Stefan Hundhammer wrote:
Lukas, just to clarify: I am not blaming you for the lack of documentation of such essential things. Maintaining documentation generation (which is what you agreed to AFAIK) is a one important task. This does not include writing documentation for all the things where docs are missing.
I was a bit afraid it had turned to blaming the only one who responds. Thanks for your clarification :) ;) But as far as I can see, there's nobody other interested. "Who needs documentation anyway?" Anybody else? Should I care and build it for every release? Try to enhance it? Add some most-painfully missing pieces bit by bit?
... ... ...
If we want community developers to contribute and use our infrastructure, that infrastructure must be reasonably usable. And that starts with documentation. That's also why I've added this project: Make YaST Documentation Better http://en.opensuse.org/YaST/Research/Make_Building_YaST_Documentation_Easie r_(Better)
Feel free to add yourself to the project if you are willing to help.
No, I am not going to write other people's documentation on top of all the stuff I already documented. Not only no, but "hell, no". ;-}
Hmm, yes, that seems to be logically a better approach. Kids, it's your turn now. Lukas PS: The project mentioned above is not only about "writing a missing documentation" nor about "enhancing building the documentation". It's about documentation in general: missing/wanted features, structure, searching, understandability, writing tutorials, writing FAQ, adding examples, linking examples, ... there is a lot of work to do.