[yast-devel] Some questions about YOU&YCP
Hi all : I'm a college studet,and I've some questions about the mechanism of YOU in SLES 10 ,32bit version . 1) Does YOU use any authentication when getting the package ? For example the user account and the password? I found I needn't input the stuff ,so is these information stored in a file ? like xml ...etc 2) Can I download a particular rpm using command line(not using GUI) ? Especially using "command url"schema? 3) I found that YOU do all the package related thing rely on the C++ code,and if I want to change the C++ code,how can I make it into the yast2 module to get my changing applied? 4) It seems to me that the YCP language is only the GUI wrapper and all the core stuff is done by c++, am I right? Many thanks!! Josh Bauer -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: yast-devel+help@opensuse.org
On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 05:14:45PM +0800, 张镜明 wrote:
Hi all : I'm a college studet,and I've some questions about the mechanism of YOU in SLES 10 ,32bit version . 1) Does YOU use any authentication when getting the package ? For example the user account and the password? I found I needn't input the stuff ,so is these information stored in a file ? like xml ...etc
Hi, YOU (via libzypp) stores the credentials in the URL of the update repository. They are in /var/lib/zypp/db/sources/* For example if you use update.novel.com or nu.novell.com, you can see the user:passwd in the files. (ZENworks uses /etc/zmd/{deviceid,secret})
2) Can I download a particular rpm using command line(not using GUI) ? Especially using "command url"schema?
Just download? Use wget or curl. Or install too? Have you tried rug or (on SP1) zypper?
3) I found that YOU do all the package related thing rely on the C++ code,and if I want to change the C++ code,how can I make it into the yast2 module to get my changing applied?
I don't quite understand what you mean. You download the sources from .src.rpm or subversion, edit, recompile (or rebuild rpm) and there you are. And send us a patch :-) See also http://en.opensuse.org/YaST_Development and http://en.opensuse.org/Libzypp
4) It seems to me that the YCP language is only the GUI wrapper and all the core stuff is done by c++, am I right?
For YOU, that is right. (For other configuration tasks in the yast control center, YCP contains much more logic.) -- Martin Vidner, YaST developer http://en.opensuse.org/User:Mvidner Kuracke oddeleni v restauraci je jako fekalni oddeleni v bazenu -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: yast-devel+help@opensuse.org
Hi Martin : Thanks a lot for your direction!! I 've a little more questions : ) 1) The 2nd question I asked about the cmd method, how I can know a particular rpm's url? What I know is only the 'update.novel.com' or sth like that. 2) As fort the 3rd question I asked about the recompiling , "http://en.opensuse.org/BuildingYast" told me to use y2makeall,but I can't find y2makeall...... I got yast source code download from "https://forgesvn1.novell.com/viewsvn/yast/trunk/", used the "download tarball" at the bottom ,.(I haven't svn :( ....) and after downloading the "trunk" I renamed it to "Source" and then used "y2makeall" ,but it couldn't find y2makeall,then I used " y2tool y2makeall ",this time I found there were many errors when automatically run "make -f Makefile.cvs" in some folders,such like the folder "devtools" ,at last I cd devtools and run make -f Makefile.cvs and I got an error as " make execvp ./devtools/bin/y2autoconf : Permission denied" " make :*** [all] Error 127 " I think I strictly followed the direction of making yast, but failed in recompiling...so in fact I wanna ask what's wrong with my yast code? or my configuration is wrong? Many thanks again !! Josh 2007/8/1, Martin Vidner <mvidner@suse.cz>:
On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 05:14:45PM +0800, 张镜明 wrote:
Hi all : I'm a college studet,and I've some questions about the mechanism of YOU in SLES 10 ,32bit version . 1) Does YOU use any authentication when getting the package ? For example the user account and the password? I found I needn't input the stuff ,so is these information stored in a file ? like xml ...etc
YOU (via libzypp) stores the credentials in the URL of the update repository. They are in /var/lib/zypp/db/sources/* For example if you use update.novel.com or nu.novell.com, you can see the user:passwd in the files. (ZENworks uses /etc/zmd/{deviceid,secret})
2) Can I download a particular rpm using command line(not using GUI) ? Especially using "command url"schema?
Just download? Use wget or curl. Or install too? Have you tried rug or (on SP1) zypper?
3) I found that YOU do all the package related thing rely on the C++ code,and if I want to change the C++ code,how can I make it into the yast2 module to get my changing applied?
I don't quite understand what you mean. You download the sources from .src.rpm or subversion, edit, recompile (or rebuild rpm) and there you are. And send us a patch :-)
See also http://en.opensuse.org/YaST_Development and http://en.opensuse.org/Libzypp
4) It seems to me that the YCP language is only the GUI wrapper and all the core stuff is done by c++, am I right?
For YOU, that is right. (For other configuration tasks in the yast control center, YCP contains much more logic.)
-- Martin Vidner, YaST developer http://en.opensuse.org/User:Mvidner
Kuracke oddeleni v restauraci je jako fekalni oddeleni v bazenu
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participants (2)
Martin Vidner