-sys (fate#325482) - 14.401 - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#283 - support adding packages matching a regexp (fate#325482) - minor correction - 14.400 - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#282 - Do not set Y2MAXLOGSIZE and Y2MAXLOGNUM in YaST debug mode (bsc#1118643) - 14.399 - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#281 - no longer block hicolor-icon-theme (bsc#1118410) - 14.398 - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#280 - s390x: adjust rexx sample script (bsc#1108089, bsc#1108090) - 14.397 - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#279 - YaST theme cleanup (related to boo#1109310) - 14.396 - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#277 - Add udftools package (fate#326877) - 14.395 - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#278 - re-enable ssh root login to installation system (bsc#1118114) - 14.394 ==== intel-vaapi-driver ==== Version update (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0) - Update to version 2.3.0: * Add new PCI ID for KBL and CFL * Fix frame corruption when there are big MVs in VP8 encoding * Fix dynamically bitrate resetting in AVC encoding * Fix build errors when the toolchain doesn't support - fstack-protector * Fix memory leak issue * Make sure the achieved bitrate meet the requirement for VP8 encoding * Optimize VPP on GEN8 - Switch to meson buildsystem: * Add meson BuildRequires and macros. * Drop libtool BuildRequires. ==== joe ==== Version update (4.4 -> 4.6) - Small packaging simplifications - Lets enable selinux - Added patch to fix build on SLe_12_Sp3 and openSUSE_Leap_42.3 * joe-4.6-nonvoid-functions.patch - Fixed broken build: Added patch which was forgotten to add to version control. - Add Patch joe-4.6-desktop_files.patch: Desktop Category was wrong. - Update to version 4.6 * Upgrade to Unicode 10.0.0. Add configure environment variable that allows you select Unicode 8.0.0, 9.0.0 or 10.0.0. * Install Gnome .desktop files for JOE. This allows you to use JOE in GUI "Open With" mouse actions. * Support strikeout and double-underline attributes for the few terminal emulators that support them. Use "stricken" and "dunderline" in the syntax files, or \s and \z in help screens and status line. * Fix bug where JOE would sometimes crash when editing shell scripts. This was due to an obscure bug in the syntax highlighter: 'reset' command (used for default state) was incorrectly messing with stack. * -highlighter_context was missing from many file types, which negated some improvements from the previous version. * Fixed signed char overflow with old style mouse events in large windows * Fix bug where path restart (//) was being applied to block filter command prompt. Strange things would happen if you had adjacent slashes in command arguments. * Allow ~ expansion but suppress path restart (//) in compiler error parsing. Restore default handling of SIGPIPE and SIGINT for shell commands. This fixes an issue where SIGPIPE doesn't terminate a process as expected, for example by the head -n 10 in: ^K R !sh -c 'while :; do echo y; done' | head -n 10. This issue only occurred in read/write to !, JOE already did the right thing for shell windows and the filter region through shell command. * Improve screen update algorithm so that spaces at the ends of lines are always emitted. This allows them to be preserved when cutting text with the mouse from a terminal emulator window. * Improve efficiency of screen update algorithm: JOE had been resetting attributes such as background color before performing cursor motions (probably as work around for bugs in old terminal emulators). This made screen update slow when there were many attributes, as with syntax highlighting and color schemes. It was also repeatedly emitting ESC [ K. * Switch JOE to issue scrolling commands, even at high baud rates (before this, JOE issued scrolling commands only at 19200 and below because it used to be that simple screen refresh was faster than scrolling in terminal emulators. But this is no longer true with complex screens involving color schemes, unicode and highlighting). - Update to version 4.5 * New color scheme feature, which can be accessed with ^T S or by setting * the -colors option. * 24-bit color support can be enabled by setting the COLORTERM environment variable to truecolor or 24bit. * Several schemes included in-the-box: * gruvbox by Pavel Pertsev * ir_black by Todd Werth * molokai by Tomas Restrepo * solarized by Ethan Schoonover * wombat by Lars H. Nielsen * xoria by Dmitriy Y. Zotikov * zenburn by Jani Nurminen * The current line can be highlighted by pressing ^T U or by enabling the - hiline option. * The gutter containing line numbers has a dynamic size based on the length of the file, rather than a fixed size of 10. * Updated all language syntax files to use comment_todo and string/comment contexts where appropriate. * Now pass character which invoked a macro to each macro step and call. If a macro step happens to be the 'type' command, the character which invoked the macro will be typed in. For example, this macro will type three 'X's. Before this change you got three NULs. * type,type,type X * Fix exsave: (^K ^X) should close file when a block is present in the window, and the file is unmodified (regression from ^C change in 4.2). * Fix regex assertions: they were not working because the character before the search position was not being loaded. * For jmacs: ^Q^J now again inserts \n in the string replace prompt. This broke beginning with JOE 4.0. * Don't try to open files for writing to check file access. This behaves better on unionfs mounts. * Fix stray blocks created after find/replace. ==== juk ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: juk-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * scrobbler: fix missing QNetworkAccessManager when session active. - Remove ldconfig calls as there are no libraries. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * hidpi: Port remaining icon uses to use QIcon for HiDPI support. * hidpi: Mark cover art as being at native display resolution. * Enable Qt support for High DPI icons. * Add donation url to appdata * PlayerManager: Also update current track seek when track changes. * Do not auto-save playlists just because play queue changes. * playlistbox: Do not hardcode icon sizes in playlist item icon. * PlayerManager: Queue up next tracks instead of stop/play cycle. * PlayerManager: Move the start/restart handler where it belongs. * PlayerManager: Always perform setup on construction. * WebImageFetcher: check better last.fm results * LyricWiki: link to the actual lyrics page (kde#332664) * Fix minor EBN issues ==== kalgebra ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kalgebra-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Too many changes to list here ==== kalzium ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kalzium-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Add caption to the screenshot * Use nullptr instead of 0 where appropriate * Fix help links * Port Kalzium away from KDialog KFileDialog and deprecated KRun::runUrl * Fix minor EBN issues * Add nullptr + override * Make it compile * Use KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings + use nullptr * altered references to 0 in null pointers ==== kanagram ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kanagram-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * actually initialize kcrash properly - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Add caption to the screenshot * Fix minor EBN issue * Fix minor EBN issues ==== kapptemplate ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kapptemplate-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * No code changes since 18.08.3 ==== katomic ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: katomic-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Remove ldconfig calls as there are no libraries. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix minor typos ==== kblackbox ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kblackbox-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Remove ldconfig call, no libs here. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata ==== kblocks ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kblocks-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Remove ldconfig calls as there are no libraries. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Fix mem leak found by asan - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Autogenerate debug file. Add categories file ==== kbounce ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kbounce-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add AppData file ==== kbreakout ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kbreakout-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add AppData file * Use qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty ==== kbruch ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kbruch-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Add caption to the screenshot * Fix minor EBN issues and typos * Use KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings + modernize + use nullptr ==== kcachegrind ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kcachegrind-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Remove ldconfig, no libraries exist here. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Fix GCC8 warnings - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Search LineEdit: enable clear button, add placeholder text * Fix hiding of columns for recent Qt versions * Customization of "objdump" command for instruction view * Fix minor EBN issues * Remove long-time deprecated Encoding=UTF-8 from desktop format file ==== kcodecs ==== Subpackages: libKF5Codecs5 libKF5Codecs5-lang - Use noun phrase in summaries. ==== kcompletion ==== Subpackages: libKF5Completion5 libKF5Completion5-lang - Use noun phrase in summaries. ==== kconfig ==== Subpackages: kconf_update5 libKF5ConfigCore5 libKF5ConfigCore5-lang libKF5ConfigGui5 - Use noun phrase in summaries. ==== kcron ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kcron-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Fix compile with strict compile flags + aytotgenerate debug file + * Fix minor EBN issues and typos * Fix minor EBN issues ==== kde-print-manager ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kde-print-manager-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Fix minor EBN issues * Show printer and job name if only one job is being printed * Hide printer applet if no printer is configured * Use binding for plasmoid tooltip * Use binding for applet state * Fix minor EBN issues * Use KCMShell import ==== kdeedu-data ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Add license file - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * No code changes ==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Add license files - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * No code changes ==== kdf ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kdf-lang kwikdisk - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add caption to the screenshot, minor fixes to the API docs * Refine donation url in appdata * Fix minor EBN issues * Fix description * Fix version * Use nullptr * Remove include moc file * Add categories files ==== kdiamond ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kdiamond-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Word fix in the description. - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add AppData file ==== kernel-source ==== Version update (4.19.11 -> 4.19.12) Subpackages: kernel-default kernel-default-devel kernel-devel kernel-docs kernel-macros kernel-syms - Linux 4.19.12 (bnc#1012628). - Btrfs: fix missing delayed iputs on unmount (bnc#1012628). - nvmet-rdma: fix response use after free (bnc#1012628). - nvme: validate controller state before rescheduling keep alive (bnc#1012628). - i2c: uniphier-f: fix violation of tLOW requirement for Fast-mode (bnc#1012628). - i2c: uniphier: fix violation of tLOW requirement for Fast-mode (bnc#1012628). - i2c: scmi: Fix probe error on devices with an empty SMB0001 ACPI device node (bnc#1012628). - i2c: axxia: properly handle master timeout (bnc#1012628). - mlxsw: spectrum_switchdev: Fix VLAN device deletion via ioctl (bnc#1012628). - vhost/vsock: fix reset orphans race with close timeout (bnc#1012628). - cifs: In Kconfig CONFIG_CIFS_POSIX needs depends on legacy (insecure cifs) (bnc#1012628). - drm/ast: Fix connector leak during driver unload (bnc#1012628). - acpi/nfit: Fix user-initiated ARS to be "ARS-long" rather than "ARS-short" (bnc#1012628). - tools/testing/nvdimm: Align test resources to 128M (bnc#1012628). - drm/amdgpu/vcn: Update vcn.cur_state during suspend (bnc#1012628). - net: mvpp2: fix phylink handling of invalid PHY modes (bnc#1012628). - net: mvpp2: fix detection of 10G SFP modules (bnc#1012628). - thermal: armada: fix legacy validity test sense (bnc#1012628). - ethernet: fman: fix wrong of_node_put() in probe function (bnc#1012628). - ARM: 8816/1: dma-mapping: fix potential uninitialized return (bnc#1012628). - ARM: 8815/1: V7M: align v7m_dma_inv_range() with v7 counterpart (bnc#1012628). - ARM: 8814/1: mm: improve/fix ARM v7_dma_inv_range() unaligned address handling (bnc#1012628). - bpf: check pending signals while verifying programs (bnc#1012628). - net/mlx4_en: Fix build break when CONFIG_INET is off (bnc#1012628). - mv88e6060: disable hardware level MAC learning (bnc#1012628). - macvlan: return correct error value (bnc#1012628). - libata: whitelist all SAMSUNG MZ7KM* solid-state disks (bnc#1012628). - Input: omap-keypad - fix keyboard debounce configuration (bnc#1012628). - Input: synaptics - enable SMBus for HP 15-ay000 (bnc#1012628). - clk: mmp: Off by one in mmp_clk_add() (bnc#1012628). - clk: mvebu: Off by one bugs in cp110_of_clk_get() (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/powerplay: issue pre-display settings for display change event (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm: Fix error return checking (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm: dpu: Fix "WARNING: invalid free of devm_ allocated data" (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm: dpu: Don't set legacy plane->crtc pointer (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm/hdmi: Enable HPD after HDMI IRQ is set up (bnc#1012628). - ide: pmac: add of_node_put() (bnc#1012628). - drivers/tty: add missing of_node_put() (bnc#1012628). - drivers/sbus/char: add of_node_put() (bnc#1012628). - sbus: char: add of_node_put() (bnc#1012628). - SUNRPC: Fix a potential race in xprt_connect() (bnc#1012628). - nfs: don't dirty kernel pages read by direct-io (bnc#1012628). - liquidio: read sc->iq_no before release sc (bnc#1012628). - bpf: Fix verifier log string check for bad alignment (bnc#1012628). - bonding: fix 802.3ad state sent to partner when unbinding slave (bnc#1012628). - net: aquantia: fix rx checksum offload bits (bnc#1012628). - net: stmmac: Move debugfs init/exit to ->probe()/->remove() (bnc#1012628). - ARC: io.h: Implement reads{x}()/writes{x}() (bnc#1012628). - drm/amdgpu: wait for IB test on first device open (bnc#1012628). - drm/ttm: fix LRU handling in ttm_buffer_object_transfer (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm: Grab a vblank reference when waiting for commit_done (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm/dsi: configure VCO rate for 10nm PLL driver (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm: fix handling of cmdstream offset (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm/gpu: Fix a couple memory leaks in debugfs (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm: Fix task dump in gpu recovery (bnc#1012628). - x86/earlyprintk/efi: Fix infinite loop on some screen widths (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Fix 6x4K displays light-up on Vega20 (v2) (bnc#1012628). - net: ethernet: ave: Replace NET_IP_ALIGN with AVE_FRAME_HEADROOM (bnc#1012628). - tools/bpf: add addition type tests to test_btf (bnc#1012628). - tools/bpf: fix two test_btf unit test cases (bnc#1012628). - scsi: vmw_pscsi: Rearrange code to avoid multiple calls to free_irq during unload (bnc#1012628). - scsi: libiscsi: Fix NULL pointer dereference in iscsi_eh_session_reset (bnc#1012628). - i2c: rcar: check bus state before reinitializing (bnc#1012628). - Input: hyper-v - fix wakeup from suspend-to-idle (bnc#1012628). - mac80211_hwsim: fix module init error paths for netlink (bnc#1012628). - IB/hfi1: Remove race conditions in user_sdma send path (bnc#1012628). - locking/qspinlock, x86: Provide liveness guarantee (bnc#1012628). - locking/qspinlock: Re-order code (bnc#1012628). - commit c634493 ==== kfilereplace ==== - Update build requirements, it only needs libkde4-devel to build - Remove unnecessary ldconfig calls in %post/%postun, the package doesn't contain a shared library - Add missing license file to the package - Add missing URL tag to the specfile - Run spec-cleaner ==== kgeography ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kgeography-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add Al-Barahimi governorate of Oman (kde#257568) * Add .arcconfig * Add donation url to appdata * Add some useful AppData bits * Add AppData file * Fix minor EBN issues and typo * Add ?flags? (coat of arms) for the Norwegian counties * colorcheker.py: Update to python3 and Qt5 * Fix spelling of two Norwegian counties * Merge the counties Nord-Tr�ndelag and S�r-Tr�ndelag into Tr�ndelag ==== kget ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kget-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Drop dead code for older KDE Frameworks versions * Raise minimum required KDE Frameworks version to 5.44.0 * Refine donation url in appdata * Add caption to the screenshot * Port away from KDebug * Revert "TrayIcon: Explicitly show/hide the main window if requested" * doc: use <guilabel> ==== kgoldrunner ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kgoldrunner-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Fix mem leak found by asan - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Add caption to the screenshot * Fix minor Doxygen issues * Fix minor EBN issues and typos * Autogenerate debug file + add categories files + use override/nullptr/ * Fix minor EBN issues ==== khangman ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: khangman-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Add caption to the screenshot * Fix minor EBN issue and typo ==== kiconthemes ==== Subpackages: libKF5IconThemes5 libKF5IconThemes5-lang - Recommend breeze5-icons when building with Qt 5.12.0 or higher, it is used as fallback theme starting with Qt 5.12 (boo#920792) ==== kig ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kig-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Add caption to the screenshot * Fix minor problems in API docs * Fix minor EBN issues and typos ==== kimagemapeditor ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kimagemapeditor-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add forgotten icon * Update KImageMapEditor icons * Get rid of gcc warning on the improper guarding * Rely on automoc * Port KImageMapEditor away from deprecated KUrl, saveWindowSize and initialGeometrySet() * Fix minor EBN issues ==== kiriki ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kiriki-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata ==== kiten ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders kiten-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Unbundle the dictionary files and instead make symlinks to the edict package's files. - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Add caption to the screenshot * Sync the declaration and implementation * Fix minor EBN issues * Fix the compilation of kiten on Windows * Port to KStatusNotifierItem and fix zorder issue * Fix logical not is only applied to the left hand side of this comparison * Port away from deprecated KAboutData::setProgramIconName() * Fix minor EBN issues and typos * added arcconfig ==== kjumpingcube ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kjumpingcube-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata ==== klettres ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: klettres-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Add caption to the screenshot * Use nullptr instead of 0 * Port away from deprecated Phonon::MediaSource::MediaSource(const QString&) * QLocale doesn't know the nativeLanguageName of tn so add it manually * Autogenerate debug file + install categories file * Fix compile with strict compile flags. ==== klines ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: klines-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Fix crash when position is not initialized - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Refine donation url in appdata ==== kmahjongg ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kmahjongg-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix minor Doxygen issues * Add captions to the screenshot ==== kmime ==== Subpackages: kmime-lang libKF5Mime5 - Update summaries. ==== kmines ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kmines-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Refine donation url in appdata * Use KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings + add nullptr + override ==== kmod ==== Subpackages: kmod-compat libkmod2 - Fix module dependency file corruption on parallel invocation (bsc#1118629). - Add depmod-Prevent-module-dependency-files-corruption-du.patch - Add depmod-Prevent-module-dependency-files-missing-durin.patch - Add depmod-shut-up-gcc-insufficinet-buffer-warning.patch ==== kmouth ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kmouth-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Remove ldconfig calls as there are no libraries. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Port to new connect api * Refine donation url in appdata * Remove obsolete page Jovie Speech Service from docbook * Use explicit and co * Fix compile with KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings ==== kmplot ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kmplot-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Do not show '+' for positive numbers (kde#262690) * Fix plot names for derivatives and integral (kde#284811) * Do not delete parent widgets (kde#320394) - Use gcc7 to build on Leap 42.3, the default 4.8 is too old - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Too many changes to list here ==== knavalbattle ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: knavalbattle-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Remove ldconfig calls as there are no libraries. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata ==== knetwalk ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: knetwalk-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * No code changes since 18.08.3 ==== knotifyconfig ==== Subpackages: libKF5NotifyConfig5 libKF5NotifyConfig5-lang - Add cmake(Qt5TextToSpeech) BuildReq to enable TTS ==== kolf ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kolf-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Remove qt prefix * Fix minor EBN issues and typos ==== kollision ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kollision-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Compile with strict compile flags. Add nullptr/ initialize some variables ==== kolourpaint ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kolourpaint-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix minor EBN issues [includes] + [normalize] * Fix minor EBN issues * QImage::numColors -> colorCount * include GenerateExportHeader * Mark with kdelibs4support the includes that need removing... * Add other frameworks we use besides kdelibs4support * Remove unused knuminput include * Remove unused kimageio include * Remove unused kapplication include * Remove kdeversion * include KLocale -> KLocalizedString ==== konquest ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: konquest-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Fix mem leak - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata ==== konsole ==== Subpackages: konsole-part konsole-part-lang - Add upstream patch to fix a regression that the tab-color did not revert back to the default color after an activity was signalled: * Fix-regression-on-tab-color-not-reverting-back-to-no-activity-color.patch (kde#402541) - Add fix-cursor-when-anti-aliasing-is-enabled.patch to fix text cursor rendering regressions with anti-aliasing ==== kpat ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kpat-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * Fix mem leak found by asan - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Fix crash while closing with save state enabled * Add appdata file * Fix the libfreecell-solver headers if using $PKG_CONFIG_PATH * Port to auto-generated categorized logging * Fix the licence header of shuffle_test.cpp. * Move under autotests per the KDE convention. * Fix the indentation. * Extract a common constant. * Rename the test class. * add a test * Extract typedefs. * add shuffle tests. * start adding the test. * Extract shuffle.h for easier testing. * Convert to a template to facilitate testing. * Add Shlomi Fish to the credits * Use unsigned variable in random dealer to avoid undefined behaviour * USe qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty * Needs include of <QBuffer> for Qt 5.11 ==== kqtquickcharts ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Fix minor EBN issues and typos ==== krdc ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: krdc-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Fix minor EBN issues and typos * Remove duplicated and outdated QT definitions ==== krename ==== - Add upstream patches to add support for exiv2-0.27: * 0001-Use-cmakedefine01-instead-of-macro_bool_to_01.patch * 0002-Fix-building-against-exiv2-0.27.patch * 0003-Fix-the-previous-commits-and-the-build-with-exiv2-0..patch - Add lower-minimum-cmake-version.patch for Leap 42.3 to make it build with the older cmake version (3.5.2) - Update servicemenus-files.patch and remove-gplv2-code.diff to conform to -p1 and use "%autopatch -p1" to apply all patches - Add missing Qt5Test build requirement - Change URL to userbase.kde.org, krename.net is a bit outdated - Run spec-cleaner ==== kreversi ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kreversi-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Use const'ref + nullptr * Fix mem leak found by asan - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata ==== krfb ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: krfb-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Improve AppData file a bit * Fix minor EBN issues and typos * Remove unused plugin metadata desktop files * Remove unneeded "Encoding" entry from plugin metadata * Remove module prefixes from Qt includes * Use more explicit * Consistently use override * Consistently use nullptr * Actually use the set QT_MIN_VERSION * Remove unneeded moc includes * Remove usage of dead QT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION ==== krita ==== Subpackages: krita-lang - Add Fix-the-exiv2-fix.patch to fix a bug in the previous patch that could cause crashes when opening certain JPG files (that contain XMP tags) - Add Fix-building-against-exiv2-0.27.patch to fix build with exiv2-0.27.0 ==== kshisen ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kshisen-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Autogenerate debug file + create categories file ==== ksirk ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: ksirk-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Remove qt prefix * Install categories files * Fix minor EBN issues ==== kspaceduel ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kspaceduel-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix minor EBN issues ==== ksquares ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: ksquares-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Use the common names of the game in the descriptions. - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Fix AI playing out of turn when restarting game while AI is playing * Refine donation url in appdata * Get rid of GCC warnings * Add captions to the screenshots ==== ksudoku ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: ksudoku-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Fix several mem leaks found by asan - Use noun phrase in summary. - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix minor EBN issues and typos ==== ksystemlog ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: ksystemlog-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Port to new connect api * Add explicit. Use nullptr * Fix version after merge (thanks pepo) * Fix build with FrameworkCompilerSettings * Remove extra '_' + assign parent to layout directly * Fix click on label * Use nullptr * Remove some missing override * Use override * Fix compile with strict compile flags * Use same version for ecm * Fix minor EBN issues ==== kteatime ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kteatime-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Replace summary to say this is a timer, not a cooking program. - Trim bias from description. - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Make it compile with strict compile flags * Add pause/resume button ==== ktimer ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: ktimer-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Remove ldconfig calls as there are no libraries. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add caption to the screenshot * Fix minor API docs issues and a compiler warning * Refine donation url in appdata * Use null pointer where appropriate * Fix minor EBN issues * Make it compiles with KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings module * Update screenshots to take the 'Consecutive task' option into account * Modernize it * Fix version ==== ktouch ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: ktouch-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Add caption to the screenshot * Fix minor EBN issue and typo * Use QuickCompiler when possible * Add New Italian Course and Update Keyboard Layout ==== ktuberling ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: ktuberling-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Refine donation url in appdata * Add missing override * Remove unused variables ==== kturtle ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kturtle-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix qt include prefix * Avoid rare crashes * Add caption to the screenshot * Fix HTML export dialog filters * Change null pointer reference from zero to nullptr * Add arcconfig * Fix minor EBN issues * Fix minor EBN issues and typos ==== kubrick ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kubrick-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Fix mem leak found by asan - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix minor typos * Be like GNOME games to not breaking appstreamtest * Autogenerate debug file + install categories file * Use nullptr/explicit/QStringLiteral ==== kwordquiz ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kwordquiz-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Trim bias from description. - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Remove extra semicolons * Fix loading images for questions and answers * Simpler handling of Urls in QFileDialog * Enumerate statusbar widgets from 0 * Fix potential crashes * Sort and clean up includes * Add caption to the screenshot * Port KWordQuiz away from deprecated API and kdelibs4support * Fix minor EBN issue * Fix minor EBN issues and typos * Add arcconfig file * phonon is actually required. mark it as such. ==== latex2html ==== Version update (2017.2 -> 2018) - updated to 2018 * config: avoid warning "untie attempted" * Handle . not in @INC for images.pl and internals.pl * fix \graphicspath with relative path in preamble https://github.com/latex2html/latex2html/issues/40 * \providecommand should not redefine existing command * Picture generation via dvipng * KOI8-R, CP1251 and UTF-8 support for Russian * default to white background for rendering images. if $LATEX_COLOR set, pass as transparency color to pstoimg. https://bugs.debian.org/188024 * usepackage xcolor. uses rgb black rather than cmyk black. fixes eqns appearing as dark grey rather than black. * Fix stray comment mark: Issue #19 - altered patches % latex2html-perl-bindir.diff % latex2html-perl526.patch ==== libKF5NetworkManagerQt ==== - Refresh patches: * 0001-Revert-Require-NetworkManager-1.4.0-and-newer.patch * 0001-Revert-Add-missing-ipv4-setting-options.patch * 0001-Revert-Add-vxlan-setting.patch - Add some more patches to fix build with older NetworkManager versions (as in Leap 42.3 in particular): * 0001-Revert-Add-IpTunnel-setting.patch * 0001-Revert-Add-missing-IPv6-options.patch * Add-missing-defines.patch * fix-build-with-NM-1.4.patch ==== libapparmor ==== Version update (2.13 -> 2.13.2) Subpackages: libapparmor-devel libapparmor1 libapparmor1-32bit - update to AppArmor 2.13.2 - no changes in libapparmor - see https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/wikis/Release_Notes_2.13.2 for the detailed upstream changelog - update to AppArmor 2.13.1 - several bug fixes - see https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/wikis/Release_Notes_2.13.1 for the detailed upstream changelog ==== libcontainers-common ==== - storage.conf - restore btrfs as the default driver ==== libdb-4_8 ==== Subpackages: db48-utils libdb-4_8-32bit libdb-4_8-devel - Fix the license to match up really what is in there ==== libdrm ==== Subpackages: libdrm-devel libdrm2 libdrm_amdgpu1 libdrm_intel1 libdrm_nouveau2 libdrm_radeon1 - Fix --enable-freedreno option as it is not experimental anymore - Add etnaviv support - Add exynos support (used by Arndale board and Samsung Chromebook) ==== libfm ==== Version update ( -> 1.3.1) Subpackages: libfm-gtk4 libfm-lang libfm4 - Update to 1.3.1: * Fixed crash on reload while directory changes (folder might be not ready yet). * Changed size of large thumbnails to 512 since 256*256 appears to be small on hi-res displays. * Added application/gzip to archivers.list file next to application/x-gzip. * Added image/x-compressed-xcf to archivers.list file for xarchiver. ==== libfm-extra ==== Version update ( -> 1.3.1) - Update to 1.3.1: * Fixed crash on reload while directory changes (folder might be not ready yet). * Changed size of large thumbnails to 512 since 256*256 appears to be small on hi-res displays. * Added application/gzip to archivers.list file next to application/x-gzip. * Added image/x-compressed-xcf to archivers.list file for xarchiver. ==== libfprint ==== Version update (0.6.0 -> 0.99.0) - Update to version 0.99.0: + Library: - All the internal API for device driver writers is now covered by the documentation and has been enhanced to make it easier to write drivers. - Update internal NBIS fingerprint data processing library to one that's nearly 10 years newer. - Re-add accessor for minutia coordinates which was used in the very old fprint_demo program, but also by our new GTK+ test program (see below). - Fix a crash when too many minutiae were detected in a capture. + Drivers: Support more devices in the Elan driver, stability improvements. + Tools: Add a test GTK+ application that will eventually be used for testing drivers without modifying the OS installed version. Note that this application currently requires manually changing permissions of USB devices, this will be fixed when the infrastructure exists to access those devices without additional permissions, as a normal user. - Changes from version 0.8.2: + Drivers: - Add USB ID for TNP Nano USB Fingerprint Reader. - Fix UPEKTS enrollment never finishing on some devices. + Library: - Fix fp_get_pollfds() retval type, a small ABI change - Downgrade fatal errors to run-time warnings, as a number of drivers used to throw silent errors and we made them fatal. Those will now be visible warnings, hopefully helping with fixing them. - Changes from version 0.8.1: + Brown paperbag release to install the udev rules file in the correct directory if the udev pkg-config file doesn't have a trailing slash. - Changes from version 0.8.0: + Port to meson as the build system. + Port documentation to gtk-doc. + Drivers: - Add Elan driver - Increase threshold to detect encryption on URU4000 devices. - Remove already replaced UPEKE2 driver. - Fix possible crash caused by vfs5011 when no lines were captured. + Library: - Fix a number of memory and file descriptor leaks and warnings. - Make NSS (and URU4000) driver optional. - Fix assembling of frames for non-reverse and non reverse stripes. - Split internal private header to clarify drivers API. - Simplify logging system, now all the builds can be used to output debug information. - Mark fp_dscv_print functions as deprecated. + Udev rules: Add some unsupported devices to the whitelist. - Changes from version 0.7.0: + Drivers: - Add VFS0050 driver. - Fix possible crash in AES3500 and AES4000. - Fix broken enrollment in VFS101. - Better verification with small sensor scanners. - Plenty of fixes in VFS5011. - Fix memory corruption in AES1610. - Improve calibration settings for AES1610. - Improve image assembling in upeksonly driver. - Autodetect whether image is encrypted in uru4k. + Library: - NBIS: Remove false minutia at the edge of partial image. - Introduce routines to assemble image from lines (used in VFS5011 and upeksonly). - Fix a bug that can cause driver state machine to enter into endless loop. + Udev rules: Add driver name to the USB properties. + Plenty of build fixes. - Switch to meson buildsystem, add meson BuildRequires and macros following upstreams port. - Drop automake and libtool BuildRequires, no longer needed. - Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec, use modern macros. - Drop libfprint-upeke2_6stage.diff and libfprint-install_examples.patch: No longer needed, nor applies due to upstream changes. - Drop _service file, upstream moved to gitlab, and have unique download urls now, so service file no longer usefull. - Drop examples subpackage and obsolete it, follow fedoras packaging lead here. ==== libgarcon ==== Version update (0.6.1 -> 0.6.2) Subpackages: libgarcon-1-0 libgarcon-data libgarcon-lang - update to version 0.6.2 - Fix some menu icons are too big (bxo#13785) - Support composite XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP (bxo#14137) - Decrement allocation counter on item unref (bxo#12700) - Replace hash table for application actions with a list - Support for freedesktop Keyword item (bxo#10683) - garcon-gtk2-1.pc should be optional. - Fix documentation generation - Fix make distcheck build - Fix some autogen warnings - Update dependencies and copyright - Translation Updates ==== libgphoto2 ==== Version update (2.5.21 -> 2.5.22) Subpackages: libgphoto2-6 libgphoto2-6-lang - updated to 2.5.22 release - ptp2: * Canon EOS M / PowerShot capture problem solved * Sony shutterspeed - provide a static list as the camera does not provide one, you can set also different values * Canon SDRAM capture, try to support more than 500MB of images at once * New USB Ids added: * Canon EOS R, 800D * Canon PowerShot SX600HS, SX740HS * Sony DSC RX0, RX100-M5A * Nikon DSC D3500 - generic: * handle new "bind" udev event in udev rule generator. - translations: * updated polish, ukrainian ==== libgsf ==== Version update (1.14.44 -> 1.14.45) Subpackages: gsf-office-thumbnailer libgsf-1-114 libgsf-lang - Update to version 1.14.45: + Fix problem with ole property writing. ==== libjpeg-turbo ==== Subpackages: libjpeg8 libjpeg8-32bit libturbojpeg0 - security update * CVE-2018-20330 [bsc#1120646] + libjpeg-turbo-CVE-2018-20330.patch - security update * CVE-2018-19644 [bsc#1117890] + libjpeg-turbo-CVE-2018-19644.patch ==== libkdegames ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libkdegames-lang libkf5kdegames6 - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Fix mem leak - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Fix minor API docs issues * Fix minor typos and API docs issues * Fix minor Doxygen issues * explicitly include find dependency so cmake file can be used standalone * install categories file * Fix minor EBN issues ==== libkeduvocdocument ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: libKEduVocDocument5 libkeduvocdocument-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Fix more Doxygen issues * Fix minor problems in API docs * Fix parsing of sound and image urls with relative paths (kde#389517) * Fix include guard * Fix minor EBN issues and typos ==== libkexiv2 ==== - Fix build for Exiv2 >= 0.27.0 Add D17799-Fix_building_against_exiv2-0.27.diff - Rebased fix-reduce-required-exiv2-to-0.23.diff ==== libkmahjongg ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: libKF5KMahjongglib5 libkmahjongg-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Fix compile with strict compile flags * Install debug categories file * Autogenerate debug file ==== libnettle ==== Version update (3.4.1~rc1 -> 3.4.1) Subpackages: libhogweed4 libhogweed4-32bit libnettle6 libnettle6-32bit - Update to 3.4.1 release * Fix CVE-2018-16869 (bsc#1118086) All functions using RSA private keys are now side-channel silent, meaning that they try hard to avoid any branches or memory accesses depending on secret data. This applies both to the bignum calculations, which now use GMP's mpn_sec_* family of functions, and the processing of PKCS#1 padding needed for RSA decryption. * Changes in behavior: The functions rsa_decrypt and rsa_decrypt_tr may now clobber all of the provided message buffer, independent of the actual message length. They are side-channel silent, in that branches and memory accesses don't depend on the validity or length of the message. Side-channel leakage from the caller's use of length and return value may still provide an oracle useable for a Bleichenbacher-style chosen ciphertext attack. Which is why the new function rsa_sec_decrypt is recommended. * New features: A new function rsa_sec_decrypt. * Bug fixes: - Fix bug in pkcs1-conv, missing break statements in the parsing of PEM input files. - Fix link error on the pss-mgf1-test test, affecting builds without public key support. ==== libopenmpt ==== Version update (0.3.13 -> 0.4.1) Subpackages: libmodplug1 libopenmpt0 - Update to version 0.4.1: * [Bug] libmodplug: Public symbols of the C++ API had visibility=hidden set on non-MSVC systems, which made them not publicly accessible. * MO3: Apply playback changes based on ?ModPlug-made? header flag - Drop libmodplug-no-exported-cpp-api-quickfix-v1.patch - Add libmodplug-no-exported-cpp-api-quickfix-v1.patch: Add missing CSoundFile compat API (bug #1180). - Update to version 0.4.0: * [New] libopenmpt now includes emulation of the OPL chip and thus plays OPL instruments in S3M, C67 and MPTM files. OPL chip emulation volume can be changed with the new ctl render.opl.volume_factor. * [New] libopenmpt now supports CDFM / Composer 670 module files. * [New] libopenmpt: New ctl play.at_end can be used to change what happens when the song end is reached: - ?fadeout?: Fades the module out for a short while. Subsequent reads after the fadeout will return 0 rendered frames. This is the default and identical to the behaviour in previous libopenmpt versions. - ?continue?: Returns 0 rendered frames when the song end is reached. Subsequent reads will continue playing from the song start or loop start. This can be used for custom loop logic, such as loop auto-detection and longer fadeouts. - ?stop?: Returns 0 rendered frames when the song end is reached. Subsequent reads will return 0 rendered frames. * [New] Add new metadata fields "originaltype" and "originaltype_long" which allow more clearly reflecting what is going on with converted formats like MO3 and GDM. * [Change] openmpt123: openmpt123 now rejects --output-type in - -ui and --batch modes and also rejects --output in --render mode. These combinations of options really made no sense and were rather confusing. * [Regression] Support for libmpg123 older than 1.14.0 has been removed. * [Regression] libmodplug: Support for emulating libmodplug 0.8.7 API/ABI has been removed. * [Bug] xmp-openmpt: Sample rate and number of output channels were not applied correctly when using per-file settings. * [Bug] Internal mixer state was not initialized properly when initially rendering in 44100kHz stereo format. * [Bug] openmpt123: Prevent libsdl2 and libsdl from being enabled at the same time because they conflict with each other. * [Bug] libmodplug: Setting SNDMIX_NORESAMPLING in the C++ API always resulted in linear interpolation instead of nearest neighbour * IT: In Compatible Gxx mode, allow sample changes next to a tone portamento effect if a previous sample has already stopped playing. * IT: Fix broken volume envelopes with negative values as found in breakdwn.it by Elysis. * MOD: Slides and delayed notes are executed on every repetition of a row with row delay (fixes ?ode to protracker?). * XM: If the sustain point of the panning envelope is reached before key-off, it is never released. * XM: Do not default recall volume / panning for delayed instrument-less notes * XM :E60 loop bug was not considered in song length calucation. * S3M: Notes without instrument number use previous note?s sample offset. * Tighten M15 and MOD file rejection heuristics. * J2B: Ignore frequency limits from file header. Fixes Medivo.j2b, broken since libopenmpt-0.2.6401-beta17. * STM: More accurate tempo calculation. * STM: Better support for early format revisions (no such files have been found in the wild, though). * STM: Last character of sample name was missing. * SFX: Work around bad conversions of the ?Operation Stealth? soundtrack by turning pattern breaks into note stops. * IMF: Filter cutoff was upside down and the cutoff range was too small. * ParamEq plugin center frequency was not limited correctly. * Keep track of active SFx macro during seeking. * The ?note cut? duplicate note action did not volume-ramp the previously playing sample. * A song starting with non-existing patterns could not be played. * DSM: Support restart position and 16-bit samples. * DTM: Import global volume. * MOD: Support notes in octave 2, like in FastTracker 2 (fixes DOPE.MOD). * Do not apply Amiga playback heuristics to MOD files that have clearly been written with a PC tracker. * MPTM: More logical release node behaviour. * Subsong search is now less thorough. It could previously find many subsongs that are technically correct (unplayed rows at the beginning of patterns that have been jumped over due to pattern breaks), but so far no real-world module that would require such a thorough subsong detection was found. The old mechanism caused way more false positives than intended with real-world modules, though. * Restrict the unpacked size of compressed DMF, IT, MDL and MO3 samples to avoid huge allocations with malformed small files. ==== libpng16 ==== Version update (1.6.34 -> 1.6.36) Subpackages: libpng16-16 libpng16-16-32bit - update to 1.6.36: Replaced the remaining uses of png_size_t with size_t (Cosmin) Fixed the calculation of row_factor in png_check_chunk_length (reported by Thuan Pham in SourceForge issue #278) Added missing parentheses to a macro definition (suggested by "irwir" in GitHub issue #216) Optimized png_do_expand_palette for ARM processors. Improved performance by around 10-22% on a recent ARM Chromebook. (Contributed by Richard Townsend, ARM Holdings) Fixed manipulation of machine-specific optimization options. (Contributed by Vicki Pfau) Used memcpy instead of manual pointer arithmetic on Intel SSE2. (Contributed by Samuel Williams) Fixed build errors with MSVC on ARM64. (Contributed by Zhijie Liang) Fixed detection of libm in CMakeLists. (Contributed by Cameron Cawley) Fixed incorrect creation of pkg-config file in CMakeLists. (Contributed by Kyle Bentley) Fixed the CMake build on Windows MSYS by avoiding symlinks. Fixed a build warning on OpenBSD. (Contributed by Theo Buehler) Fixed various typos in comments. (Contributed by "luz.paz") Raised the minimum required CMake version from 3.0.2 to 3.1. Removed yet more of the vestigial support for pre-ANSI C compilers. Removed ancient makefiles for ancient systems that have been broken across all previous libpng-1.6.x versions. Removed the Y2K compliance statement and the export control information. Applied various code style and documentation fixes. - removed patches * libpng16-CVE-2018-13785.patch (upstreamed) - cannot find upstream tarball signature, asked upstream for clarification ==== libqt5-qtbase ==== Subpackages: libQt5Concurrent5 libQt5Core5 libQt5DBus5 libQt5Gui5 libQt5Network5 libQt5OpenGL5 libQt5PrintSupport5 libQt5Sql5 libQt5Sql5-mysql libQt5Sql5-sqlite libQt5Test5 libQt5Widgets5 libQt5Xml5 libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk3 - Add 0001-Fix-qfloat16-methods-definition-without-declaration-.patch (a slightly different version of workaround-qdoc-failure.patch in libqt5-qtdoc, which was submitted upstream to fix libqt5-qtdoc building also when qt modules other than qtbase include qfloat16.h from the system qtbase package (boo#1092425, qtbug#72725) ==== libraw ==== Version update (0.19.1 -> 0.19.2) - Updated to version 0.19.2 * Fixed possible buffer overrun at Fuji makernotes parser * Fixed possible write to NULL pointer at raw2image/raw2image_ex calls. - ./configure not present in sources ==== libreoffice ==== Version update ( -> Subpackages: libreoffice-calc libreoffice-draw libreoffice-filters-optional libreoffice-gnome libreoffice-gtk3 libreoffice-icon-themes libreoffice-impress libreoffice-l10n-cs libreoffice-l10n-da libreoffice-l10n-de libreoffice-l10n-el libreoffice-l10n-en libreoffice-l10n-en_GB libreoffice-l10n-es libreoffice-l10n-fr libreoffice-l10n-hu libreoffice-l10n-it libreoffice-l10n-ja libreoffice-l10n-pl libreoffice-l10n-pt_BR libreoffice-l10n-ru libreoffice-l10n-zh_CN libreoffice-l10n-zh_TW libreoffice-mailmerge libreoffice-math libreoffice-pyuno libreoffice-qt5 libreoffice-writer libreofficekit - [Bug 1112113] LO-L3: [PPTX] SmartArt: Basic rendering of Accent Process and Continuous Block Process * bsc1112113.patch - Version update to release: * many various fixes and compatibility tweaks - Remove merged patches: * bsc1110348.patch * bsc1112112.patch * bsc1117300.patch * bsc882383.patch ==== librsvg ==== Version update (2.44.10 -> 2.44.11) Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg librsvg-2-2 rsvg-thumbnailer typelib-1_0-Rsvg-2_0 - Update to version 2.44.11: + Fix crash when a linear RGB filter is followed by an SRGB filter. + Fix stack overflow when freeing thousands of sibling elements. + feMorphology was crashing with a negative scaling transformation. + Fix positioning of adjacent <tspan> elements. ==== libsecret ==== Version update (0.18.6 -> 0.18.7) Subpackages: libsecret-1-0 libsecret-lang typelib-1_0-Secret-1 - Update to version 0.18.7: + Migrate from intltool to gettext. + Fix uninitialized memory returned by secret_item_get_schema_name(). + secret-session: Avoid double-free in