On Thursday, February 10, 2011 08:58:48 am Jiri Srain wrote:
On Wednesday 09 February 2011 22:56:45 Duncan Mac-Vicar P. wrote:
On 02/09/2011 03:05 PM, Martin Vidner wrote:
Take the existing unfinished attempts yast2-ruby-bindings,
yast2-libyui, ruby-yui, bind libstorage to ruby.
- loudly state the intent to make them usable, including a timeline (see When) - provide good and up-to-date documentation - integrate with the Ruby ecosystem: -- document in form usual for Ruby developers (rdoc/yard) -- get found at rubygems (if only as a stub to point to the real package) - move from Subversion to Git (host at Gitorious, Github, or both) (see Why Git) - give good examples of usage, by converting a couple of production
YaST modules to the new platform
Hey Martin, this is a great start.
While I have to admit I am biased because I love ruby, There are other reasons:
- We have done already a lot of ruby investments in the team. - Rails is great to have. WebYaST
The plan looks great. Just some comments:
- May be separate the ruby/UI part from the ruby/YCP bridges, that is, not access the UI using YCP but direct ruby bindings. Rethink how this API is exposed to the language. - Migrate/Document current use cases (y2log, y2doc, y2tools) with native ruby equivalents - Look at what will replace SCR. Look at COMAR. Good stuff.
I'd target higher here: D-Bus based interface can be only local, for WebYaST we have the REST API on top of D-Bus anyway, so why not use it? Using desktop YaST for managing machines remotely could be a nice bonus for rather low price (meaning added to what you plan to invest), you would not have to have the UI libraries installed on each system. I think there should be a common library for system access (e.g. COMAR). Both webyast backend and desktop yast link against it. Dunno if dbus is appropriate here. Doesn't every layer slow down interaction.
I have one concern about D-Bus, probably coming from lack of knowledge: SCR is able to run an instance in chroot, which is used during installation; while I can imagine any kind of web service run in chroot as well, can D-Bus handle this?
-- Thomas Goettlicher SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: yast-devel+help@opensuse.org