[full quote for the mailing list] On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 04:17:02PM +0200, Pavel Nemec wrote:
Dne 27. října 2010 12:42 Martin Vidner <mvidner@suse.cz> napsal(a):
Hi Pavel,
I'm excited to see someone develop with YaST, welcome.
Would it be OK to make this discussion public, for the benefit of others with the same problem? Therefore I write in English.
Which version of YaST are you using? One distributed with a particular openSUSE release? It looks like it wants to
openSUSE 11.3
initialize the UI in an old way, abandoned in 2008: http://svn.opensuse.org/viewvc/yast?view=revision&revision=44717
Hm, from first link I see, that I should create new method. No problem. Will try.
But I do not understand what is the new aproach? I have different name than gtk, ncurses or qt. How should I proceed to intialize my component?
Aaaargh! the code indeed limits the UI names to the three existing ones: http://svn.opensuse.org/svn/yast/trunk/ycp-ui-bindings/src/YUIComponentCreat... There might be a way around that, but I'd rather remove this senseless restriction in an online update. Can you patch YUIComponentCreator::createInternal and proceed? Martin
Thanks a lot.
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 11:04:11AM +0200, Lukas Ocilka wrote:
Ahoj, vubec netusim, co je tam za problem. Preposilam Martinovi.
- -------- P?vodní zpráva -------- P?edm?t: vlastni server komponenta v yastu a problem s nenalezenim symbolu Datum: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 21:31:22 +0200 Od: Pavel Nemec <nemecp4@gmail.com> Komu: locilka@suse.cz
Ahoj Lukasi, zkousim si vytvorit vlastni komponentu pro yast (vlastni ui) a zasekl jsem se na problemu, s kterym si nevim rady. Puvodne jsem se chtel zeptat huhy (vetsina ui je s huhovou hlavickou), ale zaslechl jsem, ze uz v suse neni.
Vytvoril jsem vlastni implementaci UI, zkompiloval a inicializoval pomoci /usr/lib/YaST2/bin/y2base nfs jast
(jast se jmenuje me UI)
V logu se objevi postupne
genericfrontend.cc(main):760 Creating server "jast" ... Y2PluginComponent.cc(loadPlugin):215 loadPlugin (/home/pavel/.yast2/plugin/libpy2jast.so.2), namespace (nil)
a pak
Y2PluginComponent.cc(locateSym):316 Not found symbol: g_y2ccjast
to pochazi z kodu Y2ComponentCreator* y2cc = (Y2ComponentCreator*) dlsym (handle, buffer);
kde handle je "jast"
a buffer je "g_y2cc"+jast
A v tom zrejme vezi muj problem, netusim jak vytvorit handler s timto nazvem, pripadne, jak ho nejak zaregistrovat. Prohledaval jsem qt a ncurses implementaci, ale nenasel jsem nic co by pripominalo takovy handler.
Budu vdecny za jakykoliv napovedu. Predem dik, Pavel Nemec
-- Martin Vidner, YaST developer http://en.opensuse.org/User:Mvidner
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