service_encode_plain_secret(). + Port tap script to Python 3. + Build and test fixes. + Updated translations. - Drop intltool BuildRequires: No longer needed following upstreams port to gettext. ==== libssh ==== Version update (0.8.5 -> 0.8.6) - Update to version 0.8.6 * Fixed compilation issues with different OpenSSL versions * Fixed StrictHostKeyChecking in new knownhosts API * Fixed ssh_send_keepalive() with packet filter * Fixed possible crash with knownhosts options * Fixed issus with rekeying * Fixed strong ECDSA keys * Fixed some issues with rsa-sha2 extentions * Fixed access violation in ssh_init() (static linking) * Fixed ssh_channel_close() handling ==== libstorage-ng ==== Version update (4.1.54 -> 4.1.74) Subpackages: libstorage-ng-lang libstorage-ng-ruby libstorage-ng1 - Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 4.1.74 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#602 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#601 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#600 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#599 - use exceptions to handle errors - Create crypttab with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Create lock with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Create log file with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Add missing quoting (bsc#1059972) - Improvements from review - Backport: Fix audit issues - avoid thread unsafe strerror function - Backport: avoid thread unsafe strerror function - Merge SLE-15-GA - 4.1.73 - Translated using Weblate (German) - 4.1.72 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#598 - avoid thread unsafe strerror function - 4.1.71 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#597 - Create crypttab with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Create lock with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Create log file with proper permissions (bsc#1059972) - Add missing quoting (bsc#1059972) - Improvements from review - Fix audit issues - 4.1.70 - Translated using Weblate (Finnish) - 4.1.69 - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 4.1.68 - Translated using Weblate (Spanish) - 4.1.67 - Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 4.1.66 - Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 4.1.65 - Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 4.1.64 - Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 4.1.63 - Translated using Weblate (French) - 4.1.62 - Translated using Weblate (Czech) - Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 4.1.61 - Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 4.1.60 - Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 4.1.59 - Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 4.1.58 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#596 - updated pot and po files - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#595 - improved sformat to be type safe and handle Text properly - properly translate partition type texts - properly translate devices size texts - removed now obsolete c_str calls - added comment for translators - reduce format warning level - fixed typo - 4.1.57 - Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - Translated using Weblate (Italian) - 4.1.56 - Translated using Weblate (Italian) - Translated using Weblate (German) - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#594 - use exceptions to handle errors - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#593 - added support to create udf (fate#312911) - added integration test - increased so patch number - handle block size in max_size for udf - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#592 - added comments for translators - Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#591 - extended documentation - Translated using Weblate (Czech) - Translated using Weblate (French) - 4.1.55 ==== libvdpau ==== - Drop graphviz BuildRequires: we lose the doc with this, but manage to break a build cycle. ==== libvirt ==== Subpackages: libvirt-client libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-driver-interface libvirt-daemon-driver-libxl libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc libvirt-daemon-driver-network libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu libvirt-daemon-driver-secret libvirt-daemon-driver-storage libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-core libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-disk libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-gluster libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi-direct libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-logical libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-mpath libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-scsi libvirt-daemon-lxc libvirt-daemon-qemu libvirt-daemon-xen libvirt-libs - Requires: ncurses expands to Requires: libncurses5, which is not required by any component of this package. Remove it along with the BuildRequires: ncurses-devel ==== libyui-ncurses ==== Version update (2.50.3 -> 2.50.4) - libyui-ncurses-tools conflicts with libyui-ncurses8 (related to bsc#1113291) - 2.50.4 ==== libyui-qt ==== Version update (2.49.7 -> 2.49.13) - YImage: Fall back to compiled-in Qt resources (bsc#1119688) - 2.49.13 - log QIcon::themeName (for bsc#1119688) - 2.49.12 - Ship only primary icons with module to avoid conflicts (boo#1118521) - 2.49.11 - Fix YQTree's icon loading function (boo#1116562) - Fix padding on the left caused by deprecated dialog icon (boo#1116278) - Destroy sidebar where necessary (boo#1115994) - Use native icon theme methods (boo#1109378) - 2.49.8 ==== llvm7 ==== Subpackages: clang7 libLLVM7 libLTO7 libc++-devel libc++1 libc++abi-devel libc++abi1 libclang7 libomp7-devel - enable gold unconditionally like with llvm6 and older - reenable openmp support again for aarch64 (like it was already in llvm6) ==== lokalize ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: lokalize-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * Bump lokalize version to 18.12 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Too many changes to list here ==== lskat ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: lskat-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Fix potential mem leak (found by asan) - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix categories file * Drop unused dependencies ==== lzip ==== Version update (1.20 -> 1.21~rc1) - Update to new upstream release 1.21~rc1 * Detection of forbidden combinations of characters in trailing data has been improved. ==== mailman ==== - Add mailman-update-cfg to avoid user mailman writing to /usr/lib directories (compiled Python files). ==== man-pages-ja ==== Version update (20171215 -> 20181215) - update to 20181215 * added and improved manual pages ==== mariadb ==== Subpackages: libmysqld19 mariadb-client mariadb-errormessages - remove PerconaFT from the package as it has AGPL licence [bsc#1118754] - use a new syntax for cmake variables that specify which plugin will be built ==== mbox-importer ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: mbox-importer-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * No code changes since 18.08.3 ==== mint-themes ==== Version update (1.7.6 -> 1.7.8) Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-mint gtk3-metatheme-mint metatheme-mint-common - Update to version 1.7.8: * Mint-themes: Fix expo workspace entry not expanding to fit scaled fonts. * Mint-X & Mint-Y: Fix Attached Dialogue Titlebar. * Mint-Y-Grey*: Fix red GTK+2 menubar bg. ==== mlterm ==== Version update (3.8.6 -> 3.8.7) Subpackages: mlterm-canna mlterm-ibus mlterm-scim mlterm-wnn - updated to 3.8.7 * Support sixel graphics extension and option1 of https://github.com/kmiya-culti/RLogin/issues/22#issue-341758598 * Support Cygwin/x86_64. * Support PS2 mouse and PC98 bus mouse on FreeBSD 4.x or before. * Support iOS/Cocoa Touch. (see doc/en/README.cocoatouch) * Support scrolling by flick on Android and iOS. * Update unicode property table (generated from UnicodeData.txt and EastAsianWidth.txt) to version 11.0.0. * Add "autoscroll" to OSC 5379. * Long press at the lower right corner instead of the entire screen shows context menu. * Change the maximum number of sixel graphics palette colors from 256 to 1024. * Bug fixes: Fix segfault of mlconfig when GTK_IM_MODULE=uim. Fix wrong XSizeHints which causes unexpected resizing. - refreshed % etc.patch ==== mtools ==== Version update (4.0.22 -> 4.0.23) - mtools 4.0.23: * Address lots of compiler warnings (assignments between different types) * Network speedup fixes for floppyd (TCP_CORK) * Typo fixes * Explicitly pass available target buffer size for character set conversions - refreshed: % mtools-prototypes.diff ==== mtr ==== - Create file ".tarball-version" so mtr shows the proper version information instead of "UNKNOWN". ==== mutt ==== Version update (1.10.1 -> 1.11.1) Subpackages: mutt-doc mutt-lang - Update to mutt 1.11.1 * Bug fix release. * IMAP retrieves the Sender header by default. It doesn't need to be added to $imap_headers. * inotify is used for local mailbox monitoring on Linux. Configuration flag - -disable-filemonitor turns this off. * OAUTHBEARER support for IMAP, SMTP and POP via $imap_oauth_refresh_command, $smtp_oauth_refresh_command, and $pop_oauth_refresh_command. * $pgp_timeout and $smime_timeout support 32-bit numbers. * <check-stats> manually updates mailbox statistics, the same way $mail_check_stats does when set. * Thread limited views, e.g. ~(pattern), now show new mail as it arrives. * Command line argument -z and -Z options also work for IMAP mailboxes. * $imap_condstore and $imap_qresync enable IMAP CONDSTORE and QRESYNC support, respectively. QRESYNC should provide much faster mailbox opening. * $abort_noattach skips quoted lines (as defined by $quote_regexp and $smileys). * Initial IMAP header downloading can be aborted with ctrl-c. * <compose-to-sender> composes a message to the sender of the selected message, in the index or attachment menu. * Address book queries ($query_format) now support multibyte characters. * Finnish translation. * pgpring has been renamed to mutt_pgpring. * Certificate prompts show sha-256 instead of md5 fingerprints. * Non-threaded $sort_aux "reverse-" settings now work properly. * The manual can be generated and installed in GNU Info format. * index-format-hook and the new %@name@ expando for $index_format enable dynamic index formats using pattern matching against the current message. This can be used, for example, to format dates based on the age of the message. * Relative date matching allows hour, minute, and second units: HMS. - Remove patch truncate.patch as it seems to be superfluous now - Add patch mutt-1.10.1-imap.patch to enable mutt to change imap folders - Modify the patches * aw.listreply.diff * bsc907453-CVE-2014-9116-jessie.patch * bug-676388-largefile.patch * mutt-1.10.0.dif * mutt-1.5.15-wrapcolumn.diff * mutt-1.5.20-sendgroupreplyto.diff * mutt-1.5.21-mailcap.diff * mutt-1.5.23-carriage-return.path * mutt-1.6.1-opennfs.dif * mutt.spec * patch-1.5.24.vk.pgp_verbose_mime ==== ncurses ==== Subpackages: libncurses6 ncurses-devel ncurses-utils tack terminfo terminfo-base terminfo-screen - Add ncurses patch 20181229 + improve man/curs_mouse.3x with regard to xterm + modify tracemunch to accept filename parameters in addition to use as a pipe/filter. + minor optimization to reduce calls to _nc_reserve_pairs (prompted by discussion with Bryan Christ). + add test/pair_content.c and test/color_content.c + modify infocmp to omit filtering of "OTxx" names which are used for obsolete capabilities, when the output is sorted by long-names. Doing this helps when making a table of the short/long capability names. - Add ncurses patch 20181215 + several fixes for gcc8 strict compiler warnings. + fix a typo in comments (Aaron Gyes). + add nsterm-build309 to replace nsterm-256color, assigning the latter as an alias of nsterm, to make mouse work with nsterm-256color -TD + base gnome-256color entry on "gnome", not "vte", for consistency -TD + updates for configure macros from work on tin and xterm: + CF_GNU_SOURCE, allow for Cygwin's newlib when checking for the _DEFAULT_SOURCE symbol. + CF_VA_COPY, add fallback check if neither va_copy/__va_copy is supported, to try copying the pointers for va_list, or as an array. Also add another fallback check, for __builtin_va_copy(), which could be used with AIX xlc in c89 mode. - Add ncurses patch 20181208 + modify wbkgd() and wbkgrnd() to improve compatibility with SVr4 curses, changing the way the window rendition is updated when the background character is modified (report by Valery Ushakov). - Add ncurses patch 20181201 + add midnightbsd to CF_XOPEN_SOURCE macro (patch by Urs Jansen). + add "@" command to test/ncurses F-test, to allow rapid jump to different character pages. + update config.guess, config.sub from http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/config.git - Add ncurses patch 20181125 + build-fix (reports by Chih-Hsuan Yen, Sven Joachim). - Add ncurses patch 20181124 + check --with-fallbacks option to ensure there is a value, and add the fallback information to top-level Makefile summary. + add some traces in initialization to show whether a fallback entry is used. + build-fix for test/movewindow with ncurses-examples on Solaris. + add "-l" option to test/background, to dump screen contents in a form that lets different curses implementations be compared. + modify the initialization checks for mouse so that the xterm+sm+1006 block will work with terminal descriptions not mentioning xterm (report by Tomas Janousek). ==== netpbm ==== Version update (10.84.2 -> 10.85.0) Subpackages: libnetpbm11 - Trim filler wording from descriptions. - updated to 10.85.00 * pnmpaste: Add -nand, -nor, and -nxor. * pamcut: add -cropleft, -cropright, -croptop, -cropbottom. * ppmtobmp: respect -bpp with PBM input. * bmptopnm: allow single color colormap with bpp 1. * bmptopnm: validate plane count = 1. * bmptopnm: Add RLE4 compression decoding. This was ostensibly added in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006), but never worked. * Add pammixmulti. Thanks Scott Pakin (scott+pbm@pakin.org). * pamtotga: Add -cmap16 . * pamtris: Add -rgb, -grayscale. Add w parameter to vertex instructions. Fix perspective correctness. Thanks Lucas Brunno Luna <lucaslunar32@hotmail.com>. * picttoppm: accept rectangle specifications in input that have the corners in any order, not just upper left, then lower right. * pamtotga: identify compressed colormapped format in error message saying the program doesn't know how to interpret it. * pamtotga: Ignore extra planes in black and white or grayscale input instead of generating junk output. * bmptopnm: Fix wrong output for non-colormapped OS2 BMP. Broken in Netpbm 10.18 (September 2003). * bmptopnm: Fix array bounds violation when index value in raster is too big. Broken after Netpbm 10.11 (October 2002) but before 10.19 (November 2003). - modified patches * netpbm-gcc-warnings.patch * netpbm-security-code.patch ==== ntp ==== Subpackages: ntp-doc - No more rely on /etc/insserv.conf for adding dependencies in ntpd.service against time-sync.target (boo#1118375) ==== okteta ==== Version update (0.25.4 -> 0.25.5) Subpackages: okteta-lang - Update to 0.25.5 * Add option to disable build of KParts plugin, Kasten libs, or program * Translations improved (fi, id, ru, zh_CN) ==== ovmf ==== Subpackages: qemu-ovmf-x86_64 - Add a new "smm" flavor to enable System Management Mode + Also add ovmf-add-exclude-shell-flag.patch to exclude shell from the resultant SMM firmware files - Retire the old openSUSE 4096 bit certificates since all those programs are unmaintained. - Amend the numbering of patches and sources - Update README to reflect the current status ==== parley ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: parley-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix Clang warnings * Remove extra semicolon * Add caption to the screenshot * Fix minor typos and API docs * Avoid Clang warning * Fix filters in QFileDialog * Fix minor EBN issues and typos ==== patterns-base ==== Version update (20170410 -> 20180616) Subpackages: patterns-base-apparmor patterns-base-apparmor_opt patterns-base-base patterns-base-basesystem patterns-base-console patterns-base-enhanced_base patterns-base-enhanced_base_opt patterns-base-minimal_base patterns-base-minimal_base_conflicts patterns-base-sw_management patterns-base-transactional_base patterns-base-x11 patterns-base-x11_opt - Recommend grub2-x86_64-efi by base pattern on x86_64: since we use the shim RPMs from Leap, there is currently no dependency on grub2-x86_64-efi defined. Once shim changes that, we can drop the recommends here. - Drop recommends to net-tools (no more tools of general usefulnes), popt and pcre (both are just libraries nowadays, which are pulled in by normal dependencies) - Adjust icons to state of yast2-theme package - Add transactional-update-zypp-config alongside transactional-update (boo#1111319) - Recommend new package system-tuning-common-SUSE in enhanced_base - transactional_base