Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here. Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?distri=opensuse&groupid=1&version... When you reply to report some issues, make sure to change the subject. It is not helpful to keep the release announcement subject in a thread while discussing a specific problem. Packages changed: NetworkManager-applet dracut gcc7 (7.3.1+r258812 -> 7.3.1+r261272) llvm6 os-prober perl-File-ShareDir (1.104 -> 1.108) python-numpy (1.14.3 -> 1.14.5) === Details === ==== NetworkManager-applet ==== Subpackages: NetworkManager-applet-lang NetworkManager-connection-editor libnma0 nma-data typelib-1_0-NMA-1_0 - Add nma-fix-applet-segfault.patch: NMNetworkMenuItem: Don't double-free priv->dupes, fix segfault on startup (boo#1097908, glgo#GNOME/network-manager-applet#2). ==== dracut ==== - 40network: Fix static network setup (bsc#1091099) * adds 0571-40network-Fix-static-network-setup.patch - lsinitrd: Fix cat: write error: Broken pipe error (bsc#1094603) * adds 0572-lsinitrd-no-more-cat-write-error-Broken-pipe.patch * adds 0573-lsinitrd.sh-quote-filename-in-extract_files.patch - 95multipath: Pickup multipath files in /etc/multipath/conf.d (boo#1048551) * adds 0568-95multipath-Pickup-files-in-etc-multipath-conf.d.patch - 10i18n: Load all keymaps for a given locale (boo#1065058) * adds 0569-10i18n-Load-all-keymaps-for-a-given-locale.patch * adds 0570-10i18n-Fix-possible-infinite-recursion.patch ==== gcc7 ==== Version update (7.3.1+r258812 -> 7.3.1+r261272) - Update to gcc-7-branch head (r261272). * Fixes support for 32bit ASAN with glibc 2.27+ * Includes gcc7-bnc1087550.diff ==== llvm6 ==== Subpackages: libLLVM6 libclang6 - Do not requires gcc6 for older sle versions. * llvm6 is not built on <= 12 SP3 and this was preventing build on 12 SP4. ==== os-prober ==== - Rather than Recommend lvm2 merely Suggest it. [bsc#1026766, os-prober.spec] ==== perl-File-ShareDir ==== Version update (1.104 -> 1.108) - updated to 1.108 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-ShareDir/Changes 1.108 2018-06-15 - Fix RT#125582: Undefined subroutine &File::ShareDir::croak called reported by yseto and Andreas Koenig (via RT#125575) - Improve tests a little (a higher test coverage would be great) - Update README.md - updated to 1.106 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-ShareDir/Changes 1.106 2018-06-10 - Add support for overriding the resolved path for a given Module or Dist (Thanks to Kent Fredric <kentnl@cpan.org>) - Fix RT#84914: _dist_file_new lacks return check (Thanks to Alex Peters <lxp@cpan.org>) -- fixes RT#40158, too. - Fix RT#60431: common @INC traversal code Phillip Moore <w.phillip.moore@gmail.com> requested for easier overriding in controlled environments an extraction of @INC traversal in one subroutine. The provided patch has been applied with minor modifications, thanks Phillip! - Fix RT#63548: State explicit how developers can use File::ShareDir even in development phase out-of-the-box - Fix RT#18042: Windows style path errors (Thanks to Barbie <barbie@missbarbell.co.uk>) - Improve infrastructure of distribution (toolchain, perltidy, perlcritic, Devel::Cover, ...) - deploy with most recent File::ShareDir::Install (v0.12-6-g29a6ff7 aka 0.13) ==== python-numpy ==== Version update (1.14.3 -> 1.14.5) Subpackages: python2-numpy python3-numpy - update to version 1.14.5 Changes documented in release notes: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/doc/release/1.14.5-notes.rst - update to version 1.14.4 Changes documented in release notes: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/doc/release/1.14.4-notes.rst -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-factory+owner@opensuse.org