---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Manu Gupta <manugupt1@gmail.com> Date: Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 2:58 AM Subject: A few questions about libYUI To: yast-devel@opensuse.org Hi I am trying a few things in libYUI to ask of 1. How to set a value in a ComboBox? I have tried with both editable and non-editable comboBoxes I have a YComboBox * cc = YUI::widgetFactory(dialog,"SELECT",true); cc->addItem("XYZ"); cc->addItem("Blah"); cc->setValue("Manu"); In this case, the value Manu is not set and highlighted Now lets take this case YComboBox * cc = YUI::widgetFactory(dialog,"SELECT",true); cc->addItem("XYZ"); cc->addItem("Blah"); cc->setValue("Blah"); Same thing blah is not highlighted case 3 YComboBox * cc = YUI::widgetFactory(dialog,"SELECT",false); cc->addItem("XYZ"); cc->addItem("Blah"); cc->setValue("Blah"); I get a YUI::Exception So if anyone can cross check this case and let me know if it is a bug or not? Second Question is related to event handling If a selection in a comboBox changes, how would I able to recognise it Currently I follow this approach YDialog * dialog = YUI::widgetFactory->createDialog(); YComboBox * cc = YUI::widgetFactory(dialog,"SELECT",false); YWidgetEvent * event = (YWidgetEvent*)dialog->waitForEvent(); while(1){ if(event->reason()==SelectionChanged){ cout<<"XYZ"; } }; this does not seem to work ie the dialog is not recognising changes in my combobox, how do I solve them? -- Regards Manu Gupta -- Regards Manu Gupta -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: yast-devel+help@opensuse.org