On 9/30/21 14:39, Ladislav Slezak wrote:
Dne 23. 09. 21 v 20:41 josef Reidinger napsal(a):
Hi, just to clarify why now all github actions are red. It is caused by TW glibc update. See for more info https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/list/factory@lists.opensuse.org/thread/P...
I expect we need to use again 15.3 workaround or wait till github apply patch.
I have created an issue for GitHub Actions regarding this problem [1].
I found out a workaround by using the "--privileged" Docker option, see the PoC [2]. With that option the jobs can be run successfully.
Let's see what they respond, if the fix takes too long I'd apply the workaround in all YaST Git repositories. I'm already preparing a script for that...
[1] https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/issues/4193 [2] https://github.com/yast/yast-packager/pull/579/files
Thanks a lot Ladislav for taking care ;) -- José Iván López González YaST Team at SUSE LINUX GmbH IRC: jilopez