On Tue, Jul 03, Stefan Hundhammer wrote:
The selectable is what groups those resolvables of the same kind so we can display ONE list items for "emacs".
Yes, of course, we could move that to the UI, too. We could let the UI iterate over all packages and group those together that have the same name. Thus we could move the handling of selectables to the UI level.
That's basicaly what the current zypp::ui::selectable implementation does. And that's also the reason why there is no back-pointer, i.e. no way to move to a
IMO not. If we'd group "ALL resolvables of the same kind and name" into ONE selectable, we could easily implement the back-pointer: 1) Pool Selectable i:kernel-1.0 ---+ i:kernel-1.2 ---+ +---- Selectable(package,kernel) a:kernel-1.2 ---+ a:kernel-2.0 ---+ But it is done that way: Pool Selectables i:kernel-1.0 ---+---- S1(package,kernel) ----+ | i:kernel-1.2 ---+---- S2(package,kernel) --+ | | | a:kernel-1.2 ---+--------------------------+-+ a:kernel-2.0 ---+ One selectable for each installed version, ignoring the presence of other installed versions. Here we had to implement back-pointer lists. Here the selectable does not neccessarily contain all relevant information about the resolvables (S1 is not aware of kernel-1.2). This kind of grouping is IMO not helpfull outside the UI. If the UI could use a structure like in 1) we could advance. -- cu, Michael Andres +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Key fingerprint = 2DFA 5D73 18B1 E7EF A862 27AC 3FB8 9E3A 27C6 B0E4 +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Michael Andres YaST Development ma@novell.com SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) Maxfeldstrasse 5, D-90409 Nuernberg, Germany, ++49 (0)911 - 740 53-0 +------------------------------------------------------------------+ -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: yast-devel+help@opensuse.org