30 Dec
30 Dec
Hi, I found an EMail by Martin Schmidkunz about this in my Mailbox. Which made me look at the concept of YaST at a hole. YaST today has three (frontend) servers (ncurses, qt, gtk), which should do the garphical visualization of the YaST Modules. Dose Modules should comuicate through SCR with the system level. Now WebYaST was added, but not as an (frontend) server to YaST, but as an outside wrapper witch calls the cli of some Modules (dose with have one), and brings own Modules these Modules. My question now is why did you through a way the original fronted concept of YaST? Best regards Stefan Gesendet von freenetMail- Mehr als nur eine E-Mail-Adresse http://email.freenet.de/dienste/emailoffice/produktuebersicht/basic/mail/ind...