Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here. Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?distri=opensuse&groupid=1&version... When you reply to report some issues, make sure to change the subject. It is not helpful to keep the release announcement subject in a thread while discussing a specific problem. Packages changed: ModemManager NetworkManager-applet (1.4.0 -> 1.4.2) SDL2 (2.0.4 -> 2.0.5) augeas (1.5.0 -> 1.6.0) bind bluedevil5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) breeze (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) breeze-gtk (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) breeze4-style (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) coreutils corosync (2.3.5 -> 2.4.1) curl (7.50.3 -> 7.51.0) diffutils (3.3 -> 3.5) ffmpeg (3.1.5 -> 3.2) ffmpeg2 grep (2.25 -> 2.26) grub2 gstreamer-plugins-good gtk3 (3.22.1 -> 3.22.2) jasper kactivitymanagerd (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) kcm_sddm (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) kde-cli-tools5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) kde-gtk-config5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) kde-user-manager (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) kernel-source (4.8.4 -> 4.8.6) kgamma5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) khotkeys5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) kinfocenter5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) kmenuedit5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) kscreen5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) kscreenlocker (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) ksshaskpass5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) ksysguard5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) kwin5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) ldb (1.1.26 -> 1.1.27) libcares2 (1.11.0 -> 1.12.0) libkdecoration2 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) libkscreen2 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) libksysguard5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) libnettle (3.2 -> 3.3) libusb-1_0 (1.0.20 -> 1.0.21) libyui-qt-pkg (2.45.10 -> 2.45.11) linux-atm mercurial (3.9.1 -> 4.0) milou5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) mutter nano (2.7.0 -> 2.7.1) ncurses net-tools oxygen5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) perl-DBD-ODBC (1.52 -> 1.56) perl-Params-Validate (1.25 -> 1.26) plasma-framework plasma-nm5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) plasma5-addons (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) plasma5-desktop (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) plasma5-integration (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) plasma5-openSUSE plasma5-pa (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) plasma5-session (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) plasma5-workspace (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) polkit-kde-agent-5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) powerdevil5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) ppp python-pyparsing (2.0.7 -> 2.1.10) python3-setuptools (28.6.1 -> 28.7.1) rpm rubygem-fast_gettext (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0) samba (4.4.5 -> 4.5.0) shadow skanlite (2.0 -> 2.0.1) sudo (1.8.18 -> 1.8.18p1) systemsettings5 (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) talloc (2.1.6 -> 2.1.8) tdb (1.3.8 -> 1.3.11) tevent (0.9.28 -> 0.9.29) yast2-bootloader (3.2.4 -> 3.2.6) yast2-installation (3.2.5 -> 3.2.6) yast2-kdump (3.1.42 -> 3.2.0) yast2-network (3.2.8 -> 3.2.9) === Details === ==== ModemManager ==== Subpackages: ModemManager-bash-completion ModemManager-devel libmm-glib0 typelib-1_0-ModemManager-1_0 - Drop obsolete automake BuildRequires: Leftover from past patches. ==== NetworkManager-applet ==== Version update (1.4.0 -> 1.4.2) Subpackages: NetworkManager-connection-editor libnm-gtk-data libnm-gtk0 libnma-data libnma0 typelib-1_0-NMGtk-1_0 - Change the summary to something less GNOME-specific. - Don't install the ChangeLog file. - Replace the following BuildRequires for their pkgconfig equivalent: gobject-introspection-devel, gtk3-devel and libnotify-devel for: pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0), pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0), pkgconfig(libnotify). - Drop dbus-1-devel and dbus-1-glib-devel BuildRequires: We already have pkgconfig(dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4) that pulls in all the dbus devel packages. - Rename package to NetworkManager-applet aligning slightly more close to upstream name. - Provide/Obsolete old name NetworkManager-gnome. - Run spec-cleaner to modernise spec file. Following this, add pkgconfig BuildRequires. - Rename NetworkManager-gnome-no-firewalld.patch to network-manager-applet-no-firewalld.patch, align with new package name. - Drop nm-icons.nm-icons.tar.gz as source package and handling of it in spec, not needed anymore. - Stop using suse-update-desktop files for nm-applet.desktop file, no longer needed. - Stop passing --disable-migration to configure, no longer needed, nor regcognized. - Update to version 1.4.2: + Removed UI property that required gtk3 >= 3.16 + Added a workaround for broken strict matching with old Jansson versions. ==== SDL2 ==== Version update (2.0.4 -> 2.0.5) - Backported commit 5184186d4366 and fbf9b0e3589a as SDL2-ppc64-declaration-after-statement.patch to fix build on ppc64/ppc64le - Update to 2.0.5 General: * Implemented audio capture support for some platforms * Added SDL_DequeueAudio() to retrieve audio when buffer queuing is turned on for audio capture * Added events for dragging and dropping text * Added events for dragging and dropping multiple items * By default the click raising a window will not be delivered to the SDL application. You can set the hint SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH to "1" to allow that click through to the window. * Saving a surface with an alpha channel as a BMP will use a newer BMP