Dne 8.10.2013 09:07, Josef Reidinger napsal(a):
Well, I can create a wrapper, but me it is more intuitive to use directly Packaging configuration
For me, as a first time/occasional user it is intuitive that require "yast/rake" is followed by Yast Rake task(s) configuration, not configuration of some "Packaging" module, which I never heard of. Whatever thechnical solution that allows that is fine with me. For example, with YARD, the configuration looks like this (example taken from the docs): require "yard" YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |t| t.files = ['lib/**/*.rb', OTHER_PATHS] # optional t.options = ['--any', '--extra', '--opts'] # optional end With RSpec, it looks like this (again, example taken from the docs): require 'rspec/core/rake_task' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) do |t| t.fail_on_error = false end Both configurations start with the name of the main module of given library. I would expect the same from YaST. (In both cases, the tasks are also created expliticly, not implicitly, but I am not sure how important that is.)
And I plan to have strict backward compatibility in packaging tasks, so it should not be problem from changes perspective as I am author of packaging tasks.
That's a non-issue for me. -- David Majda SUSE developer -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: yast-devel+owner@opensuse.org