On Wed, Aug 06, Jan-Simon M?ller wrote:
You need to update your satsolver URL: http://svn.opensuse.org/svn/zypp/trunk/sat-solver
They are defined in {%pefix}/include/satsolver/knownid.h
Update: it tries to include /usr/include ... not /prefix/include and thus only finds my "old" version
I guess everybody has it's own solution to this kind of problem. Personally I perfer to not install any of the -devel packages for sat-solver, libzypp and zypper etc. I maintain a symplink pointing to the tree where I checkout and build. /Local/ma/zypp -> zypp-trunk | /zypp-trunk/libzypp | /sat-solver | /zypper | /zypp-11.0/libzypp /sat-solver /zypper And instead of installing libs and headers I symlink them back below /Local/ma/zypp: /usr/local/include/ /satsolver -> /Local/ma/zypp/sat-solver/src /zypp -> /Local/ma/zypp/libzypp/zypp /usr/local/lib/ /libsatsolver.a -> /Local/ma/zypp/BUILD/sat-solver/src/libsatsolver.a /libzypp.so -> /Local/ma/zypp/BUILD/libzypp/zypp/libzypp.so | /pkgconfig/libzypp.pc -> /Local/ma/zypp/BUILD/libzypp/libzypp.pc /usr/share/cmake/Modules/ /FindZypp.cmake -> /Local/ma/zypp/libzypp/cmake/modules/FindZypp.cmake /ZyppCommon.cmake -> /Local/ma/zypp/libzypp/cmake/modules/ZyppCommon.cmake So I can switch beween different SVN braches by just changing the /Local/ma/zypp symlink. But more important to me, that I always use the correct set of headers and libs. No inconsistencies due to forgotten 'make install', or meanwhile deleted but still installed header files. -- cu, Michael Andres +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Key fingerprint = 2DFA 5D73 18B1 E7EF A862 27AC 3FB8 9E3A 27C6 B0E4 +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Michael Andres YaST Development ma@novell.com SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) Maxfeldstrasse 5, D-90409 Nuernberg, Germany, ++49 (0)911 - 740 53-0 +------------------------------------------------------------------+ -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: zypp-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: zypp-devel+help@opensuse.org