now requires base, recommends enhanced_base (boo#1111426) - nfs-doc is now installed with supplements - remove the list of openSUSE only packages that was rejected for inclusion in SLE. - Add bug numbers for TODO's - Merge back in Leap 15 / SLE changes, important items from that packages changlog can be found below lnussel@suse.de - explicitly include rsyslog in the base pattern to make sure logging goes to /var/log/messages as documented (bsc#1094841). - require distribution-release instead of openSUSE-release to avoid conflicts when migrating to SLE (boo#1089031) - do not recommend ntp also in enhanced_base (boo#162331) - make everything in enhanced_base_opt really optional. It just increases the server install and SLE doesn't have the pattern at all either (bsc#1090189) - move ordering of patterns-base-base after gnome_x11 (bsc#1091102) - Don't generate 32bit patterns for readonly_root_tools - Add create_32bit-patterns_file.pl as source - guard some sle specifics with %is_opensuse sflees@suse.de - Rework x11 pattern bsc#1086663 - Recommend terminfo in minimal_base bsc#1081747 - rpm doesn't need to be in base and minimal_base_conflicts - dont create transactional_base-32bit pattern. - Remove grub variants from patterns bsc#1064265 - Don't install rollback helper on openSUSE (See why is this even in here.... thread on openSUSE project mailing list) boo#1086584 - add lightdm as a recommends to x11 pattern boo#1081760 - fix pattern names packgeand() lines of 32bit patterns (bsc#1079353) - put chrony in base system (bsc#1072351) - fix pattern() provides to use %2d instead of dash to avoid rpm parsing the string as name-version (bsc#1079353) - don't recommend insserv-compat as anything sysvinit is obsolete - Add lshw - lsvpd is only relevant on ppc systems - Provide chrony in base patterns (bsc#1072351, fate#323432) - Install pp64-diag and lsvpd by default (bsc#1072351) - Add obsoletes across all patterns (bsc#1071761) - minimal_base doesn't need to be visable in yast - Basesystem and Documentation don't need 32bit patterns - base pattern now obsoletes and provides Minimal to make SLES-12 upgrades smoother (bsc#1062164) - x11_enhanced pattern now obsoletes and provides Minimal to make SLED-12 upgrades smoother (bsc#1062164) - Source pattern-definition-32bit.txt correctly - Bring back in other patterns, from sle * console * enhanced_base * enhanced_base_opt * sw_management - Update enhanced_base and x11_enhanced based off SLES minimal and x11_enhanced patterns - Split the following patterns into patterns-enhanced-base * console * enhanced_base * enhanced_base_opt * sw_management - Remove minimal_base_conflicts (not in SLE we can probably live without) - Major changes to X11 package, to line up with SLES, new package will be added in patterns-enhanced-base to keep openSUSE/SLED compaitible - Add documentation from SLE - Copy 32bit support from SLE (x86 package removed) - slight change to apparmor packages to match sle - recommend salt-minion only on SLE - Remove ppc only requires from base fcrozat@suse.com - Do not recommends on SLE patterns which aren't shipped on SLE. - Ensure recommends on ntfs-3g and ntfsprogs are enabled on SLE (bsc#1087242). - Ensure xorg-x11-driver-input is required for x11 pattern, except on s390/390x where it doesn't exist. - Recommends plymouth on SLE (bsc#1067481). - Ensure openSUSE patterns aren't provided / obsoletes when building for SLE. - Add Recommend to enhanced_base: OpenIPMI bash-completion cpp cryptconfig expect ipmitool lvm2 m4 make mksh mutt quota supportutils sysfsutils tcsh w3m lsof psmisc sudo. - Add grub2-branding-SLE recommends on enhanced_base on SLE. - Fix description of minimal_base on SLE. behlert@suse.de - drop patterns-base-32bit pattern for s390 and s390x [bsc#1088669] - added timezone as recommended to minimal_base pattern [bsc#1085075] - ethtool is available on SLE 15, moving out of "opensuse only" section [bsc#1087354] okurz@suse.com - put cron in base system (bsc#1072602) fvogt@suse.com - Don't require apparmor-docs, only recommend it - Require xorg-x11-fonts-core instead of xorg-x11-fonts - Don't require xorg-x11, only recommend it kukuk@suse.de - Remove salt-minion from base [bsc#1064266] - Move tar to minimal pattern, too many low level tools assume tar is installed by default - Rename xterm-bin back to xterm, we still have xterm.rpm - Remove libnss_compat2 (dropped, still part of glibc) and libnss_nis2 (needs to be together with ypbind) - Remove again added pam-modules, this package deprecated since many years. coolo@suse.com - Recommend glibc-locale from minimal_base not enhanced_base, we install in en_US, so we need a locale one way or the other. Requiring it from enhanced_base now to make sure it's part of regular installations (but can be disabled for e.g. chroots with C locale - bsc#1057377) - Do not provide x11 in x11_enhanced but require it - Move basic X11 apps to x11 pattern and Firefox to x11_enhanced - Remove tcl and tk from default installation fbui@suse.com - Don't install systemd-coredump by default on Leap (bsc#1083849) - Add systemd-coredump to the list of recommended packages of miminal_base Latest systemd package splitted off its coredump management facility into a sub-package. Recommend this package so this functionnality is still available by default on SLE (but will be disabled on Leap, see bsc#1083849). Also give the possibility to block it by using a soft dep (Recommends:). This might be needed on live images for example where space is rather low. ==== patterns-desktop ==== Subpackages: patterns-desktop-books patterns-desktop-imaging patterns-desktop-imaging_opt patterns-desktop-laptop patterns-desktop-multimedia patterns-desktop-multimedia_opt patterns-desktop-technical_writing - Adjust icons to state of yast2-theme package ==== patterns-devel-base ==== Subpackages: patterns-devel-base-devel_basis patterns-devel-base-devel_kernel patterns-devel-base-devel_rpm_build patterns-devel-base-devel_web - Adjust icons to state of yast2-theme package ==== patterns-games ==== - Adjust icons to state of yast2-theme package ==== patterns-kde ==== Version update (20180709 -> 20181130) Subpackages: patterns-kde-kde patterns-kde-kde_edutainment patterns-kde-kde_games patterns-kde-kde_ide patterns-kde-kde_imaging patterns-kde-kde_internet patterns-kde-kde_multimedia patterns-kde-kde_office patterns-kde-kde_pim patterns-kde-kde_plasma patterns-kde-kde_utilities patterns-kde-kde_utilities_opt patterns-kde-kde_yast - Updated yast2-theme dependency (related to boo#1109310) - Recommend dolphin in kde_plasma ==== patterns-media ==== Subpackages: patterns-media-rest_cd_core patterns-media-rest_dvd - No longer require pattern x86: it's been removed from patterns-base. ==== patterns-office ==== - Adjust icons to state of yast2-theme package ==== patterns-yast ==== Version update (20180613 -> 20181130) Subpackages: patterns-yast-x11_yast patterns-yast-yast2_basis patterns-yast-yast2_install_wf - Renamed theme packages (related to boo#1109310) - Version 20181130 - Change icon for YaST devel pattern. (boo#1039994) ==== pcmanfm ==== Version update (1.3.0 -> 1.3.1) Subpackages: pcmanfm-lang - Use macro in URL - new upstream release of pcmanfm 1.3.1 * fixed crash on reload while directory changes * changed size of large thumbnails to 512 * added application/gzip to archivers.list * added image/x-compressed-xcf to archivers.list * allowed bigger sizes of icons and thumbnails ==== perl-DBD-SQLite ==== Version update (1.60 -> 1.62) - updated to 1.62 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.62 2018-12-29 - Switched to a production version 1.61_04 2018-12-22 - Added sqlite_db_config method and new constants for it - Added sqlite_defensive option to disallow dangerous SQLite features - Exposed some of the hidden extended result codes 1.61_03 2018-12-19 - Upgraded SQLite to 3.26.0, which reportedly has a security fix 1.61_02 2018-12-01 - Added sqlite_backup_from_dbh/sqlite_backup_to_dbh methods - Introduced sqlite_prefer_numeric_type database handle attribute that changes the value of TYPE statement handle attribute from an array of string to an array of integer, as an experimental feature. Setting this may break your applications. - Changed preferred bugtracker 1.61_01 2018-12-01 - Added ability to configure SQLITE_MAX_LENGT with environmental variable (Roy Storey) - Added sqlite_limit database handle method to change run-time limits - Upgraded SQLite to 3.25.3 - Updated constants ==== perl-DateTime-TimeZone ==== Version update (2.21 -> 2.23) - updated to 2.23 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes 2.23 2018-12-30 - This release is based on version 2018i of the Olson database. This release includes contemporary changes for S�o Tom� and Pr�ncipe. - updated to 2.22 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-TimeZone/Changes 2.22 2018-12-29 - This release is based on version 2018h of the Olson database. This release includes contemporary changes for Morocco, Kazakhstan, and Iran. ==== perl-ExtUtils-F77 ==== Version update (1.22 -> 1.23) - updated to 1.23 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-F77/CHANGES v1.23 released Jan 5th 2019 - -------------------------- * Use File::Which and List::Util instead of bespoke code (mohawk2) * Improvements to docs (karlglazebrook,mohawk2) * improvements to tests and warnings (mohawk2) * tidy up of code (mohawk2) * simplify out of gfortran handling (mohawk2) ==== perl-Package-Stash ==== Version update (0.37 -> 0.38) - updated to 0.38 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Package-Stash/Changes 0.38 2018-12-31 03:25:07Z - avoid new warning in 5.21.x regarding too many arguments for printf/sprintf (Ren�e B�cker) - canonical repository moved to https://github.com/moose/Package-Stash ==== perl-Package-Stash-XS ==== Version update (0.28 -> 0.29) - updated to 0.29 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Package-Stash-XS/Changes 0.29 2018-12-31 03:26:01Z - quiet compiler warning (Jacques Germishuys, PR #2) - canonical repository moved to https://github.com/moose/Package-Stash=XS ==== php7 ==== Subpackages: apache2-mod_php7 php7-bcmath php7-bz2 php7-calendar php7-ctype php7-curl php7-dba php7-devel php7-dom php7-exif php7-fastcgi php7-ftp php7-gd php7-gettext php7-gmp php7-iconv php7-json php7-ldap php7-mbstring php7-mysql php7-odbc php7-openssl php7-pdo php7-pear php7-pear-Archive_Tar php7-pgsql php7-shmop php7-snmp php7-sockets php7-sqlite php7-sysvsem php7-sysvshm php7-tidy php7-tokenizer php7-wddx php7-xmlreader php7-xmlwriter php7-xsl php7-zlib - Support LMDB in php7-dba, it is advisable to use it instead of bdb. - Update php7-pts.patch: open slave_pty using TIOCGPTPEER if available instead of the name returned by ptsname() so it is safe to use when interacting with namespaces. - update install-pear-nozlib.phar to its latest version, otherwise pecl stops working due to protocol switch http -> https - Mark testresults package as noarch ==== pim-data-exporter ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: pim-data-exporter-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * Fix SelectionTypeTreeWidgetTest - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Too many changes to list here ==== pim-sieve-editor ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: pim-sieve-editor-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Too many changes to list here ==== plasma5-pk-updates ==== Subpackages: plasma5-pk-updates-lang - Add desktop.patch to also translate the plasmoid name to French (boo#1086068) - Add plasma5-pk-updates-lang.tar.xz with updated French translations, the included ones are rather incomplete (boo#1086068) ==== plymouth ==== Version update (0.9.4+git20181204.0cd0613 -> 0.9.4+git20181219.c8f1256) Subpackages: libply-boot-client4 libply-splash-core4 libply-splash-graphics4 libply4 plymouth-dracut plymouth-plugin-label plymouth-plugin-label-ft plymouth-plugin-script plymouth-plugin-two-step plymouth-scripts - Update to version 0.9.4+git20181219.c8f1256: * two-step: Use plymouth_strtod Use the locale agnostic plymouth_strtod helper which always uses a "." as decimal seperator. This fixes the various Alignment options not working with some locales. - Update to version 0.9.4+git20181209.f7d5bb1: * ply-keyboard: Fix compiler warning * When a renderer goes away on a udev remove event, free keyboards associated with the renderer, before freeing the renderer. * device-manager: free keyboards when deactivating a renderer * keyboard: add helper to get the keyboard's renderer, if applicable. ==== polkit ==== Subpackages: libpolkit0 typelib-1_0-Polkit-1_0 - polkit-CVE-2018-19788.patch: Fixed handling of UIDs over MAX_UINT (bsc#1118277 CVE-2018-19788) ==== polkit-default-privs ==== - luckybackup: initial whitelisting of polkit pkexec action (bsc#1120403) - boltd: initial whitelisting of polkit actions (bsc#1119975) ==== privoxy ==== Version update (3.0.26 -> 3.0.28) - Update to version 3.0.28: * Bug fixes: - Fix misplaced parentheses - Changed two regression tests to depend on config directive ==== purple-lurch ==== Version update (0.6.7 -> 0.6.8) - Update to version 0.6.8: * Makefile adaptations should help building and running this for some. * Fix some bugs regarding carbons and sending messages to yourself, also added NULL checks so that it plays nicer with other plugins which might set the message to NULL. * Update submodules and their dependencies, most importantly libsignal-protocol-c to 2.3.2. * Add plugin preferences prototype: Single option is logging verbosity on the debug log. ==== python-Pillow ==== Version update (5.3.0 -> 5.4.1) - specfile: * update copyright year - update to version 5.4.1: * File closing: Only close __fp if not fp #3540 [radarhere] * Fix build for Termux #3529 [pslacerda] * PNG: Detect MIME types #3525 [radarhere] * PNG: Handle IDAT chunks after image end #3532 [radarhere] - changes from version 5.4.0: * Docs: Improved ImageChops documentation #3522 [radarhere] * Allow RGB and RGBA values for P image putpixel #3519 [radarhere] * Add APNG extension to PNG plugin #3501 [pirate486743186, radarhere] * Lookup ld.so.cache instead of hardcoding search paths #3245 [pslacerda] * Added custom string TIFF tags #3513 [radarhere] * Improve setup.py configuration #3395 [diorcety] * Read textual chunks located after IDAT chunks for PNG #3506 [radarhere] * Performance: Don't try to hash value if enum is empty #3503 [Glandos] * Added custom int and float TIFF tags #3350 [radarhere] * Fixes for issues reported by static code analysis #3393 [frenzymadness] * GIF: Wait until mode is normalized to copy im.info into encoderinfo #3187 [radarhere] * Docs: Add page of deprecations and removals #3486 [hugovk] * Travis CI: Upgrade PyPy from 5.8.0 to 6.0 #3488 [hugovk] * Travis CI: Allow lint job to fail #3467 [hugovk] * Resolve __fp when closing and deleting #3261 [radarhere] * Close exclusive fp before discarding #3461 [radarhere] * Updated open files documentation #3490 [radarhere] * Added libjpeg_turbo to check_feature #3493 [radarhere] * Change color table index background to tuple when saving as WebP [#3471] [radarhere] * Allow arbitrary number of comment extension subblocks #3479 [radarhere] * Ensure previous FLI frame is loaded before seeking to the next [#3478] [radarhere] * ImageShow improvements #3450 [radarhere] * Depends: Update libimagequant to 2.12.2 #3442, libtiff to 4.0.10 [#3458], libwebp to 1.0.1 #3468, Tk Tcl to 8.6.9 #3465 [radarhere] * Check quality_layers type #3464 [radarhere] * Add context manager, __del__ and close methods to TarIO #3455 [radarhere] * Test: Do not play sound when running screencapture command #3454 [radarhere] * Close exclusive fp on open exception #3456 [radarhere] * Only close existing fp in WebP if fp is exclusive #3418 [radarhere] * Docs: Re-add the downloads badge #3443 [hugovk] * Added negative index to PixelAccess #3406 [Nazime] * Change tuple background to global color table index when saving as GIF #3385 [radarhere] * Test: Improved ImageGrab tests #3424 [radarhere] * Flake8 fixes #3422, #3440 [radarhere, hugovk] * Only ask for YCbCr->RGB libtiff conversion for jpeg-compressed tiffs #3417 [kkopachev] * Optimise ImageOps.fit by combining resize and crop #3409 [homm] ==== python-asn1crypto ==== Subpackages: python2-asn1crypto python3-asn1crypto - Reduce duplicities - Install license ==== python-backports ==== Version update (4.0.0 -> 1.0.0) - Separate python-backports into separate package version 1.0.0 ==== python-chardet ==== - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package ==== python-cryptography ==== Version update (2.4.1 -> 2.4.2) Subpackages: python2-cryptography python3-cryptography - Update to version 2.4.2: * Updated Windows, macOS, and manylinux1 wheels to be compiled with OpenSSL 1.1.0j. ==== python-iniparse ==== - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package ==== python-jedi ==== Version update (0.13.1 -> 0.13.2) - specfile: * update copyright year - update to version 0.13.2: * Fixed a bug that led to Jedi spawning a lot of subprocesses. ==== python-lxml ==== Subpackages: python2-lxml python3-lxml - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package ==== python-numpy ==== Version update (1.15.3 -> 1.15.4) Subpackages: python2-numpy python3-numpy - Update to version 1.15.4 Changes documented in release notes: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/doc/release/1.15.4-notes.rst ==== python-olefile ==== - Use noun phrase in summary. - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package ==== python-packaging ==== Subpackages: python2-packaging python3-packaging - Drop pyparsing depndency as its not needed and creates circular dependency on older distributions - Reduce amount of duplicities ==== python-pycryptodome ==== Version update (3.6.6 -> 3.7.2) - Update to 3.7.2 - Resolved issues * GH#242: Fixed compilation problem on ARM platforms. - Update to 3.7.1 - New features * Added type stubs to enable static type checking with mypy. Thanks to Michael Nix. * New ``update_after_digest`` flag for CMAC. - Resolved issues * GH#232: Fixed problem with gcc 4.x when compiling ``ghash_clmul.c``. * GH#238: Incorrect digest value produced by CMAC after cloning the object. * Method ``update()`` of an EAX cipher object was returning the underlying CMAC object, instead of the EAX object itself. * Method ``update()`` of a CMAC object was not throwing an exception after the digest was computed (with ``digest()`` or ``verify()``). - checked in python-pycrytodomex as separate package on request of Dirk M�ller - fixed source url - Update to 3.7.0 - New features * Added support for Poly1305 MAC (with AES and ChaCha20 ciphers for key derivation). * Added support for ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD cipher. * New parameter output for Crypto.Util.strxor.strxor, Crypto.Util.strxor.strxor_c, encrypt and decrypt methods in symmetric ciphers (Crypto.Cipher package). output is a pre-allocated buffer (a bytearray or a writeable memoryview) where the result must be stored. This requires less memory for very large payloads; it is also more efficient when encrypting (or decrypting) several small payloads. - Resolved issues * GH#266: AES-GCM hangs when processing more than 4GB at a time on x86 with PCLMULQDQ instruction. - Breaks in compatibility * Drop support for Python 3.3. * Remove Crypto.Util.py3compat.unhexlify and Crypto.Util.py3compat.hexlify. * With the old Python 2.6, use only ctypes (and not cffi) to interface to native code. - Clean up spec - pycryptodomex package spec added ==== python-pycurl ==== Subpackages: python2-pycurl python3-pycurl - Add missing setuptools BR ==== python-pyparsing ==== Subpackages: python2-pyparsing python3-pyparsing - Add nose_to_unittest.patch to avoid nose BR and rewrite tests to work (gh#pyparsing/pyparsing#64) - Drop doc subpackage as it leads to circular dependencies on some releases ==== python-python-dateutil ==== Subpackages: python2-python-dateutil python3-python-dateutil - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package ==== python-pytz ==== - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package ==== python-pyudev ==== - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package ==== python-pyxdg ==== Subpackages: python2-pyxdg python3-pyxdg - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package ==== python-requests ==== - Move name ahead of version in spec file to resolve build issues on older distributions - fdupe more thoroughly. ==== python-setuptools ==== Version update (40.6.2 -> 40.6.3) Subpackages: python2-setuptools python3-setuptools - update to 40.6.3: * #1594: PEP 517 backend no longer declares setuptools as a dependency as it can be assumed. ==== python-typing ==== - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package ==== python-urllib3 ==== Version update (1.24 -> 1.24.1) - Update to 1.24.1: * Remove quadratic behavior within GzipDecoder.decompress() (Issue #1467) * Restored functionality of ciphers parameter for create_urllib3_context(). (Issue #1462) ==== qemu ==== Version update (3.0.0 -> 3.1.0) Subpackages: qemu-arm qemu-block-curl qemu-block-dmg qemu-block-gluster qemu-block-iscsi qemu-block-rbd qemu-block-ssh qemu-extra qemu-guest-agent qemu-ipxe qemu-ksm qemu-kvm qemu-lang qemu-ppc qemu-s390 qemu-seabios qemu-sgabios qemu-tools qemu-ui-curses qemu-ui-gtk qemu-ui-sdl qemu-vgabios qemu-x86 - Use /bin/bash to echo value into sys fs for ksm control (bsc#1112646) - fix memory leak in xen_disk (bsc#1100408) 0039-xen_disk-Avoid-repeated-memory-allo.patch - Patch queue updated from git://github.com/openSUSE/qemu.git opensuse-3.1 - building against xen-devel requires the XC_* compat macros to be set because this version of QEMU will be built against many versions of Xen. configure will decide on the appropriate function names it knows about today. To actually call these functions, future versions of Xen may require XC_* to be set. Furthermore, fix a bug in QEMU: xen_common.h undefines the XC_* macros unconditionally. - Update to v3.1.0: See http://wiki.qemu.org/ChangeLog/3.1 Take note that ongoing feature deprecation is tracked at both http://wiki.qemu-project.org/Features/LegacyRemoval and in Appendix B of the qemu-doc.* files installed with the qemu package Some noteworthy changes: * x86 IceLake-Server and IceLake-Client cpu models added * Document recommendations for choosing cpu modesl for x86 guests * Support for Hyper-V enlightened VMCS * stdvga and bochs-display devices can expose EDID information to the guest. stdvga xres and yres properties are exposed in the EDID information * s390 improvements: vfio-ap crypto device support, max-cpu model added, etoken support, huge page backing support * ARM: ARMv6M architecture and Cortex-M0 cpu host support added, Cortex-A72 cpu model added, GICv2 virtualization extensions, emulation of AArch32 virtualization, Scalable Vector Extension implemented * Support for AMD IOMMU interrupt remapping and guest virtual APIC mode * Multithreaded TCG on x86 is considered supportable * Add a patch to triple timeout of block io tests, since the obs environment is fickle * x86 save/restore and live migration is prohibited if Intel KVM nested virtualization is enabled * Patches dropped (upstream unless otherwise noted): 0033-migration-warn-about-inconsistent-s.patch (shouldn't be needed anymore) 0035-configure-Modify-python-used-for-io.patch (upstream now python3 friendly) 0039-tests-boot-serial-test-Bump-timeout.patch 0040-linux-headers-update.patch 0041-s390x-kvm-add-etoken-facility.patch 0042-seccomp-prefer-SCMP_ACT_KILL_PROCES.patch 0043-configure-require-libseccomp-2.2.0.patch 0044-seccomp-set-the-seccomp-filter-to-a.patch 0045-sandbox-disable-sandbox-if-CONFIG_S.patch 0046-seccomp-check-TSYNC-host-capability.patch 0047-linux-user-init_guest_space-Try-to-.patch 0048-ne2000-fix-possible-out-of-bound-ac.patch 0049-rtl8139-fix-possible-out-of-bound-a.patch 0050-pcnet-fix-possible-buffer-overflow.patch 0051-net-ignore-packet-size-greater-than.patch 0052-lsi53c895a-check-message-length-val.patch 0053-nvme-fix-oob-access-issue-CVE-2018-.patch (fixed differently upstream) * Patches renamed: 0034-smbios-Add-1-terminator-if-any-stri.patch - > 0033-smbios-Add-1-terminator-if-any-stri.patch 0036-qemu-io-tests-comment-out-problemat.patch - > 0034-qemu-io-tests-comment-out-problemat.patch 0037-tests-test-thread-pool-is-racy-add-.patch - > 0035-tests-test-thread-pool-is-racy-add-.patch 0038-xen-add-block-resize-support-for-xe.patch - > 0036-xen-add-block-resize-support-for-xe.patch * Patches added: 0037-tests-qemu-iotests-Triple-timeout-o.patch 0038-tests-block-io-test-130-needs-some-.patch - Patch queue updated from git://github.com/openSUSE/qemu.git opensuse-3.1 - Update includes the following bug fixes: bsc#1108474, bsc#1117615 - Update includes the following SLE requested functionality: FATE#324810, FATE#325875, FATE#326369, FATE#326378, FATE#326379, FATE#326401, FATE#326672, FATE#326829 - Make the following packaging changes related to the new release * Enable libpmem, pvrdma, vhost-crypto features and qemu-block-nfs subpackage * New roms available: vgabios-bochs-display.bin, vgabios-ramfb.bin * New binary tool included (qemu-edid) for testing the new qemu edid generator - Tweaked patches we carry to pass qemu's checkpatch checker - Modify update_git.sh script to enable packaging qemu from development time sources, not just at release time - Removed erroneous (and now useless) tests for tar and gzip formats - Don't exclude s390x anymore from building the qemu-testsuite - Based on current OBS building observations make changes to storage and memory requires specified in the _constraints file - Re-sync openSUSE and SUSE SLE qemu packages. This changes file is the openSUSE one with this entry providing the intervening SLE CVE, FATE, and bugzilla references, which are still addressed in this package, and not yet called out in this changes file. * CVE-2018-10839 CVE-2018-16847 CVE-2018-17958 CVE-2018-17962 CVE-2018-17963 CVE-2018-18849 * bsc#1110910 bsc#1111006 bsc#1111010 bsc#1111013 bsc#1114422 bsc#1114529 * Patches added: 0047-linux-user-init_guest_space-Try-to-.patch 0048-ne2000-fix-possible-out-of-bound-ac.patch 0049-rtl8139-fix-possible-out-of-bound-a.patch 0050-pcnet-fix-possible-buffer-overflow.patch 0051-net-ignore-packet-size-greater-than.patch 0052-lsi53c895a-check-message-length-val.patch 0053-nvme-fix-oob-access-issue-CVE-2018-.patch - Patch queue updated from git://github.com/openSUSE/qemu.git opensuse-3.0 ==== qemu-linux-user ==== Version update (3.0.0 -> 3.1.0) - Patch queue updated from git://github.com/openSUSE/qemu.git opensuse-3.1 * Patches added: 0039-xen_disk-Avoid-repeated-memory-allo.patch - Update to v3.1.0: See http://wiki.qemu.org/ChangeLog/3.1 Take note that ongoing feature deprecation is tracked at both http://wiki.qemu-project.org/Features/LegacyRemoval and in Appendix B of the qemu-doc.* files installed with the qemu package Some noteworthy changes: * Multithreaded TCG on x86 is considered supportable * Improvements to netlink emulation * Support for usbfs ioctls * xtensa-linux-user support the bFLT format * Patches dropped (upstream unless otherwise noted): 0033-migration-warn-about-inconsistent-s.patch (shouldn't be needed anymore) 0035-configure-Modify-python-used-for-io.patch (upstream now python3 friendly) 0039-tests-boot-serial-test-Bump-timeout.patch 0040-linux-headers-update.patch 0041-s390x-kvm-add-etoken-facility.patch 0042-seccomp-prefer-SCMP_ACT_KILL_PROCES.patch 0043-configure-require-libseccomp-2.2.0.patch 0044-seccomp-set-the-seccomp-filter-to-a.patch 0045-sandbox-disable-sandbox-if-CONFIG_S.patch 0046-seccomp-check-TSYNC-host-capability.patch 0047-linux-user-init_guest_space-Try-to-.patch 0048-ne2000-fix-possible-out-of-bound-ac.patch 0049-rtl8139-fix-possible-out-of-bound-a.patch 0050-pcnet-fix-possible-buffer-overflow.patch 0051-net-ignore-packet-size-greater-than.patch 0052-lsi53c895a-check-message-length-val.patch 0053-nvme-fix-oob-access-issue-CVE-2018-.patch (fixed differently upstream) * Patches renamed: 0034-smbios-Add-1-terminator-if-any-stri.patch - > 0033-smbios-Add-1-terminator-if-any-stri.patch 0036-qemu-io-tests-comment-out-problemat.patch - > 0034-qemu-io-tests-comment-out-problemat.patch 0037-tests-test-thread-pool-is-racy-add-.patch - > 0035-tests-test-thread-pool-is-racy-add-.patch 0038-xen-add-block-resize-support-for-xe.patch - > 0036-xen-add-block-resize-support-for-xe.patch * Patches added: 0037-tests-qemu-iotests-Triple-timeout-o.patch 0038-tests-block-io-test-130-needs-some-.patch - Patch queue updated from git://github.com/openSUSE/qemu.git opensuse-3.1 - Tweaked patches we carry to pass qemu's checkpatch checker - Modify update_git.sh script to enable packaging qemu from development time sources, not just at release time. - Re-sync openSUSE and SUSE SLE qemu packages. This changes file is the openSUSE one with this entry providing the intervening SLE CVE, FATE, and bugzilla references, which are still addressed in this package, and not yet called out in this changes file. * bsc#1112499 * Patches added: 0047-linux-user-init_guest_space-Try-to-.patch 0048-ne2000-fix-possible-out-of-bound-ac.patch 0049-rtl8139-fix-possible-out-of-bound-a.patch 0050-pcnet-fix-possible-buffer-overflow.patch 0051-net-ignore-packet-size-greater-than.patch 0052-lsi53c895a-check-message-length-val.patch 0053-nvme-fix-oob-access-issue-CVE-2018-.patch ==== rdma-core ==== Version update (20.1 -> 21) Subpackages: libibverbs libibverbs1 libmlx4-1 libmlx5-1 librdmacm1 - Update to rdma-core v21 (fate#325939, fate#326991) * No release notes available ==== rpcbind ==== - add ordering dependency to rpcbind.service (bsc#1117217) * modify 0001-systemd-unit-files.patch ==== rubygem-yast-rake ==== Version update (0.2.29 -> 0.2.30) - Expose theme directory to allow for installation to theme (boo#1108422) ==== samba ==== Version update (4.9.3+git.113.3f6a4cdc269 -> 4.9.3+git.121.c328d5e9101) Subpackages: libdcerpc-binding0 libdcerpc-binding0-32bit libdcerpc0 libdcerpc0-32bit libndr-krb5pac0 libndr-krb5pac0-32bit libndr-nbt0 libndr-nbt0-32bit libndr-standard0 libndr-standard0-32bit libndr0 libndr0-32bit libnetapi0 libnetapi0-32bit libsamba-credentials0 libsamba-credentials0-32bit libsamba-errors0 libsamba-errors0-32bit libsamba-hostconfig0 libsamba-hostconfig0-32bit libsamba-passdb0 libsamba-passdb0-32bit libsamba-util0 libsamba-util0-32bit libsamdb0 libsamdb0-32bit libsmbclient0 libsmbconf0 libsmbconf0-32bit libsmbldap2 libsmbldap2-32bit libtevent-util0 libtevent-util0-32bit libwbclient0 libwbclient0-32bit samba-client samba-client-32bit samba-doc samba-libs samba-libs-32bit samba-winbind samba-winbind-32bit - Remove python2 build dependency from samba-libs; (bsc#1116900); - Update update-apparmor-samba-profile script to ignore the shares's paths containing substitution variables in any place, not only at the beginning of the path. ==== sendmail ==== Subpackages: libmilter1_0 - Remove alias to mail-transfer-agent.target (boo#1116675) ==== signon-kwallet-extension ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * No code changes since 18.08.3 ==== squid ==== Version update (4.4 -> 4.5) - Update to squid 4.5: + Squid crashes when ICAPS and a sslcrtvalidator used together (#328) + ssl_bump prevents from accessing some web contents (#304) + Docs: improved lexgrog compatibility (#340) + Redesign forward_max_tries count TCP connection attempts + Fix client_connection_mark ACL handling of clientless transactions + Fix netdb exchange with a TLS cache peer + Update netdb when tunneling requests + Use pkg-config for detecting libxml2 + Misc doc updates + Misc code compile fixes ==== step ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: step-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Trim rhetorics from description. - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Add captions to the screenshots * Fix minor typos + enhance API docs * Fix minor EBN issues * Port Step away from kdelibs4support * Fix my typo * Sort includes alphabetically * Port away from deprecated KIO:NetAccess * Port away from deprecated KColorDialog * Port away from deprecated KFileDialog * Fix minor EBN issues and minor porting for KStandardDirs, KInputDialog and writeConfig ==== strace ==== Version update (4.25 -> 4.26) - Update to strace 4.26 * Changes in behavior * If strace is interrupted by a signal it handles (currently one of HUP, INT, QUIT, PIPE, or TERM), strace terminates itself with this signal. * Improvements * Implemented obtainment of system call information using PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO ptrace API. * Implemented decoding of PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO ptrace request. * Implemented decoding of BLKGETZONESZ, BLKGETNRZONES, and RND* ioctl commands. * Enhanced xlat styles support configured by -X option. * Enhanced internet address formatting in structureless contexts. * Enhanced decoding of getsockopt SO_ERROR option. * Enhanced error diagnostics when the first exec fails. * Added %net as a short form of %network in syscall specifications. * Updated lists of ABS_*, BPF_*, FAN_*, IFA_*, IFLA_*, KVM_CAP_*, NETLINK_*, NTF_*, PR_SPEC_*, REL_*, SOL_*, TCA_*, and V4L2_* constants. * Updated lists of ioctl commands from Linux 4.20. * Enhanced manual page. * Bug fixes * Fixed "xlat_idx: Unexpected xlat value 0" warnings. * Fixed sthyi output format on s390. * Documented -X option in strace -h output. ==== sweeper ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: sweeper-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * No code changes since 18.11.90 - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * No code changes since 18.11.80 - Add license file - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Add donation url to appdata * Fix minor EBN issues [includes] * USe KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings ==== terminus-bitmap-fonts ==== Version update (4.46 -> 4.47) - Update to version 4.47 * Added 35 new characters (33 glyphs). * Replaced ao2-variant "ae" with ao1 "ae", it was too similar to "oe". * Some fixes and improvements (17 characters in various sizes/styles). * Significantly improved the font conversion tools. Python 3.5.0 or Node 6.9.0 are now required to build the font. - Spec cleanup ==== texlive ==== Subpackages: libkpathsea6 libsynctex2 - Add patches for poppler 0.72: * Rebase/extend source-fix-const-poppler0.66.0.patch and apply for all versions using pdf*-newpoppler.cc * source-fix-bool-poppler.patch * source-poppler-use-std_string.patch * source-poppler-fix-dict-memleak.patch - Add source-lua-fix-bad-compare.patch - Drop source-lua-poppler0640.dif, instead of casting the const's away, add const where appropriate ==== thunar-volman ==== Version update (0.9.0 -> 0.9.1) Subpackages: thunar-volman-lang - update to version 0.9.1 - Allow compilation against libxfce4ui 4.12 (bxo#14100) - Use transient notifications - Visual improvements (bxo#14650) - Add support for Blu-ray media (bxo#13297) - Relicense tvm-burn-cd.svg (bxo#11204) - Autobrowse of removable media opens Thunar, not the user-selected file manager (bxo#9537) - Translation updates - Remove obsolete patch thunar-volman-0.9-fix-build-with-xfce-4.12.patch ==== timezone ==== Version update (2018g -> 2018i) - timezone update 2018i: * S�o Tom� and Pr�ncipe switches from +01 to +00 on 2019-01-01 - timezone update 2018h (bsc#1120402): * Qyzylorda, Kazakhstan moved from +06 to +05 on 2018-12-21 * New zone Asia/Qostanay because Qostanay, Kazakhstan didn't move * Metlakatla, Alaska observes PST this winter only * Guess Morocco will continue to adjust clocks around Ramadan * Add predictions for Iran from 2038 through 2090 ==== timezone-java ==== Version update (2018g -> 2018i) - timezone update 2018i: * S�o Tom� and Pr�ncipe switches from +01 to +00 on 2019-01-01 - timezone update 2018h (bsc#1120402): * Qyzylorda, Kazakhstan moved from +06 to +05 on 2018-12-21 * New zone Asia/Qostanay because Qostanay, Kazakhstan didn't move * Metlakatla, Alaska observes PST this winter only * Guess Morocco will continue to adjust clocks around Ramadan * Add predictions for Iran from 2038 through 2090 ==== tmux ==== - add issue_1549.diff to fix boo#1120170 ==== tuned ==== - Remove sap subpackages entirely for SLE and Leap products. These conflict with possible other SLE optimized sap subpackages (bnc#1064832). - Create systemd tmpfiles correctly for different releases again. - Add missing dependency on python3-linux-procfs ==== umbrello ==== Version update (18.08.3 -> 18.12.0) Subpackages: umbrello-lang - Update to 18.12.