format that supports alpha information. You can set the hint SDL_HINT_BMP_SAVE_LEGACY_FORMAT to "1" to use the old format. * Added SDL_GetHintBoolean() to get the boolean value of a hint * Added SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale() to set whether to smoothly scale or use integral multiples of the viewport size when scaling the rendering output * Added SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat() and SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom() to create an SDL surface with a specific pixel format * Added SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds() which returns the area usable for windows. For example, on Mac OS X, this subtracts the area occupied by the menu bar and dock. * Added SDL_GetWindowBordersSize() which returns the size of the window's borders around the client area * Added a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIT_TEST when a window had a hit test that wasn't SDL_HITTEST_NORMAL (e.g. in the title bar or window frame) * Added SDL_SetWindowResizable() to change whether a window is resizable * Added SDL_SetWindowOpacity() and SDL_GetWindowOpacity() to affect the window transparency * Added SDL_SetWindowModalFor() to set a window as modal for another window * Added support for AUDIO_U16LSB and AUDIO_U16MSB to SDL_MixAudioFormat() * Fixed flipped images when reading back from target textures when using the OpenGL renderer * Fixed texture color modulation with SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE when using the OpenGL renderer * Fixed bug where the alpha value of colorkeys was ignored when blitting in some cases Linux: * Added support for the Fcitx IME * Added a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_TAKE_FOCUS when a window manager asks the SDL window whether it wants to take focus. * Refresh rates are now rounded instead of truncated, e.g. 59.94 Hz is rounded up to 60 Hz instead of 59. * Added initial support for touchscreens on Raspberry Pi ==== augeas ==== Version update (1.5.0 -> 1.6.0) Subpackages: augeas-lenses libaugeas0 - Version update to 1.6.0: * See the NEWS file for the details ==== bind ==== Subpackages: bind-chrootenv bind-doc bind-utils idnkit libbind9-140 libdns162 libidnkit1 libirs141 libisc160 libisccc140 libisccfg140 liblwres141 - Apply cve-2016-8864.patch to fix CVE-2016-8864 (bsc#1007829). ==== bluedevil5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== breeze ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: breeze5-cursors breeze5-decoration breeze5-style breeze5-wallpapers - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== breeze-gtk ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze gtk3-metatheme-breeze metatheme-breeze-common - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== breeze4-style ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== coreutils ==== - coreutils-m5sum-sha-sum-fix-ignore-missing-with-00-checksums.patch: Add upstream patch to fix "md5sum --check --ignore-missing" which treated files with checksums starting with "00" as missing. ==== corosync ==== Version update (2.3.5 -> 2.4.1) - upgrade to corosync-2.4.1(bsc#1004967) added: corosync-start-stop-level.patch deleted: corosync-cts-api-error.patch modified: bnc#867767-add-version.patch, change version to 2.4.1 corosync-2.4.1: Low: totemsrp: Addition of the log. cts: Make it run with pacemaker-1.13+ Config: Flag config uidgid entries Spec: Qdevice require same version of corosync corosync-2.4.0: qdevice and qnet config: get_cluster_mcast_addr error is not fatal some typo fixes corosync-v2.3.6 CFG: Prevent CFG orignating messages during SYNC wd: fix setting of watchdog timeouts votequorum: Don't send multiple callbacks when nodes join cfgtool: Display nodeid as unsigned int quorum: Display node id as unsigned int. Check for fdatasync Fix detection of qb_log_thread_priority_set totempg: Fix memory leak cpg: Memory not unmapped in cpg_zcb_free cpg: Handle ipc error in cpg_zcb_alloc/free totemconfig: Explicitly pass IP version parser: Make config file parser more hierarchy logsys: fix TOTEM logging when corosync built out of tree wd: make watchdog device configurable schedwrk: Cleanup and make it work on PPC BE Reapply config defaults corosync.conf reload logconfig: Fix logging reload disabling logfiles - Default token timeout was 5000 ms in SLE 11 SP4, but is 1000 ms in SLE 12(bsc#1001164) Added: bsc#1001164-corosync.conf-example.patch - Fix: [s390]Upgrade from SP1-GM + HA to SP2-RC2 +: Failed to start Corosync Cluster engine(bsc#996230) - modify corosync.spec to remove "chkconfig --add" - remove corosync-devel and require lines from baselibs.conf ==== curl ==== Version update (7.50.3 -> 7.51.0) Subpackages: libcurl-devel libcurl4 - Update to 7.51.0 Changes: * nss: additional cipher suites are now accepted by CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST * New option: CURLOPT_KEEP_SENDING_ON_ERROR Bugfixes: * CVE-2016-8615: cookie injection for other servers * CVE-2016-8616: case insensitive password comparison * CVE-2016-8617: OOB write via unchecked multiplication * CVE-2016-8618: double-free in curl_maprintf * CVE-2016-8619: double-free in krb5 code * CVE-2016-8620: glob parser write/read out of bounds * CVE-2016-8621: curl_getdate read out of bounds * CVE-2016-8622: URL unescape heap overflow via integer truncation * CVE-2016-8623: Use-after-free via shared cookies * CVE-2016-8624: invalid URL parsing with '#' * CVE-2016-8625: IDNA 2003 makes curl use wrong host * openssl: fix per-thread memory leak using 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 * http: accept "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" for HTTP/2 as well * LICENSE-MIXING.md: update with mbedTLS dual licensing * examples/imap-append: Set size of data to be uploaded * test2048: fix url * darwinssl: disable RC4 cipher-suite support * CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY.3: fix the AVAILABILITY formatting * openssl: don?t call CRYTPO_cleanup_all_ex_data * libressl: fix version output * easy: Reset all statistical session info in curl_easy_reset * curl_global_cleanup.3: don't unload the lib with sub threads running * dist: add CurlSymbolHiding.cmake to the tarball * docs: Remove that --proto is just used for initial retrieval * configure: Fixed builds with libssh2 in a custom location * curl.1: --trace supports % for sending to stderr! * cookies: same domain handling changed to match browser behavior * formpost: trying to attach a directory no longer crashes * CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION.3: fixed unused argument warning * formpost: avoid silent snprintf() truncation * ftp: fix Curl_ftpsendf * mprintf: return error on too many arguments * smb: properly check incoming packet boundaries * GIT-INFO: remove the Mac 10.1-specific details * resolve: add error message when resolving using SIGALRM * cmake: add nghttp2 support * dist: remove PDF and HTML converted docs from the releases * configure: disable poll() in macOS builds * vtls: only re-use session-ids using the same scheme * pipelining: skip to-be-closed connections when pipelining * win: fix Universal Windows Platform build * curl: do not set CURLOPT_SSLENGINE to DEFAULT automatically * maketgz: make it support "only" generating version info * Curl_socket_check: add extra check to avoid integer overflow * gopher: properly return error for poll failures * curl: set INTERLEAVEDATA too * polarssl: clear thread array at init * polarssl: fix unaligned SSL session-id lock * polarssl: reduce #ifdef madness with a macro * curl_multi_add_handle: set timeouts in closure handles * configure: set min version flags for builds on mac * INSTALL: converted to markdown => INSTALL.md * curl_multi_remove_handle: fix a double-free * multi: fix inifinte loop in curl_multi_cleanup() * nss: fix tight loop in non-blocking TLS handhsake over proxy * mk-ca-bundle: Change URL retrieval to HTTPS-only by default * mbedtls: stop using deprecated include file * docs: fix req->data in multi-uv example * configure: Fix test syntax for monotonic clock_gettime * CURLMOPT_MAX_PIPELINE_LENGTH.3: Clarify it's not for HTTP/2 - Refresh libcurl-ocloexec.patch ==== diffutils ==== Version update (3.3 -> 3.5) - gnulib-diffseq.patch, big-file-performance.patch: Avoid performance regression on big files (bsc#1004991) - Diffutils 3.5: * diff3 no longer malfunctions due to use-after-free [bug introduced in 3.4] * diff --color no longer colorizes when TERM=dumb - Update to version 3.4 * diff accepts two new options --color and --palette to generate and configure colored output. --color takes an optional argument specifying when to colorize a line: --color=always, - -color=auto, --color=never. --palette is used to configure which colors are used. * many bugfixes - New -lang subpackage - Drop no longer needed gnulib-perl522.patch ==== ffmpeg ==== Version update (3.1.5 -> 3.2) Subpackages: libavcodec57 libavformat57 libavutil55 libswresample2 libswscale4 - Update to new upstream release 3.2 * SDL2 output device and ffplay support * SDL1 output device and SDL1 support removed * New: libopenmpt demuxer, fifo muxer, True Audio (TTA) muxer * New filters: weave, gblur, avgblur, sobel, prewitt, vaguedenoiser, yuvtestsrc, lut2, hysteresis, maskedclamp, crystalizer, acrusher, bitplanenoise, sidedata, asidedata * Non-Local Means (nlmeans) denoising filter * 16-bit support in curves filter and selectivecolor filter * Added threads option per filter instance * The "curves" filter does not automatically insert points at x=0 and x=1 anymore * Matroska muxer now writes CRC32 elements by default in all Level 1 elements * New "tee" protocol * VP8 in Ogg muxing * Floating point support in ALS decoder * Extended mov edit list support * Changed mapping of RTP MIME type G726 to codec g726le. - Drop ffmpeg-fix-CONFIG_VC1DSP-changes.patch (no longer needed) - Enable libfdk_aac if it is available at buildtime ==== ffmpeg2 ==== Subpackages: libavcodec56 libavformat56 libavutil54 libswresample1 libswscale3 - Enable libfdk_aac if it is available at buildtime ==== grep ==== Version update (2.25 -> 2.26) - grep 2.26: * no longer omit output merely because it follows an output line suppressed due to encoding errors * In the Shift_JIS locale, no longer mistakenly match in the middle of a multibyte character * grep can be much faster now when standard output is /dev/null. * grep -F is now typically much faster when many patterns are given, as it now uses the Aho-Corasick algorithm instead of the Commentz-Walter algorithm in that case. * grep -iF is typically much faster in a multibyte locale, if the pattern and its case counterparts contain only single byte characters. * grep with complicated expressions (e.g., back-references) and without -i now uses the regex fastmap for better performance. * In multibyte locales, grep now handles leading "." in patterns more efficiently. * grep now prints a "FILENAME:LINENO: " prefix when diagnosing an invalid regular expression that was read from an '-f'-specified file. ==== grub2 ==== Subpackages: grub2-i386-pc grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin grub2-x86_64-efi grub2-x86_64-xen - Fix new line character in distributor (bsc#1007212) * modified grub2-default-distributor.patch ==== gstreamer-plugins-good ==== Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-good-extra - Add gstreamer-plugins-good-wavparse.patch: Don't try to add srcpad if we don't know valid caps yet. Otherwise we'll run into an assertion on specially crafted files (bgo#773643, boo#1007595). ==== gtk3 ==== Version update (3.22.1 -> 3.22.2) Subpackages: gtk3-data gtk3-immodule-amharic gtk3-immodule-inuktitut gtk3-immodule-thai gtk3-immodule-vietnamese gtk3-immodule-xim gtk3-tools libgtk-3-0 typelib-1_0-Gtk-3_0 - Add gtk3-startupfix-wayland.patch: Fix slow startup notification for some gtk3 apps when running on wayland (bgo#768531). - Update to version 3.22.2: + Several improvements to the win32 theme. + Deprecations have been added for APIs that will be removed in GTK+ 4. + Bugs fixed: bgo#767713, bgo#771320, bgo#772345, bgo#772389, bgo#772415, bgo#772552, bgo#772683, bgo#772695, bgo#772775, bgo#772859, bgo#772922, bgo#772926, bgo#773029, bgo#773082, bgo#773113, bgo#773180, bgo#773246. + Updated translations. ==== jasper ==== Subpackages: libjasper-devel libjasper1 libjasper1-32bit - Update summaries. Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build. ==== kactivitymanagerd ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== kcm_sddm ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== kde-cli-tools5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== kde-gtk-config5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== kde-user-manager ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php - Remove upstream patches: * do-not-request-root-password-when-changing-avatar.diff ==== kernel-source ==== Version update (4.8.4 -> 4.8.6) Subpackages: kernel-default kernel-default-devel kernel-devel kernel-docs kernel-macros kernel-syms - x86/smpboot: Init apic mapping before usage (bnc#1006417). - commit 7d70b08 - Linux 4.8.6 (: :). - commit dbb68be - btrfs: fix races on root_log_ctx lists (bsc#1007653). - commit 1e904fd - Linux 4.8.5 (: :). - commit 9148e7c - drm/radeon: Hide the HW cursor while it's out of bounds (bsc#1000433). - drm/radeon: Also call cursor_move_locked when the cursor size changes (bsc#1000433). - drm/radeon: Always store CRTC relative radeon_crtc->cursor_x/y values (bsc#1000433). - commit 30e023d - ALSA: seq: Fix time account regression (boo#1006825). - commit 9168b92 - drm/fb-helper: Don't call dirty callback for untouched clips (boo#1003298). - commit 092ed80 ==== kgamma5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== khotkeys5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: khotkeys5-devel - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== kinfocenter5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== kmenuedit5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== kscreen5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== kscreenlocker ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: libKScreenLocker5 - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== ksshaskpass5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== ksysguard5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== kwin5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: kwin5-devel - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php - Remove upstream patches: * 0001-platformx-x11-Add-a-freeze-protection-against-OpenGL.patch * 0002-platformx-x11-Add-a-freeze-protection-against-OpenGL.patch * 0003-Remove-most-overhead-caused-by-the-freeze-detection-.patch * 0004-Do-a-count-down-of-framesToTestForSafety.patch * 0005-Use-only-one-timer-to-detect-freezes-and-other-optim.patch * 0006-Test-3-frames-for-freezes-by-default.patch * 0007-Only-call-PostLastGuardedFrame-when-OpenGLCompositin.patch ==== ldb ==== Version update (1.1.26 -> 1.1.27) Subpackages: libldb1 libldb1-32bit - Update to 1.1.27 + performance improvements + VLV control improvements ==== libcares2 ==== Version update (1.11.0 -> 1.12.0) - Version update to 1.12.0: * Fixes bsc#1007728 CVE-2016-5180 * api: add ARES_OPT_NOROTATE optmask value * Collection of bugfixes ==== libkdecoration2 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: libkdecoration2-devel libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2private5 - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== libkscreen2 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: libKF5Screen7 libkscreen2-devel libkscreen2-plugin - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== libksysguard5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: libksysguard5-devel libksysguard5-helper - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== libnettle ==== Version update (3.2 -> 3.3) Subpackages: libhogweed4 libhogweed4-32bit libnettle-devel libnettle6 libnettle6-32bit - libnettle 3.3: * Invalid private RSA keys, with an even modulo, are now rejected by rsa_private_key_prepare. (Earlier versions allowed such keys, even if results of using them were bogus). Nettle applications are required to call rsa_private_key_prepare and check the return value, before using any other RSA private key functions; failing to do so may result in crashes for invalid private keys. * Ignore bit 255 of the x coordinate of the input point to curve25519_mul, as required by RFC 7748. To differentiate at compile time, curve25519.h defines the constant NETTLE_CURVE25519_RFC7748. * RSA and DSA now use side-channel silent modular exponentiation, to defend against attacks on the private key from evil processes sharing the same processor cache. This attack scenario is of particular relevance when running an HTTPS server on a virtual machine, where you don't know who you share the cache hardware with. bsc#991464 CVE-2016-6489 * Fix sexp-conv crashes on invalid input * Fix out-of-bounds read in des_weak_p * Fix a couple of formally undefined shift operations * Fix compilation with c89 * New function memeql_sec, for side-channel silent comparison of two memory areas. * Building the public key support of nettle now requires GMP version 5.0 or later (unless --enable-mini-gmp is used). ==== libusb-1_0 ==== Version update (1.0.20 -> 1.0.21) Subpackages: libusb-1_0-0 libusb-1_0-0-32bit libusb-1_0-devel - Update to version 1.0.21 * Core: Refactor code related to transfer flags and timeout handling * Darwin: Ignore root hub simulation devices * Darwin: Improved support for OS X El Capitan * Darwin: Work around devices with buggy endpoint descriptors * Darwin: Do not use objc_registerThreadWithCollector after its deprecation * Darwin: Use C11 atomics on 10.12+ as the OS atomics are now deprecated * Linux: Support preallocating kernel memory for zerocopy USB * Linux: Deal with receiving POLLERR before all transfers have completed * Solaris: Add solaris backend * Windows: Add Visual Studio 2015 support * Windows: Add usbdk backend * Prevent attempts to recursively handle events * Fix race condition in handle_timeout() * Allow transferred argument to be optional in bulk APIs * Various other bug fixes and improvements - Fix source url ==== libyui-qt-pkg ==== Version update (2.45.10 -> 2.45.11) - avoid duplicate entries in package groups view (bnc#852073) - 2.45.11 ==== linux-atm ==== - linux-atm-2.5.2-fix-header-conflict.patch: avoid conflict with kernel headers ==== mercurial ==== Version update (3.9.1 -> 4.0) Subpackages: mercurial-lang - Mercurial 4.0 This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release. Unlike other 4.0 software releases, this is simply 3.9 + .1, so it should be the usual pain-free upgrade. + Features * The following commands now also have experimental formatter support: 'hg version', 'hg grep' and 'hg config' * New template keywords and functions: `termwidth`, `mod(a, b)`, `relpath(path)` * Basic arithmetic operations in template such as `termwidth - 10` * `follow()` revset takes new `startrev` parameter * Bash completion now allows skipping potentially expensive status call for completing 'hg status' arguments, using $HGCOMPLETE_NOSTATUS environment variable + Improvements * A number of changes were made to move and copy tracking, to make sure move and copy information is not lost during commands like 'hg graft' * Compound revset expression is now properly ordered * Python 3 support has received a lot of improvements (but will take a lot of additional work) * zlib performance in hgweb is improved, and it's possible to control zlib compression level using server.zliblevel option - Refreshed mercurial-hgk-path-fix.diff and mercurial-locale-path-fix.patch ==== milou5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== mutter ==== Subpackages: libmutter0 mutter-data - Add mutter-fix-startup.patch: Fix slow startup notification for some gtk3 apps when running on wayland (bgo#768531). ==== nano ==== Version update (2.7.0 -> 2.7.1) Subpackages: nano-lang - GNU nano 2.7.1: * add ability to display line numbers * fix some bugs with scrolling in softwrap mode * stricter parsing of key rebindungs * marks a new buffer as modified when the output of a command (^R ^X) has been read into it ==== ncurses ==== Subpackages: libncurses5 libncurses6 libncurses6-32bit ncurses-devel ncurses-utils tack terminfo terminfo-base - Drop patch ncurses-5.9-environment.dif as YaST2 ncurses GUI does not need it anymore and as well as it causes bug bsc#1000662 - Add ncurses patch 20161022 + modify tset -w (and tput reset) to update the program's copy of the screensize if it was already set in the system, to improve tabstop setting which relies upon knowing the actual screensize. + add functionality of tset -w to tput, like the "-c" feature this is not optional in tput. + add "clear" as a possible link/alias to tput. + improve tput's check for being called as "init" or "reset" to allow for transformed names. + split-out the "clear" function from progs/clear.c, share with tput to get the same behavior, e.g., the E3 extension. - Add ncurses patch 20161015 + amend internal use of tputs to consistently use the number of lines affected, e.g., for insert/delete character operations. While merging terminfo source early in 1995, several descriptions used the "*" proportional delay for these operations, prompting a change in doupdate. + regenerate llib-* files. + regenerate HTML manpages. + fix several formatting issues with manual pages. - Add ncurses patch 20161008 + adjust size in infocmp/tic to work with strlcpy. + fix configure script to record when strlcat is found on OpenBSD. + build-fix for "recent" OpenBSD vs baudrate. ==== net-tools ==== Subpackages: net-tools-deprecated - net-tools-1.60-fix-header-conflict.patch: use kernel headers to avoid conflict with user-space headers ==== oxygen5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: oxygen5-cursors oxygen5-decoration oxygen5-devel oxygen5-lang oxygen5-sounds oxygen5-style - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== perl-DBD-ODBC ==== Version update (1.52 -> 1.56) - updated to 1.56 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-ODBC/Changes 1.56 2016-10-06 Full release of the 1.53 development series One version skipped because of indexing problems. 1.53_2 2016-02-03 [MISCELLANEOUS] Add new FAQs 1.53_1 2015-10-16 [BUG FIXES] Strictly speaking this is a bug fix to DBI and not DBD::ODBC but DBI now supports 64 bit row counts where an IV in perl is 64 bits. However, it necessitated changes to DBD::ODBC to pick up the fix. odbc_rows (my workaround since 2012) is still supported but should no longer be required so long as you use this DBD::ODBC and DBI 1.633_92 or above. [INTERNALS] Removed dbd_st_rows and now setting DBIc_ROW_COUNT. [DOCUMENTATION] Add tables and table_info section to deviations from the DBI spec. [MISCELLANEOUS] Change column name in t/rt_101579.t as "method" is a reserved word in. Teradata Thanks to Zhenyi Zhou. Remove duplicate dynamic_config from META.yml. ==== perl-Params-Validate ==== Version update (1.25 -> 1.26) - updated to 1.26 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Params-Validate/Changes 1.26 2016-10-06 - Reverted to Module::Build. The use of EUMM in 1.25 broke Windows builds. ==== plasma-framework ==== Subpackages: plasma-framework-components plasma-framework-devel plasma-framework-private - Add 0001-make-sure-OSD-doesnt-have-Dialog-flag.patch to fix an issue by which OSD (like volume changes notifications) were not shown when panel was hidden (kde#370433). ==== plasma-nm5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: plasma-nm5-openconnect plasma-nm5-openvpn plasma-nm5-pptp plasma-nm5-vpnc - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== plasma5-addons ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== plasma5-desktop ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== plasma5-integration ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== plasma5-openSUSE ==== Subpackages: plasma5-defaults-openSUSE plasma5-theme-openSUSE plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE sddm-theme-openSUSE - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php - Remove git URL for now ==== plasma5-pa ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== plasma5-session ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== plasma5-workspace ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: drkonqi5 plasma5-workspace-devel plasma5-workspace-libs - Call qtpaths with an absolute path in startkde to make sure the system one is used (boo#1004769) - Add use-nearest-aspect-ratio-available-wallpaper.diff to improve the selection of wallpapers keeping the same (or as similar as possible) aspect ratio (boo#990257). Include the latest changes submitted upstream to work better with QUAD HD screen resolutions. - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php - Remove upstream patches: * fix-sddm-theme-logic.diff * remove-sddm-graphicaleffects-dep.patch ==== polkit-kde-agent-5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== powerdevil5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== ppp ==== - fix-header-conflict.patch: avoid conflict with kernel headers ==== python-pyparsing ==== Version update (2.0.7 -> 2.1.10) - update to version 2.1.10: * Fixed bug in reporting named parse results for ZeroOrMore expressions, thanks Ethan Nash for reporting this! * Fixed behavior of LineStart to be much more predictable. LineStart can now be used to detect if the next parse position is col 1, factoring in potential leading whitespace (which would cause LineStart to fail). Also fixed a bug in col, which is used in LineStart, where '\n's were erroneously considered to be column 1. * Added support for multiline test strings in runTests. * Fixed bug in ParseResults.dump when keys were not strings. Also changed display of string values to show them in quotes, to help distinguish parsed numeric strings from parsed integers that have been converted to Python ints. - update to version 2.1.9: * Added class CloseMatch, a variation on Literal which matches "close" matches, that is, strings with at most 'n' mismatching characters. * Fixed bug in Keyword.setDefaultKeywordChars(), reported by Kobayashi Shinji - nice catch, thanks! * Minor API change in pyparsing_common. Renamed some of the common expressions to PEP8 format (to be consistent with the other pyparsing_common expressions): + signedInteger -> signed_integer + sciReal -> sci_real Also, in trying to stem the API bloat of pyparsing, I've copied some of the global expressions and helper parse actions into pyparsing_common, with the originals to be deprecated and removed in a future release: + commaSeparatedList -> pyparsing_common.comma_separated_list + upcaseTokens -> pyparsing_common.upcaseTokens + downcaseTokens -> pyparsing_common.downcaseTokens * Fixed Python3 compatibility bug when using dict keys() and values() in ParseResults.getName(). * After some prodding, I've reworked the unitTests.py file for pyparsing over the past few releases. It uses some variations on unittest to handle my testing style. The test now: + auto-discovers its test classes (while maintining their order of definition) + suppresses voluminous 'print' output for tests that pass - update to version 2.1.8: * Fixed issue in the optimization to _trim_arity, when the full stacktrace is retrieved to determine if a TypeError is raised in pyparsing or in the caller's parse action. Code was traversing the full stacktrace, and potentially encountering UnicodeDecodeError. * Fixed bug in ParserElement.inlineLiteralsUsing, causing infinite loop with Suppress. * Fixed bug in Each, when merging named results from multiple expressions in a ZeroOrMore or OneOrMore. Also fixed bug when ZeroOrMore expressions were erroneously treated as required expressions in an Each expression. * Added a few more inline doc examples. * Improved use of runTests in several example scripts. - changes from version 2.1.7: * Fixed regression reported by Andrea Censi (surfaced in PyContracts tests) when using ParseSyntaxExceptions (raised when using operator '-') with packrat parsing. * Minor fix to oneOf, to accept all iterables, not just space-delimited strings and lists. (If you have a list or set of strings, it is not necessary to concat them using ' '.join to pass them to oneOf, oneOf will accept the list or set or generator directly.) - changes from version 2.1.6 : * *Major packrat upgrade*, inspired by patch provided by Tal Einat - many, many, thanks to Tal for working on this! Tal's tests show faster parsing performance (2X in some tests), *and* memory reduction from 3GB down to ~100MB! Requires no changes to existing code using packratting. (Uses OrderedDict, available in Python 2.7 and later. For Python 2.6 users, will attempt to import from ordereddict backport. If not present, will implement pure-Python Fifo dict.) * Minor API change - to better distinguish between the flexible numeric types defined in pyparsing_common, I've changed "numeric" (which parsed numbers of different types and returned int for ints, float for floats, etc.) and "number" (which parsed numbers of int or float type, and returned all floats) to "number" and "fnumber" respectively. I hope the "f" prefix of "fnumber" will be a better indicator of its internal conversion of parsed values to floats, while the generic "number" is similar to the flexible number syntax in other languages. Also fixed a bug in pyparsing_common.numeric (now renamed to pyparsing_common.number), integers were parsed and returned as floats instead of being retained as ints. * Fixed bug in upcaseTokens and downcaseTokens introduced in 2.1.5, when the parse action was used in conjunction with results names. Reported by Steven Arcangeli from the dql project, thanks for your patience, Steven! * Major change to docs! After seeing some comments on reddit about general issue with docs of Python modules, and thinking that I'm a little overdue in doing some doc tuneup on pyparsing, I decided to following the suggestions of the redditor and add more inline examples to the pyparsing reference documentation. I hope this addition will clarify some of the more common questions people have, especially when first starting with pyparsing/Python. * Deprecated ParseResults.asXML. I've never been too happy with this method, and it usually forces some unnatural code in the parsers in order to get decent tag names. The