On 26/11/19 12:50, Ancor Gonzalez Sosa wrote:
On 11/25/19 8:28 PM, David Díaz wrote:
Hi there!
Today, while I was working to fix an issue when executing "yast2 system_settings" without enough permissions[1][2], some questions arose to my mind. Let me share them,
* If I run "/usr/sbin/yast2" it warns about the permissions and only shows a few modules[3]. So, * Can we manage [1] and [2] in a "centralized" way? I mean, do we have a way to know in advance when the execution of a certain module will require root permissions? If the answer is NO, I wonder if you are aware of the existence of Yast::Confirm.MustBeRoot
No, I wasn't. Thank you!
That's what most YaST modules seem to be using to report the situation to the user: https://github.com/search?q=org%3Ayast+MustBeRoot&type=Code
-- David Díaz González YaST Team at SUSE Linux GmbH