Hi, I've found out that some YaST modules use icons that are not present in the "current" YaST theme. Because it's seemed to be impossible to find all manually (and it also didn't make any sense) I wrote a script that runs through all .ycp and .desktop files for "Icon". When the list of used icons is created, it searches for used icons in the current theme on the disk or in the directory provided as the first script parameter. The script doesn't work with Perl modules so it needn't check all icons used... Please, check your YaST modules for missing icons, thanks. See the attached script plus an example of script-output: /yast/test/iconcheck.sh /yast/CODE10/SL_10.3/source/theme/openSUSE/icons --- cut --- Icons will checked against /yast/CODE10/SL_10.3/source/theme/openSUSE/icons Checking files in directory: /yast/CODE10/SL_10.3/source/ca-management Processing file ./src/crl.ycp Processing file ./src/new_cert_items.ycp ... shortened ... Processing file ./src/wizards.ycp Processing file ./src/util.ycp All used icons (in YCP): ca-management No such file: /yast/CODE10/SL_10.3/source/theme/openSUSE/icons/22x22/apps/ca-management.png (yast-ca-management.png) No such file: /yast/CODE10/SL_10.3/source/theme/openSUSE/icons/32x32/apps/ca-management.png (yast-ca-management.png) No such file: /yast/CODE10/SL_10.3/source/theme/openSUSE/icons/48x48/apps/ca-management.png (yast-ca-management.png) Processing file ./src/ca_mgm.desktop Processing file ./src/common_cert.desktop All used icons (in desktop files): yast-ca_mgm yast-common_cert --- cut --- Bye Lukas -- Lukas Ocilka, YaST Developer (xn--luk-gla45d) ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUSE LINUX, s. r. o., Lihovarska 1060/12, Praha 9, Czech Republic