On Tue, 9 Feb 2021 15:41:02 +0100 adrien.glauser@gmail.com wrote:
Just helped a friend install TW and I noticed a few loose ends I wanted to let you know about (even though you probably know already :)
Have a great day!
Thanks for feedback, lets discuss it here (adding you to CC as I am not sure if you are subscribed): ## Yast Installer * throughout the Yast installer, 'go back' rarely means 'go back to the previous screen'; instead it often means 'cancel and go to previous screen' (your current view's state will be lost); * notice that this behavior applies to defaults; so for example going back and returning to _List Of Online Repos_ means you will get 0 box ticked when you return yep, this is annoying behavior and I think quite related to thoughts we have that maybe instead of wizard simple summary with possible to configure what is needed will be better. * _Suggested Partitioning (default) > Guided Setup : Back_ is clickable, but does nothing (it does something from the screens corresponding to the two options in the _Expert Partitioner_ selector) * Still on the same view, _Suggested Partitioning_, there is no longer an _Abort_ button; instead there is now a _Cancel_ button * this problem of consistency in how buttons are labeled is reinforced by the fact that the user won't know for sure what the button does, because there is not path string showing that the user is displaying the _Guided Setup_ screen, so the user pressing _Cancel_ cannot know for sure where the action triggered by this button will lead them agreed, we have a lot of button behavior inconsistencies and we should address it. Often caused by fact that similar wizard is used at multiple places or that it can be invoked from summary and own screen. * On the screen where the user is invited to select a behavior for the repartitioning, you find the phrase "Resize, remove... if needed"; the problem is that the user does not know what "needed" means exactly (does it mean reclaim space? under what conditions?) * On the same screen, you find the phrase "Windows systems", but the user won't know what this means (which combination of bootloader + data + recovery partitions counts as __a__ Windows system?); the same issue affects Linux partitions, so that the user won't know what "other partitions" means I agree with both regarding guided proposal. I personally still thinks that for partition removal it will be better to just show list of current partitions and let user select it and just add some hints to user like disk label or that it looks like windows partition. It is simple and straightforward for user. And better fit to partitioning instead of configuration of our own partitioner tool. Josef