amount of guesswork that asXML has to do to try to match names with values should have been a red flag from day one. If you are using asXML, you will need to implement your own ParseResults->XML serialization. Or consider migrating to a more current format such as JSON (which is very easy to do: results_as_json = json.dumps(parse_result.asDict()) Hopefully, when I remove this code in a future version, I'll also be able to simplify some of the craziness in ParseResults, which IIRC was only there to try to make asXML work. * Updated traceParseAction parse action decorator to show the repr of the input and output tokens, instead of the str format, since str has been simplified to just show the token list content. - update to version 2.1.5: * Added ParserElement.split() generator method, similar to re.split(). Includes optional arguments maxsplit (to limit the number of splits), and includeSeparators (to include the separating matched text in the returned output, default=False). * Added a new parse action construction helper tokenMap, which will apply a function and optional arguments to each element in a ParseResults. * Added more expressions to pyparsing_common: + IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (including long, short, and mixed forms of IPv6) + MAC address + ISO8601 date and date time strings (with named fields for year, month, etc.) + UUID (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) + hex integer (returned as int) + fraction (integer '/' integer, returned as float) + mixed integer (integer '-' fraction, or just fraction, returned as float) + stripHTMLTags (parse action to remove tags from HTML source) + parse action helpers convertToDate and convertToDatetime to do custom parse time conversions of parsed ISO8601 strings * runTests now returns a two-tuple: success if all tests succeed, and an output list of each test and its output lines. * Added failureTests argument (default=False) to runTests, so that tests can be run that are expected failures, and runTests' success value will return True only if all tests *fail* as expected. Also, parseAll now defaults to True. * New example numerics.py, shows samples of parsing integer and real numbers using locale-dependent formats - changes from version 2.1.4: * Split out the '==' behavior in ParserElement, now implemented as the ParserElement.matches() method. Using '==' for string test purposes will be removed in a future release. * Expanded capabilities of runTests(). Will now accept embedded comments (default is Python style, leading '#' character, but customizable). Comments will be emitted along with the tests and test output. Useful during test development, to create a test string consisting only of test case description comments separated by blank lines, and then fill in the test cases. Will also highlight ParseFatalExceptions with "(FATAL)". * Added a 'pyparsing_common' class containing common/helpful little expressions such as integer, float, identifier, etc. I used this class as a sort of embedded namespace, to contain these helpers without further adding to pyparsing's namespace bloat. * Minor enhancement to traceParseAction decorator, to retain the parse action's name for the trace output. * Added optional 'fatal' keyword arg to addCondition, to indicate that a condition failure should halt parsing immediately. - changes from version 2.1.3: * _trim_arity fix in 2.1.2 was very version-dependent on Py 3.5.0. Now works for Python 2.x, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5.0, and 3.5.1 (and hopefully beyond). - changes from version 2.1.2: * Fixed bug in _trim_arity when pyparsing code is included in a PyInstaller, reported by maluwa. * Fixed catastrophic regex backtracking in implementation of the quoted string expressions (dblQuotedString, sglQuotedString, and quotedString). Reported on the pyparsing wiki by webpentest, good catch! (Also tuned up some other expressions susceptible to the same backtracking problem, such as cStyleComment, cppStyleComment, etc.) - update to version 2.1.1: * Added support for assigning to ParseResults using slices. * Fixed bug in ParseResults.toDict(), in which dict values were always converted to dicts, even if they were just unkeyed lists of tokens. Reported on SO by Gerald Thibault, thanks Gerald! * Fixed bug in SkipTo when using failOn, reported by robyschek, thanks! * Fixed bug in Each introduced in 2.1.0, reported by AND patch and unit test submitted by robyschek, well done! * Removed use of functools.partial in replaceWith, as this creates an ambiguous signature for the generated parse action, which fails in PyPy. Reported by Evan Hubinger, thanks Evan! * Added default behavior to QuotedString to convert embedded '\t', '\n', etc. characters to their whitespace counterparts. Found during Q&A exchange on SO with Maxim. - update to version 2.1.0: * Modified the internal _trim_arity method to distinguish between TypeError's raised while trying to determine parse action arity and those raised within the parse action itself. This will clear up those confusing "<lambda>() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)" error messages when there is an actual TypeError in the body of the parse action. Thanks to all who have raised this issue in the past, and most recently to Michael Cohen, who sent in a proposed patch, and got me to finally tackle this problem. * Added compatibility for pickle protocols 2-4 when pickling ParseResults. In Python 2.x, protocol 0 was the default, and protocol 2 did not work. In Python 3.x, protocol 3 is the default, so explicitly naming protocol 0 or 1 was required to pickle ParseResults. With this release, all protocols 0-4 are supported. Thanks for reporting this on StackOverflow, Arne Wolframm, and for providing a nice simple test case! * Added optional 'stopOn' argument to ZeroOrMore and OneOrMore, to simplify breaking on stop tokens that would match the repetition expression. It is a common problem to fail to look ahead when matching repetitive tokens if the sentinel at the end also matches the repetition expression, as when