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12.0.php - Changes since 18.11.90: * Fix KDE CI compile error with Qt 5.10 on linux * Fix -Wimplicit-fallthrough issue * Make call to QUrl::adjusted() really working * Make call to QString::toLower() really working * Make call to QString::simplified() really working * Fix output of used Qt version for KF5 builds - Update to 18.11.90 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-rc.php - Changes since 18.11.80: * JavaImport: Convert Java specific notation '...' into a language independent array definition (kde#401290) * Fix 'SQL code indexes wrong field for foreign key' (kde#292239) * Crash fix in case of exporting an entity relation diagram * Fix 'Endless loop on importing mysql schema' (kde#98082) - Run spec-cleaner - Update to 18.11.80 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-18.12-beta.php - Changes since 18.08.3: * Too many changes to list here ==== unbound ==== Subpackages: libunbound2 unbound-anchor - Reorder scriptlet %if guards so that no empty scriptlets are emitted. Add one missing %if %{with systemd}. - Replace %__-type macro indirections. ==== util-linux ==== Subpackages: libblkid-devel libblkid1 libblkid1-32bit libfdisk1 libmount1 libmount1-32bit libsmartcols1 libuuid-devel libuuid1 libuuid1-32bit util-linux-lang - Drop rfkill-block@.service and rfkill-unblock@.service that functionally conflict with systemd-rfkill@.service (boo#1092820#c13). ==== util-linux-systemd ==== - Drop rfkill-block@.service and rfkill-unblock@.service that functionally conflict with systemd-rfkill@.service (boo#1092820#c13). ==== vala ==== Version update (0.42.3 -> 0.42.4) Subpackages: libvala-0_42-0 - Update to version 0.42.4: + Various improvements and bug fixes: - codegen: . Fix method pointer cast if instance isn't at first position . Transfer ownership of compact class to DestroysInstance method . Add destroy function for GLib.Array . Fix canonical string for quark of error domains . Make sure to include declarations for delegate typed parameters . Don't emit type_id for enum in non GOBJECT profile . Don't emit unused temp variable for element access assignments . Actually create method cast for base interface method as needed . Mark needle parameter of internal array-contains methods as const . Emit initializer for enum-value into wanted declaration space . Add void to delegate typedef declarations without parameters . Emit delegate/enum typedefs to type-declaration section . Always emit constants with initializer-list . Handle non-default AsyncResult parameter position - vala: . Copy instance_pos argument from virtual/abstract base methods . Compact classes don't allow private/class fields and to lock fields . Use comment which was already retrieved in parse_declaration() . Add missing re-check guards for Do/For/WhileStatement and SwitchLabel . Type check for errors require an error expression . Make check_arguments() more verbose and don't bail on first error . Don't emit member access of assignments on static properties . Use clearer error message for automatic properties in interfaces . Break possible endless loop in SymbolResolver.get_type_for_struct() - girwriter: Write glib-type attributes for Enums/Structs with type_id - girparser: Skip "source-position" elements and docs in transparent union - valadoc: . Match property signature with vala's codewriter . Sort symbols and members where possible . Actually assign type_id of Api.Structs . Add type_id to Api.Enum/Interface . Skip package dependency if target directory already exists . Fix a few errors and warnings in stylesheet . Adjust stylesheet to unbreak Epiphany - docs: Use Markdown for README and include build instructions - testrunner: Pass buildsystem's CC through to valac + Bindings: - gio-2.0: Add missing File.new_build_filename() - glib-2.0: Add missing Array.set_clear_func() binding - glib-2.0: Avoid double-free in GLib.Array if clear_func is set - glib-2.0: Add GLib.pointer aka gpointer binding - gobject-2.0: Attribute all symbols with cheader_filename = "glib-object.h" - gobject-introspection-1.0: Pick up version attribute fixes - gdk-x11-3.0,gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.24.2+eb821cb8 - gtk+-4.0: Update to 3.94.0+a99bd2a4 - gstreamer: Update from 1.15+ git master - poppler-glib: Update to 0.71 ==== virtualbox ==== Version update (5.2.22_k4.19.11_1 -> 5.2.22_k4.19.12_1) Subpackages: virtualbox-guest-kmp-default virtualbox-guest-tools virtualbox-guest-x11 - proper permissions for /etc/vbox/*.cfg - remove ambiguous labels in vboxdrv: fixes restart and such - make autostarting synchronous again - improve README.autostart - add new autostart variables to the existing /etc/default/virtualbox in %post, if missing - replace switch_to_python3.6.patch with switch_to_python3.4+.patch - remove fixes_for_leap15.patch, upstream has incorporated it - add conflict with i4l-vbox due to shared /etc/vbox - adjust /etc/vbox permissions - add /etc/vbox/autostart.cfg - fix vboxdrv.sh: apply new autostart mechanics to stop_vms() - remove obsolete shutdown section in /etc/default/virtualbox - add VBOXAUTOSTART_{DB,CONFIG} to /etc/default/virtualbox - supply README.autostart ==== webkit2gtk3 ==== Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18 libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37 libwebkit2gtk3-lang typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_0 typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_0 webkit2gtk-4_0-injected-bundles - Pass DENABLE_ACCELERATED_2D_CANVAS=ON to cmake, build accelerated 2d canvas support, we already build the needed support in cairo. - Switch to Ninja build, add ninja BuildRequires and pass GNinja to cmake and use ninja_build and ninja_make macros. - Don't use gold on ppc. ==== wget ==== Version update (1.20 -> 1.20.1) - GNU wget 1.20.1: * --xattr is no longer default since it introduces privacy issues * --xattr saves the Referer as scheme/host/port, user/pw/path/query/fragment are no longer saved to prevent privacy issues * --xattr saves the Original URL without user/password to prevent privacy issues * all of the above fix CVE-2018-20483 (bsc#1120382) ==== xdg-desktop-portal ==== Version update (0.11 -> 1.0.3) Subpackages: xdg-desktop-portal-lang - Update to version 1.0.3: + Fix an option name in the remote desktop portal + document-portal: Validate permissions and report errors + Fix life-cycle issues with inodes in the document portal + Improve the test coverage of the documents portal + Add a 'coverage' make target - Changes from version 1.0.2: + networkmonitor: Fix several issues + inhibit: Add session state monitoring - Changes from version 1.0.1: + networkmonitor: Add GetStatus and CanReach methods + Unset GTK_USE_PORTAL + Add a portal for moving files to the trash + Fix an inode leak in the document portal - Changes from version 1.0: + screenshot: Add a color picker api + screencast: Bump the pipewire dependency to 0.2.1 + Improve --help output + Small documentation improvements - Changes from version 0.99: + The NetworkMonitor portal API has been changed to allow access control + The Proxy and NetworkMonitor portals only respond to requests from sandboxes with network access + The flatpak portal is now documented - Switch to tarball releases, upstream now releases stable tarballs. - Following the above, drop libtool BuildRequires and autogen.sh macro call. - Add pkgconfig(libpipewire-0.2) and pass --enable-pipewire to configure, build screencast and screenshot support. ==== xdg-desktop-portal-gtk ==== Version update (0.11 -> 1.0.2) Subpackages: xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-lang - Update to version 1.0.2: + filechooser: Add returned files to recent files + inhibit: Implement screensaver monitoring - Changes from version 1.0.1: + Use gvfs + Unset GTK_USE_PORTAL + Require xdg-desktop-portal 1.0 + Updated translations. - Changes from version 1.0: + screenshot: Add a PickColor method + screencast: Some UI improvements + Improve --help output - Changes from version 0.99: + Shorten excessively long filenames in the app chooser dialog + Fixes for the screencast portal + Support more email clients in the Email portal + Fix a crash in the print portal - Switch to tarball release, upstream now releases stable tarballs. - Following the above, drop libtool BuildRequires and autogen.sh call. ==== xen ==== Subpackages: xen-libs xen-tools xen-tools-domU - Avoid creating dangling symlinks (bsc#1116524) This reverts the revert of tmp_build.patch ==== xf86-video-chips ==== Version update (1.2.7 -> 1.3.0) - update to release 1.3.0 * This is a maintenance release of Chips & Technologies DDX for X.Org X Server. No testing has been done due to the lack of equipment availability. ==== xfce4-panel ==== Subpackages: libxfce4panel-1_0-4 libxfce4panel-2_0-4 xfce4-panel-lang xfce4-panel-restore-defaults - Drop hard dependency of xfce4-panel-restore-defaults (boo#1120913) ==== xfce4-panel-plugin-clipman ==== Version update (1.4.2 -> 1.4.3) Subpackages: xfce4-panel-plugin-clipman-lang - update to version 1.4.3 (2018-10-27): - Switch to xfce_panel_plugin_get_icon_size for consistent icon sizes - Make sure the "Disable" menuitem is shown in the panel plugin - Translation updates ==== xfce4-panel-plugin-systemload ==== Version update (1.2.1 -> 1.2.2) Subpackages: xfce4-panel-plugin-systemload-lang - update to version 1.2.2: - general rework of the preferences dialog by our resident UI wizard Simon Steinbeiss - fix the 'no tooltips' regression by setting the default update interval to 0.5s (workaround for bxo#13536) - tons of translation updates ==== xfce4-taskmanager ==== Version update (1.2.1 -> 1.2.2) Subpackages: xfce4-taskmanager-lang - update to version 1.2.2 - Default to build with Gtk3, Gtk2 still available but will be removed in the next release - Appease valgrind by properly calculating size when using memmove - Remove g_object_unref() calls at the end of main, were causing double-frees with Gtk3 on OpenBSD - Better utf-8 normalization (bxo#14172) - Improve app search on close (bxo#14466) - Many translation updates ==== yast2 ==== Version update (4.1.34 -> 4.1.47) Subpackages: yast2-logs - Fix a fragile unit test (related to changes introduced for fate#325482) - 4.1.47 - Fetch and display properly the license content from the fallback rpm when using a product definition located at /usr/share/installation-products (part of fate#325482) - 4.1.46 - Drop no longer used ALog module without replacement - Drop no longer used Cron module without replacement - Drop obsolete DebugHooks module for installation. Replaced by integrated installation debugger and installation hooks. - Drop no longer used SuSEFirewallExpertRules module. Replaced by firewalld related classes. - replace old testsuite for Wizard module by rspec tests - Drop no longer installed desktop files for remotechooser and remoteinstall from git. - Drop obsolete ycp syntax checker check-all-syntax without replacement. - Add missing help for the service configuration - NetworkService: fix invoking forced enable (bsc#1119657) - 4.1.45 - Add a <configuration_management/> section to the control file (fate#322722). - 4.1.44 - avoid use of shellescape function on non string types (bsc#1119678) - 4.1.43 - Extend Yast::Execute API (needed for bsc#1118291) - Add method Yast::Execute.stdout - Allow to chain methods - 4.1.42 - WorkflowManager: find product definitions located at /usr/share/installation-products/ (part of fate#325482) - 4.1.41 - Added more testcases if e.g. system is running in chroot environment and systemd does not work properly (bsc#1113732) - Removed dead code (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.40 - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.39 - Ship only primary icons with module to avoid conflicts (boo#1118521) - 4.1.38 - firewalld: add ability to add/edit/remove zones (fate#324662) - 4.1.37 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - Move virtualization group from yast-vm to yast2 - 4.1.36 - Added global parameter enable_local_users (Fate#326447) - Added ProductFeatures::GetBooleanFeatureWithFallback - 4.1.35 ==== yast2-add-on ==== Version update (4.1.7 -> 4.1.10) - Fixed displaying previous dialog content when going back and forth in the installation workflow (bsc#1117492) - 4.1.10 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.9 - Function SelectProduct removed in order NOT to select All available products (bsc#1116332). - 4.1.8 ==== yast2-auth-client ==== Version update (4.0.0 -> 4.1.0) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-auth-server ==== Version update (4.0.0 -> 4.1.0) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-bootloader ==== Version update (4.1.11 -> 4.1.13) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - escape properly shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - do not show grub2 password in list of processes when encrypting (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.13 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.12 ==== yast2-control-center ==== Version update (4.1.2 -> 4.1.4) Subpackages: yast2-control-center-qt - Use yast-control-center icon for desktop files (boo#1109310) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.3 ==== yast2-country ==== Version update (4.1.5 -> 4.1.7) Subpackages: yast2-country-data - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - drop policy kit definitions as yast2-dbus-server is already dropped - 4.1.7 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.6 ==== yast2-dhcp-server ==== Version update (4.1.3 -> 4.1.5) - Always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - Updated testsuite to pass with the new yast2 - 4.1.5 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.4 ==== yast2-dns-server ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.1.2) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.2 - Added license file to spec. ==== yast2-drbd ==== Version update (4.0.3 -> 4.1.0) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-firewall ==== Version update (4.0.34 -> 4.1.3) - Startup dialog: Replace the old UI::ServiceStatus by the new CWM::ServiceWidget (bsc#1114807) - 4.1.3 - Add ability to add/edit/remove zone (fate#324662) - Show warning about lost selection only in ncurses and improve text - add confirmation when aborting module - 4.1.2 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.1 - Drop completely old SuSEFirewall2 dialogs and modules. (fate#324662) - 4.1.0 ==== yast2-firstboot ==== Version update (4.0.6 -> 4.1.2) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.2 - Added firstboot.rnc file to desktop file. This is needed for building yast2-schema (bnc#1117068). - 4.1.1 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-fonts ==== Version update (4.0.2 -> 4.1.0) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 ==== yast2-ftp-server ==== Version update (4.1.4 -> 