Hi! here's a new one. This time we got preliminary testing from the Beijing OPS QA team, so be sure to check the existing bug reports before you file a new one. APPLIANCE DOWNLOAD: http://www.suse.de/~mvidner/webyast-beta4/vm/WebYaST_on_SLES11.i686-0.0.22.v... http://www.suse.de/~mvidner/webyast-beta4/vm/WebYaST_on_SLES11.i686-0.0.22.v... ( gpg --verify WebYaST_on_SLES11.i686-0.0.22.vmx.tar.gz.asc ) sha1sum: 809ad118239b5476c41d7d2300e13f4100efa448 internal: ftp://cml.suse.cz/testing/webyast/WebYaST_on_SLES11.i686-0.0.22.vmx.tar.gz REPOSITORY: zypper ar http://www.suse.de/~mvidner/webyast-beta4 webyast-beta4 USAGE: 1. Run the appliance In the 1st run, accept the SLES EULA 2. Point the browser to HTTPS port 54984 (**) Log in as root, with password linux 3. Go through the base setup (*) (language, eulas, admin, network, time, mail, registration) GENERAL NEWS: - Changed the license to LGPL2.1 for the core and GPL2 for the plugins - Using HTTPS (for the front end only) - UI styling improved - Removed the host selector, go to localhost directly MODULE SPECIFIC NEWS: http://www.suse.de/~mvidner/webyast-beta4/ChangeLog KNOWN BUGS: - See this query for a complete bug list: https://bugzilla.novell.com/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&product=openSU... FEEDBACK: - irc://irc.opensuse.org/yast - https://bugzilla.novell.com/enter_bug.cgi?component=WebYaST&product=openSUSE... (please disregard the oS11.2 version and instead remember to mention the appliance version.) See http://en.opensuse.org/Bugs/WebYaST - mailto:yast-devel@opensuse.org *) Should there be a problem in a module included in the base setup, you will not be able to reach the main page (/controlcenter). In such case, do: Log out (/logout) touch /var/lib/yastws/basesystem/finish rcyastws restart rcyastec restart **) options: - have the virtual machine set to network bridging - tunnel out from the inside: /root/bin/webyast-ssh (where is how the VM sees the host in a VirtualBox NAT setup. It forwards the ports 54984, 4984, and 10022->22) -- Martin Vidner, YaST developer http://en.opensuse.org/User:Mvidner Kuracke oddeleni v restauraci je jako fekalni oddeleni v bazenu