On Thu, 27 May 2021 13:03:34 +0200 Ancor Gonzalez Sosa <ancor@suse.de> wrote:
I know there is already a #yast channel at libera. But so far I have never seen more than 5-8 people there.
Now it seems it's kind of official that most openSUSE channels are being moved.
What should we do?
To be honest after reading
I see that move as a bit of over-reacting. I do not see so far any hostile actions ( or I simple do not notice it due to my years of training for ignoring any advertisement ). But my opinion does not matter, as for me the most important part is where our contributors will be. If they do not want to use freenode then I am fine to move. I even do not mind to change communication channel how to contact us if it helps with better interaction with other yast contributors as yast suse contributors can use anything, but without non-suse contributors it is point-less to stay on freenode. So for me the question should be for external contributors and not for suse part of yast team as we can use even rocketchat or any other fancy tool suse provide internally. Josef