Hi! Today the question "does anyone know how many LOC we maintain" arose in the #yast channel at the freenode.net IRC server. And although most of us know about `wc -l` (in fact, my teammate Stefan suggested running `wc -l **/*.{rb,cc,h}` in a full checkout), I quickly wondered if someone already built a tool to perform such task against all repos of a Github organization. And the answer is yes, Ben Balter[1] did it 5 years ago and called it count-org-loc[2] which under the hood uses cloc[3] (a tool written in Perl for counting blank, comment, and physical lines of code in many programming languages) in a similar way as it is explained in this[4] StackOverflow answer. Although I was aware that the results do not answer the original question, since not every repository at Github yast organization is maintained by the YaST team core, I ran it against both, yast and libyui Github organizations. You can see the results I got at [5] and [6]. Just if you are as curious as I am :P BTW, I installed cloc via npm[7] because the available 1-click install[8] for Tumbleweed didn't work for me. Hope you can forgive me :) :P [1] https://github.com/benbalter [2] https://github.com/benbalter/count-org-loc [3] https://github.com/AlDanial/cloc#Docker- [4] https://stackoverflow.com/a/29012789 [5] https://gist.github.com/dgdavid/086010eb369d895f121e76f0dc6154f4 [6] https://gist.github.com/dgdavid/90022844a5891a9aa893e961d1549b55 [7] https://github.com/kentcdodds/cloc#readme [8] https://software.opensuse.org/download/package?package=cloc&project=Document... -- David Díaz YaST Team at SUSE LINUX GmbH IRC: dgdavid