Hi, I've just finished a short introduction of new YCP Module "Icon" in the openSUSE wiki: http://en.opensuse.org/YaST/Development/Modules/Icon This new YCP module simplifies using icons in your dialogs. By now it only supports 32x32 icons but could be extended if needed. "Icon" YCP module can be found in yast2-2.16.16 and later. Dialogs, especially pop-ups should use icons to emphasize the message to a user. Moreover it's better to use unified icons for the same tasks (one icon for warnings, another one for errors, ...). This is how Icon module deals with it: Icon::Simple ("warning") -> returns UI term Icon::Simple ("error") -> returns UI term Bye Lukas -- Lukas Ocilka, YaST Developer (xn--luk-gla45d) ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUSE LINUX, s. r. o., Lihovarska 1060/12, Praha 9, Czech Republic