4.1.6) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - escape properly shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.6 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.5 - Added license file to spec. ==== yast2-http-server ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.1.3) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.3 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.2 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-installation ==== Version update (4.1.25 -> 4.1.34) - Hardening commands execution (part of bsc#1118291). - Replace backticks by Yast::Execute. - 4.1.34 - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.33 - More aggresive inst-sys cleaner, clean the libzypp cache when running in graphical mode with less than 1GB RAM (in text mode keep the current limit 640MB), this avoids crashes on low memory systems (bsc#1118643) - Also adapted the computing the default y2log size - use smaller size in low memory systems, on the other hand limit the maximum size to avoid huge log files - 4.1.32 - Improved saving y2logs during installation to use the /mnt/tmp space instead of the RAM disk to avoid possible crash (out of memory) (bsc#1118643) - 4.1.31 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.30 - Documented new control.xml global parameter enable_local_users (Fate#326447) - Improved English in the documentation of control.xml - 4.1.29 - Prefer fbiterm whenever is possible for textmode installation (fate#325746). - 4.1.28 - Dialog complex_welcome: Translate the help button if the language has been changed (bsc#1098571). - 4.1.27 - Moving driver_update2_finish call just before unmounting system. (bnc#967103). - 4.1.26 ==== yast2-instserver ==== Version update (4.1.3 -> 4.1.5) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - escape properly shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.5 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.4 ==== yast2-iscsi-client ==== Version update (4.1.2 -> 4.1.4) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.4 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.3 ==== yast2-isns ==== Version update (4.1.2 -> 4.1.4) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - escape properly shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.4 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.3 - Added license file to spec. ==== yast2-journal ==== Version update (4.1.3 -> 4.1.5) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.5 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.4 ==== yast2-kdump ==== Version update (4.0.4 -> 4.1.1) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - enable rubocop - 4.1.1 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-mail ==== Version update (4.0.4 -> 4.1.0) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-multipath ==== Version update (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-network ==== Version update (4.1.18 -> 4.1.27) - bnc#1116568 - /etc/hosts load performance improvements - 4.1.27 - Showing correct start mode for nfsroot device (bsc#1105692). - 4.1.26 - bnc#1119723 - properly copy ifcfg files from instsys to target - 4.1.25 - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.24 - Security audit fixes: Removed unused function stdout_of() (part of bsc#1118291) - 4.1.23 - Security audit fixes: Use absolute paths when calling external commands and shell-escape arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.22 - bnc#1114213 - improved help for dns nameserver address to mention also valid format of IPv6 - 4.1.21 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.20 ==== yast2-nfs-client ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.1.4) - Handle NFS version 4.2 (bsc#1118779). - 4.1.4 - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.3 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.2 - fix build failure caused by changes in storage-ng (related to change done for bsc#1088426) - 4.1.1 - Added license file to spec. ==== yast2-nfs-server ==== Version update (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3) Subpackages: yast2-nfs-common - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.3 ==== yast2-nis-client ==== Version update (4.0.3 -> 4.1.0) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - escape properly shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.0 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.4 - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. - Changed dir of COPYING file. ==== yast2-nis-server ==== Version update (4.0.1 -> 4.1.1) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.1 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. - Changed dir of COPYING file. ==== yast2-ntp-client ==== Version update (4.1.6 -> 4.1.7) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.7 ==== yast2-online-update ==== Version update (4.0.1 -> 4.0.2) Subpackages: yast2-online-update-frontend - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.2 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-online-update-configuration ==== Version update (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 - Added license file to spec. ==== yast2-packager ==== Version update (4.1.12 -> 4.1.24) - Display the license agreement checkbox only when needed (related to fate#325482) - 4.1.24 - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.23 - If linuxrc does not provide a repo URL (parameter NOREPO), use the fallback repository included in the inst-sys to get the information about the products (fate#325482). - 4.1.22 - Add missing icons and edit current ones (boo#1109310) - 4.1.21 - remove cd:/// fallback installation URL (fate#325482) - 4.1.20 - We do not need yast2_theme for building this package, the desktopfile icon is included in this package now (related to boo#1109310) - 4.1.19 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.18 - software_proposal: Added warning in case the NTP configuration was modified but the package is not selected to be installed (bsc#1082369) - 4.1.17 - Function SelectProduct removed in order NOT to select All available products (bsc#1116332). - 4.1.16 - fate#325541 - disabling CD / DVD repositories according to control file setup - 4.1.15 - sw_single_wrapper: fixed invalid variable reset causing a possible command injection vulnerability via environment variable (bsc#1116226) - 4.1.14 - Support for adding online repos during installation (bsc#1112937) - Added pop-up dialog to ask user first if he would like to add online repos during installation and upgrade (only once) - 4.1.13 ==== yast2-printer ==== Version update (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.3 - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. - Changed dir of COPYING file. ==== yast2-proxy ==== Version update (4.0.2 -> 4.1.0) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - escape properly shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.0 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.3 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-ruby-bindings ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.1.1) - Configure $PATH environment variable to execute external commands only from safe paths (part of bsc#1118291). - 4.1.1 ==== yast2-samba-client ==== Version update (4.0.3 -> 4.0.4) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.4 ==== yast2-samba-server ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.1.3) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.3 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.2 ==== yast2-scanner ==== Version update (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.3 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-schema ==== Version update (4.0.4 -> 4.0.6) - Evaluating which package belongs to which schema. This information will be stored in includes.rnc (bsc#1117068) - 4.0.6 - yast2-firstboot change: Added firstboot.rnc file to desktop file. (bsc#1117068) - 4.0.5 ==== yast2-security ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.1.2) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.2 ==== yast2-services-manager ==== Version update (4.1.8 -> 4.1.11) - Fix: Do not crash in chroot environment (bsc#1113732) - 4.1.11 - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.10 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.9 ==== yast2-slp-server ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.1.1) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.1 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-snapper ==== Version update (4.0.5 -> 4.1.0) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.0 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.6 ==== yast2-sound ==== Version update (4.0.1 -> 4.1.1) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.1 - Hardening commands execution (part of bsc#1118291). - Replace backticks by Yast::Execute. - 4.1.0 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.2 - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. - Changed dir of COPYING file. ==== yast2-squid ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.1.4) - Fix name of exception (related to fix for bsc#1118291) - 4.1.4 - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.3 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.2 ==== yast2-storage-ng ==== Version update (4.1.35 -> 4.1.43) - Do not touch eMMC boot partitions (mmcblk*boot*) (bsc#1119316) - 4.1.43 - do not use removed function IconPath anymore (bsc#1119699) - 4.1.42 - Hardening execution of system commands (part of bsc#1118291). - 4.1.41 - Ship only primary icons with module to avoid conflicts (boo#1118521) - 4.1.40 - Partitioner: does not allow to create BTRFS subvolumes with unsafe characters in its path (related to bsc#1059972). - 4.1.39 - Support for Raspberry Pi in Guided Proposal: it suggests to keep the firmware partition and mount it as /boot/vc (fate#323484). - 4.1.38 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.37 - Partitioner: add support for UDF filesystem (fate#326877). - 4.1.36 ==== yast2-sudo ==== Version update (4.0.0 -> 4.0.1) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.1 - Added license file to spec. - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. ==== yast2-support ==== Version update (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.0 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.2 - Added license file to spec. ==== yast2-sysconfig ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.1.2) - Security audit fix: Documented external command usage and added warning if calling an external command without an absolute path (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.2 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.1 ==== yast2-tftp-server ==== Version update (4.1.4 -> 4.1.6) - Added tftp-server.rnc schema file (bsc#1108199). - 4.1.6 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.5 - Added license file to spec. ==== yast2-trans ==== Version update (84.87.20181125.c884a64bcb -> 84.87.20190105.e1195fbe48) Subpackages: yast2-trans-af yast2-trans-ar yast2-trans-bg yast2-trans-bn yast2-trans-bs yast2-trans-ca yast2-trans-cs yast2-trans-cy yast2-trans-da yast2-trans-de yast2-trans-el yast2-trans-en yast2-trans-en_GB yast2-trans-en_US yast2-trans-es yast2-trans-et yast2-trans-fa yast2-trans-fi yast2-trans-fr yast2-trans-gl yast2-trans-gu yast2-trans-hi yast2-trans-hr yast2-trans-hu yast2-trans-id yast2-trans-it yast2-trans-ja yast2-trans-jv yast2-trans-ka yast2-trans-km yast2-trans-ko yast2-trans-lo yast2-trans-lt yast2-trans-mk yast2-trans-mr yast2-trans-nb yast2-trans-nl yast2-trans-pa yast2-trans-pl yast2-trans-pt yast2-trans-pt_BR yast2-trans-ro yast2-trans-ru yast2-trans-si yast2-trans-sk yast2-trans-sl yast2-trans-sr yast2-trans-sv yast2-trans-ta yast2-trans-th yast2-trans-tr yast2-trans-uk yast2-trans-vi yast2-trans-wa yast2-trans-xh yast2-trans-zh_CN yast2-trans-zh_TW yast2-trans-zu - Update to version 84.87.20190105.e1195fbe48: * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * New POT for text domain 'network'. * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) * Translated using Weblate (German) * New POT for text domain 'network'. * New POT for text domain 'installation'. * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Kabyle) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * New POT for text domain 'base'. * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * New POT for text domain 'nfs'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. - Update to version 84.87.20181222.9e9c34dcd2: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * New POT for text domain 'users'. * New POT for text domain 'rmt'. * New POT for text domain 'wol'. * New POT for text domain 'support'. * New POT for text domain 'sound'. * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * New POT for text domain 'kdump'. * New POT for text domain 'iscsi-client'. * New POT for text domain 'fcoe-client'. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * New POT for text domain 'users'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * New POT for text domain 'qt'. * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * New POT for text domain 'iscsi-lio-server'. * New POT for text domain 'country'. * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * New POT for text domain 'installation'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * New POT for text domain 'add-on'. - Update to version 84.87.20181215.c6e61f9ba3: * New POT for text domain 'registration'. * New POT for text domain 'installation'. * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * New POT for text domain 'services-manager'. * New POT for text domain 'docker'. * New POT for text domain 'samba-server'. * New POT for text domain 'nfs'. * New POT for text domain 'network'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * New POT for text domain 'squid'. * New POT for text domain 'http-server'. * New POT for text domain 'audit-laf'. * New POT for text domain 'apparmor'. * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * New POT for text domain 'apparmor'. * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - Update to version 84.87.20181208.d83e1f76b0: * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * New POT for text domain 'users'. * New POT for text domain 'nis_server'. * New POT for text domain 'network'. * Fixed string interpolations * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * New POT for text domain 'proxy'. * New POT for text domain 'isns'. * New POT for text domain 'ftp-server'. * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * New POT for text domain 'sysconfig'. * New POT for text domain 'storage'. * New POT for text domain 'nis'. * New POT for text domain 'network'. * New POT for text domain 'instserver'. * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - Update to version 84.87.20181202.0ab866b13b: * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * New POT for text domain 'users'. * New POT for text domain 'textdomain'. * New POT for text domain 'firewall'. * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * New POT for text domain 'installation'. * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * New POT for text domain 'network'. * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'. * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * New POT for text domain 'network'. * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Italian) ==== yast2-tune ==== Version update (4.0.1 -> 4.0.2) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.2 - Switched license in spec file from SPDX2 to SPDX3 format. - Changed dir of COPYING file. ==== yast2-update ==== Version update (4.1.5 -> 4.1.7) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.7 - Function SelectProduct removed in order NOT to select All available products (bsc#1116332). - 4.1.6 ==== yast2-users ==== Version update (4.0.9 -> 4.1.4) - always use absolute path to binaries (bsc#1118291) - properly escape shell arguments (bsc#1118291) - 4.1.4 - Improved layout for root password screen mask (bsc#1119671). - 4.1.3 - Label for importing public SSH key changed (bsc#1118617). - 4.1.2 - Allow to import, during the installation, users from the more recently accessed Linux installation in the system (bsc#1048983) - 4.1.1 - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 - Allow system role to default to no local user (Fate#326447) - Improve public key selector help (related to fate#324690). - 4.0.10 ==== yast2-vpn ==== Version update (4.0.0 -> 4.0.1) - Provide icon with module (boo#1109310) - 4.0.1 ==== yast2-x11 ==== Version update (4.0.1 -> 4.1.0) - Explicitly depend on the new yast2-theme, the old yast2_theme dependency is ambiguous and makes troubles (related to boo#1109310) - 4.1.0 ==== yelp ==== Version update (3.28.1 -> 3.30.0) Subpackages: libyelp0 yelp-lang - Update to version 3.30.0: + Fixed build with GCC 8. + Updated translations. ==== zenity ==== Subpackages: zenity-lang - Add upstream bug fix patch: + zenity-Makes-progress-consider-decimal.patch: Makes progress to consider the decimal from percent update. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-factory+owner@opensuse.org