Stanislav Visnovsky napsal(a):
Dňa Wednesday 24 October 2007 11:33:30 Katarina Machalkova ste napísal:
However, does anyone have any example of some complex GUI feature users often ask for and really want to have? I might have overlooked that, or I might be just professionally deformed by maintaining text-mode UI, but I haven't seen any particular example so far. All I've seen were statements such as 'users want YaST to be more cool & sexy' which is (at least for me) very vague description of the problem
One of the examples is a complex storage setup. Inspiration:
Good point, however, YaST Storage module (yast2 disk) doesn't need to be sexy. What it really needs is: * To be understandable be several kind of users (provide partitioning wizards, etc.) * To be useful (simple way how to change simple things - less then by twenty clicks) * To have better logic workflows (I know what I want to do, and the UI provides a menu that helps me to get straightly to the dialog I need) Anyway, having it sexy and cool might help :) but the definition what 'cool' and 'sexy' means is often very different for each user. Consider the huge amount of magazines about those themes ;) Bye Lukas