Present: bbrunner, dmacvicar, jdsn, jsrain, jsuchome, kkaempf, mkudlvasr, mvidner, schubi Absent: jreidinger, lslezak, mschmidkunz, mzugec, rlihm jsuchome: - classic yast on RC2 - will help out with bugs jdsn+schubi: - rubyish registration, more rest test cases - will finish zypper calls mvidner: - comments in broken-authentication branch dmacvicar: - will have time for webyast again jsrain: - administration bbrunner: - testing fresh git, with selenium mkudlvasr: - eula tests, docs kkaempf: - will be in Prague tomorrow [jreidinger]: - so make stubs for your modules [rlihm]: - getting the machine to a working state -- Martin Vidner, YaST developer Kuracke oddeleni v restauraci je jako fekalni oddeleni v bazenu