On Thu, Jun 09, 2011 at 11:12:50AM +0200, Lukas Ocilka wrote:
Dne 8.6.2011 16:28, Josef Reidinger napsal(a):
Lukas Ocilka write:
Shared Task List - There are often even smaller tasks that need to be done by anyone in the team but they don't have their priority high enough (so called easy-hacks) - and that's why we forget them quite easily.
There is an established convention for this already, the Junior Jobs: http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Junior_jobs with a corresponding Bugzilla query: http://tr.im/opensusejj (LibreOffice calls them Easy Hacks: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Easy_Hacks ) Please take some time to scan your bug list (or mine ;-) ) and mark some bugs JJ.
- Fix|Easy to Medium: Use some of the task managers, e.g., http://www.producteev.com/ anyone can pick a task and try to implement / fix it.
No, no new program. Just create account in bugzilla, so you can query it for easy (low priority) tasks. This also helps team members who has more then 100 bugs to organize it.
Also possible. I use producteev for personal and also company TODOs, it's connected to my HTC and makes my life easier ;) It was just an example...
Producteev is actually a web service, and I am using it to sync my personal task list to the cloud(*). For 3 and more poeple accessing a task list, it costs $20/month, so if Bugzilla is not enough, I'd look for alternatives *) BUZZWORD!!1! See also http://xkcd.com/908/ -- Martin Vidner, YaST developer http://en.opensuse.org/User:Mvidner Kuracke oddeleni v restauraci je jako fekalni oddeleni v bazenu