[yast-devel] Smaller disk footprint [Bug 1176767]
https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1176767 Recently I was looking at https://cockpit-project.org/ and how it relates to YaST. One of the factors was the disk footprint: Cockpit takes up less than 10 MB. YaST takes up 258 MiB on disk. (counting just the base, not the actual config modules) Starting with a 2020-09-01 openSUSE Tumbleweed that already has Cockpit installed, these are the byte sizes of packages installed by "zypper install yast2" 218922718 glibc-locale 16627072 ruby2.7 9940016 ruby2.7-rubygem-nokogiri 3427518 hwinfo 3413184 libruby2_7-2_7 3310778 yast2-core 2589200 yast2 2279763 ruby2.7-rubygem-unf_ext 1378488 yast2-pkg-bindings 1179325 libyui-ncurses13 1095423 ruby2.7-rubygem-simpleidn 949088 libyui13 788911 libjemalloc2 721238 yast2-hardware-detection 686097 augeas-lenses 646032 yast2-ycp-ui-bindings 463280 yast2-ruby-bindings 360824 libxslt1 316728 yast2-perl-bindings 226562 augeas 167706 libx86emu3 129288 libyaml-0-2 129144 ruby2.7-rubygem-unf 115505 ruby2.7-rubygem-ruby-augeas 108310 ruby2.7-rubygem-fast_gettext 63522 ruby2.7-rubygem-cfa 62415 ruby2.7-rubygem-gem2rpm 51387 ruby2.7-rubygem-cheetah 47974 fdupes 38714 ruby-common 34725 perl-gettext 10762 ruby2.7-rubygem-abstract_method 3389 yast2-logs 84 ruby Now, glibc-locale is required by libyui-ncurses (based on bug 849255) but since 2 years ago a smaller subpackage exists, glibc-locale-base, which can be used as long as YaST runs in English only. Looking into another big dependency, ruby2.7-rubygem-nokogiri.rpm has 9.5 MiB out of which 8.8 MiB is /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.7.0/cache/nokogiri-1.10.10.gem, just a useless repackaging of the source gem. -- Martin Vidner, YaST Team http://en.opensuse.org/User:Mvidner
participants (1)
Martin Vidner