parsing "BEGIN aaa bbb ccc END" with: "BEGIN" + OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) + "END" Since "END" matches the repetition expression "Word(alphas)", it will never get parsed as the terminating sentinel. Up until now, this has to be resolved by the user inserting their own negative lookahead: "BEGIN" + OneOrMore(~Literal("END") + Word(alphas)) + "END" Using stopOn, they can more easily write: "BEGIN" + OneOrMore(Word(alphas), stopOn="END") + "END" The stopOn argument can be a literal string or a pyparsing expression. Inspired by a question by Lamakaha on StackOverflow (and many previous questions with the same negative-lookahead resolution). * Added expression names for many internal and builtin expressions, to reduce name and error message overhead during parsing. * Converted helper lambdas to functions to refactor and add docstring support. * Fixed ParseResults.asDict() to correctly convert nested ParseResults values to dicts. * Cleaned up some examples, fixed typo in fourFn.py identified by aristotle2600 on reddit. * Removed keepOriginalText helper method, which was deprecated ages ago. Superceded by originalTextFor. * Same for the Upcase class, which was long ago deprecated and replaced with the upcaseTokens method. ==== python3-setuptools ==== Version update (28.6.1 -> 28.7.1) - update to version 28.7.1: * #827: Update PyPI root for dependency links. * #833: Backed out changes from #830 as the implementation seems to have problems in some cases. - changes from version 28.7.0: * #832: Moved much of the namespace package handling functionality into a separate module for re-use in something like #789. * #830: sdist command no longer suppresses the inclusion of data files, re-aligning with the expectation of distutils and addressing #274 and #521. ==== rpm ==== Subpackages: rpm-32bit rpm-build rpm-devel - Correct summary/description of -lang subpackages ==== rubygem-fast_gettext ==== Version update (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0) - updated to version 1.3.0 see installed CHANGELOG ==== samba ==== Version update (4.4.5 -> 4.5.0) Subpackages: libdcerpc-binding0 libdcerpc-binding0-32bit libdcerpc0 libdcerpc0-32bit libndr-krb5pac0 libndr-krb5pac0-32bit libndr-nbt0 libndr-nbt0-32bit libndr-standard0 libndr-standard0-32bit libndr0 libndr0-32bit libnetapi0 libnetapi0-32bit libsamba-credentials0 libsamba-credentials0-32bit libsamba-errors0 libsamba-errors0-32bit libsamba-hostconfig0 libsamba-hostconfig0-32bit libsamba-passdb0 libsamba-passdb0-32bit libsamba-util0 libsamba-util0-32bit libsamdb0 libsamdb0-32bit libsmbclient-devel libsmbclient0 libsmbconf0 libsmbconf0-32bit libsmbldap0 libsmbldap0-32bit libtevent-util0 libtevent-util0-32bit libwbclient0 libwbclient0-32bit samba-client samba-client-32bit samba-doc samba-libs samba-libs-32bit samba-winbind samba-winbind-32bit - Include vfstest in samba-test; (bsc#1001203). - s3/winbindd: using default domain with user@domain.com format fails; (bsc#997833). - Fix segfault in libnss_wins; (bso#12277); (bso#12269); (bsc#995730). - Update to 4.5.0 + NTLM1 Authentication disabled by default + SMB2.1 leases enabled by default + Support for OFD locks + ctdb tool rewritten + Added shadow copy snapshot prefix parameter - Fix illegal memory access after memory has been deleted; (bso#11836); (bsc#975299). - Don't package man pages for VFS modules that aren't built; (boo#993707). - Fix population of ctdb sysconfig after source merge; (bsc#981566). - Enable vfs_ceph builds for Factory (x86-64) + Package as samba-ceph to avoid Ceph dependency in base package. ==== shadow ==== - add keyring, three public keys from https://pkg-shadow.alioth.debian.org/download.php ==== skanlite ==== Version update (2.0 -> 2.0.1) Subpackages: skanlite-lang - Fix source URL - Update to version 2.0.1: * added appdata-xml * updated documentation - Removed upstreamed patch fix_translations_install.patch ==== sudo ==== Version update (1.8.18 -> 1.8.18p1) - update to 1.8.18p1 with these major changes: * When sudo_noexec.so is used, the WRDE_NOCMD flag is now added if the wordexp() function is called. This prevents commands from being run via wordexp() without disabling it entirely. * On Linux systems, sudo_noexec.so now uses a seccomp filter to disable execute access if the kernel supports seccomp. This is more robust than the traditional method of using stub functions that return an error. ==== systemsettings5 ==== Version update (5.8.2 -> 5.8.3) Subpackages: systemsettings5-devel - Update to 5.8.3 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.8.3.php ==== talloc ==== Version update (2.1.6 -> 2.1.8) Subpackages: libtalloc2 libtalloc2-32bit python-talloc python-talloc-32bit - Update to version 2.1.8. + performance improvements + Fix memory leak when destructors reparent children; (bso#11901). ==== tdb ==== Version update (1.3.8 -> 1.3.11) Subpackages: libtdb1 libtdb1-32bit - Update to version 1.3.11. + performance improvements + make pthread mutex code more portable + avoid a race condition when checking for robust mutexes (bso#11808) + Remove use of strcpy in tdb test. + eliminate deprecation warnings in python tests + Only set public headers field when installing as a public library. ==== tevent ==== Version update (0.9.28 -> 0.9.29) Subpackages: libtevent0 libtevent0-32bit - Update to version 0.9.29. + performance improvements. ==== yast2-bootloader ==== Version update (3.2.4 -> 3.2.6) - set pmbr flag only on GPT disks (bsc#1008092) - 3.2.6 - Use the system-wide locale (/etc/sysconfig/language:RC_LANG) when generating the GRUB2 menu (bsc#998152) - 3.2.5 ==== yast2-installation ==== Version update (3.2.5 -> 3.2.6) - Added support for read-only proposal modules (fate#321739) - 3.2.6 - Documentation for subvolumes in control.xml (fate#321737) ==== yast2-kdump ==== Version update (3.1.42 -> 3.2.0) - fix typos in kdump help (bsc#703145) - 3.2.0 ==== yast2-network ==== Version update (3.2.8 -> 3.2.9) - Make network summary consistent with other summaries (bsc#745940) - 3.2.9 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-factory+owner@opensuse.org