On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 05:50:46PM +0200, Martin Vidner wrote:
I will create another project in OBS, https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?project=YaST:Web:STABLE Few people(#) will be maintainers there and you will send submit requests. They will be rewieved, mainly to check that *the changes are documented in the changelog, with bug numbers*
The project exists now. (sorry for the delay) Until today 5pm, please submit your packages: osc sr YaST:Web yast2-webservice-time-machine YaST:Web:STABLE Make sure that the changes file describes the changes since Beta 2. In case you've been forgetting to update it, git will tell you: cd .../plugins/time-machine git log '@{1 week ago}..HEAD' . Do not forget bug numbers. -- Martin Vidner, YaST developer http://en.opensuse.org/User:Mvidner Kuracke oddeleni v restauraci je jako fekalni oddeleni v bazenu