Stephan Kulow napsal(a):
I'm afraid this file is completely unmaintained and I'm too lazy^wbusy to file bug reports against every single package - and what bothers me most: I guess tons of dependencies are missing in that file.
It seems there are many dependency errors because of dropping or removing packages. How packagers check their packages dependencies? Packagers themselves almost don't need to do such checking because they generate the dependencies almost always automatically. From time to time, they said, they get a mail from AJ with wrong dependencies to fix. In my opinion, there are two quite easy ways how to improve the current state: * We might enhance our `make package` to check whether packages defined in RPM 'Requires' exist. PDB commandline tool could do that ("but only for STABLE", said nadvornik+anosek). Of course, you need to be authenticated against iChain in PDB. * We might cooperate with packagers and create a unified tool for checking. What do you think of that? Is there a better way than check against PDB? Webpin? Lukas