openSUSE zSystems Knowlege Sharing Session / meeting Tuesday - 17th October 2023
Hello together, Tomorrow - Tuesday, the 17th October 2023, is the next of our training/meeting sessions. I am open for questions and a round to find together solutions for open tasks. I have to add, that I will make it a little bit shorter from my side because of 2 panel discussion sessions at the IBM Z Day on Wednesday: On top I will speak also about the IBM TechXChage at the meetup of the Academic Mainframe Consortium this week: We will meet us at 19:00 (German time)/ 10:00 (Pacific time) on our openSUSE Jitsy: Topics for this session: 1) Know each other (networking) 2) Mainframe ressources / SUSE mainframe 3) Maintainerships 4) Packaging topics 5) Open tasks and questions 6) Q&A I expect, that we will need 1.5 hours. I am looking forward to see you all. :-) Best regards, Sarah
participants (1)
Sarah Julia Kriesch