Dne 6.8.2018 v 13:00 Ancor Gonzalez Sosa napsal(a): ...
To be more concrete, the following spec tests the rendered HTML, the Javascript behavior, the database update and the mailer (and all the interactions between those parts) by just describing the user actions and the application responses to them. Just describing the scenario like "go here", "click on that button", "this should appear".
We are far from having something similar in YaST, that can be written and maintained so easily and that can be run with a single command in some seconds. For proper integration, we need to reproduce a whole Linux system with some setup, to interact with the UI, to inspect the real changes in the system... We have nothing of that,
Not in YaST directly, but we have openQA. But the disadvantage is that a) It takes ages to get an ISO with your change for the test. b) You cannot easily run it locally or in CI as a part of the development process. c) It's hard to setup some scenarios, e.g. I can simply simulate a network issue in the registration module unit test by raising the Net::HTTPNotFound exception, in an integration test I'd need a testing proxy server. d) We cannot test too many scenarios as openQA is slow and does not have shortcuts. You cannot just test the storage proposal for scenario X, you have to go through full installation from the boot to the end. And that takes some time. So for me the unit tests are cheap and quick way for testing, we just need to find the right balance between the unit tests and the integration tests (openQA).
On testing only the common cases but not the exotic ones ========================================================
I partially disagree here. I really believe that thinking about the boundary scenarios and the corner cases while writing tests for them helps a lot to write better code from the very beginning and to reduce errors.
You usually test the happy path already during development, I believe we get only few bugs that something obvious does not work. I guess most of the bugs we get are caused by some strange hardware, complicated setup, users do unusual or even crazy things... So I consider it important to cover also the exotic cases. -- Ladislav Slezák YaST Developer SUSE LINUX, s.r.o. Corso IIa Křižíkova 148/34 18600 Praha 8 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: yast-devel+owner@opensuse.org