On 05/27/2015 09:16 AM, Ancor Gonzalez Sosa wrote:
2) Testing the applications
The DUD approach proved to be very useful for installation and we think can be applied to applications as well. I already have an special distri that takes an already installed system, boots it, applies all the updates from the YaST:Head repo and then run a list of application tests. My plan is to modify it to support installing packages from an uploaded DUD, as the installation already does. We could share the needles repositories of openSUSE/SLE and have all the application tests in a specific directory, so the mechanism for sharing code and needles will be very similar to the one already used for SLE and openSUSE. Most of the rake tasks would be completely reused. Generating and refreshing the installed systems (an asset) used as starting point for these jobs can be easily automated thanks to PUBLISH_HDD, as you can see here[3]. The test proving that the new distri works were lost in a recent hard disk accident, but they will be available today again
Here is the new distri (containing just one example test at the moment) https://github.com/yast/os-autoinst-distri-yast-modules And here you can see it in action. With the YAST_HEAD parameter set for the job (yes, I know it failed, but you get the idea :-) ) https://yast-openqa.suse.cz/tests/105/ Without that parameter (this worked in the first attempt) https://yast-openqa.suse.cz/tests/104 As promised, the needles are shared with openSUSE (and potentially SLE12) and the tests that can be relevant for openqa.o.o or openqa.suse.de are in a separate yast_modules directory. Cheers. -- Ancor González Sosa YaST Team at SUSE Linux GmbH -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: yast-devel+owner@opensuse.org