Dear Tumbleweed users and hackers, The magic number this week is 6: that’s how many snapshots have been published since the last weekly review (1020, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025 and 1026). Some of them were a bit larger than average (1026 – a big rebuild due to bash 4.4). Let’s see what else we got in this week’s updates: * Kernel 4.8.4 (incl. dirty CoW fix CVE-2016-5195) * LightDM 1.20.0 * KDE Plasma 5.8.2 * SQLite 3.15.0 * Bash 4.4 – libreadline had an ABI change, resulting in quite some rebuilds Let’s see if Tumbleweed can keep up this pace of snapshots. After all, there are those things lined up: * linux-glibc-devel 4.8: only one more build failure (lirc, patch available) * KDE Frameworks 5.27.0 (1028+) * Flatpak (1028+ – New feature will surely need some testing) * Samba 4.5.0 – Some attention by the maintainers seems needed * ICU 58.1 – Staging issues should be resolved already With Leap 42.2 nearing RC2, we will probably soon see some larger changes also in the base systems, as many contributors will be braver again (systemd anybody?) Have a great weekend ahead! Dominique