Hi, Cornelius hackweek proposal of a ycp-to-ruby-translator (see http://idea.opensuse.org/content/ideas/ycp-to-ruby-translator) was an itch I had to scratch sooner or later. So I spent some spare time and did a couple of late night hacks to make the translator real. It is based on an XML representation of the abstract syntax tree produces by the YCP scanner and parser within libycp. So its a pure syntax translator with only very, very limited knowledge of the semantics. The resulting Ruby code does pass the Ruby syntax checker, though. Combined with Duncans Ruby-YCP bindings, translating ycp to Ruby should be quite useful as we try to provide support for more widespread scripting languages. The translator is available at http://svn.opensuse.org/svn/yast/trunk/yxmlconv You need a recent version of yast2-core, which supports XML output and the '-x' parameter of ycpc. Then run ycpc -c -x file.ycp -o file.xml to convert YCP code to XML. Now use the xml-ruby translator as cd yxmlconv ruby src/converter.rb file.xml > file.rb Klaus P.S.: It's fairly straightforward to change the translator to output e.g. Python or Java or C# or ... --- SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: yast-devel+help@opensuse.org