Hello, On Nov 28 12:46 Lukas Ocilka wrote (excerpt):
On 28.11.2014 10:32, Johannes Meixner wrote:
Have a simple [Apply] button but when the service does not support a really safe "reload" method (i.e. that neither makes the service temporaryly unavailability nor resets existing connections), then ask the user for confirmation if he wants to disrupt the currently running service to apply the new settings right now.
That's a good point but it's actually something completely different.
It's a different use case, e.g., something like Samba service to which clients might be connected "right now" and copying files. If we talk about DNS, DHCP or NTP Server, then nobody cares.
But Ancor Gonzalez Sosa <ancor@suse.de> initially wrote:
usability problems in all modules that manages servers
which I understand that he has all services in mind. Then Ancor Gonzalez Sosah wrote:
taking this dns-server screenshot as starting point
which I understand that DNS is only meant as initial example. If my understanding is right, there is no such thing as "completely different use cases" because all are one same use case "GUI for all modules that manage services". Kind Regards Johannes Meixner -- SUSE LINUX GmbH -- Maxfeldstrasse 5 -- 90409 Nuernberg -- Germany HRB 21284 (AG Nuernberg) GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendoerffer -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: yast-devel+owner@opensuse.org