Hi all, I finally merged my PR [1] which improves the development server for the D-Installer frontend. It completely changed how it works. Now the dev server serves the D-Installer Cockpit plugin and the Hot Module Replacement end point. It redirects all Cockpit requests to another server, it works like a proxy. To start the dev server use this command: COCKPIT_TARGET=<IP_or_HOSTNAME> npm run server Where COCKPIT_TARGET is the IP address or hostname of the running D-Installer instance. If you do not set that variable it will by default connect to the local server (at https://localhost:9090). Then open https://localhost:8080 in your browser or use "npm run server -- --open" to open it automatically. It generates a self-signed SSL certificate, you have to accept it in the first connection in the browser. The generated certificate is saved to a cache and is used next time so you have to accept it just once. See more details in the documentation [2]. What are the advantages? - You do not need to run the web frontend on the same machine as the backend - I'm running Leap 15.4 on my workstation, Cockpit is not available for this release so I cannot run it against the local Cockpit instance. That makes the development very difficult. - I can run the D-Installer backend using the Live ISO in a VM, that makes the development more safe, I cannot delete my disks accidentally when starting the installation :) - I can use my Visual Studio Code installed locally, you can use your preferred editor as well ;-) - Actually you could even use a different distro, you just need nodejs + npm and some editor for developing the frontend. - The hot module replacement [3] now fully works, you will see your changes in the browser immediately after saving a file without reloading the page. - The previous approach used some hacks and did not integrate well (mixed different protocols (https vs http), used different hosts and ports on the same page - browsers do not like that and block that because of security). That has been removed. Enjoy :-) Ladislav [1] https://github.com/yast/d-installer/pull/439 [2] https://github.com/yast/d-installer/tree/master/web#using-a-development-serv... [3] https://webpack.js.org/concepts/hot-module-replacement/ -- Ladislav Slezák YaST Developer SUSE LINUX, s.r.o. Corso IIa Křižíkova 148/34 18600 Praha 8