V Wed, 9 Jan 2019 15:55:46 +0100 Ladislav Slezak <lslezak@suse.cz> napsáno:
Hi all,
the GitHub Services are deprecated and are replaced by GitHub web hooks. Basically the Services provided an additional logic to process the hooks.
For example the email service sends email notifications to the specified address, while the web hooks are just plain HTTP POST requests without any logic (that needs to be implemented on the server side). You can find more details in [1].
This week they disabled the old Services (till January 14, 19:00 UTC) so the users can prepare for the final shut down.
Travis and Jenkins ------------------
We use the Services for triggering the Travis and Jenkins builds. The Travis Service has been replaced automatically by a web hook by the Travis server remotely, no action needed, I just removed the old Service configuration from the repositories.
For the public Jenkins I have configured an organization web hook. The advantage is that it should cover all YaST Git repositories (even the ones added in the future), no need to configure this for each repository separately.
The disadvantage is that it sends the notification also for repositories which do not have any Jenkins job configured. But as the vast majority of the packages use Jenkins and the missing Jenkins jobs are usually for dropped or unmaintained packages which we do not touch anyway then the real overhead should be very minimal.
I also removed the old Jenkins Service configuration from GitHub. There is still a fallback to check the repository status once a day at the public Jenkins, so if any web hook is for any reason not delivered (network issue, Jenkins down,...) then still at least once a day the Git repositories are scanned for changes.
This means the public Jenkins should work just as expected. Of course, if you see any issues there then just ping me.
Thanks for taking care.
yast-commit@opensuse.org --------------------------
The only problematic GitHub Service is the email Service which for YaST sends notifications to yast-commit@opensuse.org. There is no simple replacement, we would need a publicly reachable server which can send emails to yast-commit@opensuse.org.
But the question is: do we really need that? Does somebody really read the emails from yast-commit@opensuse.org?
You can see the activity log also at the main https://github.com/ page, or there is a news feed link at the bottom. That can be also an alternative to the commit mails. Would that be enough for you?
(Personally I do not read the commit ML, I'm asking here for feedback to see if there is any use for that.)
Me neither. I used to read it before we start doing code reviews, as I sometime do post commit review. But nowadays do not check it for months. Josef
[1] https://developer.github.com/v3/guides/replacing-github-services/ [2] https://developer.github.com/changes/2018-11-05-github-services-brownout/
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