Hi hackers, I want to share my current thoughts about the Rest Api for the registration. Please have a look and feel free to comment and ask. Registration Configuration: --------------------------------- * /registration/config GET get registration server returns: <registrationconfig> <server> <url>https://myregistration.server.com/center/regsvc</url> </server> </registrationconfig> PUT set new registration server the certificate is inclueded as well post data: <registrationconfig> <server> <url>https://somewhere.else.com/center/regsvc</url> </server> <certificate> <data> <![CDATA[ -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFIDCCBAigAwIBAgIJAPP6cY6saTFlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMIGPMQswCQYD VQQGEwJERTEPMA0 ......... 60QTef32lxeuVH9Kve8gGZiMwDqcJfl J8NLO3kNW3Zys2p4agg22yttmUs= -----END CERTIFICATE----- ]]> </data> </certificate> </registrationconfig> return value is the same as for GET Run Registration: --------------------------------- * /registration POST run registration and return the/a result post data: <registration> <options> <debug>2</debug> <nooptional>1</nooptional> <nohwdata>1</nohwdata> <forcereg>0</forcereg> <httpproxy>http://my.proxy</httpproxy> <httpsproxy>http://my.proxy</httpsproxy> </options> <arguments> <argument> <name>key</name> <value>val</value> </argument> ... </arguments> <registration> returns: <registration> <status>finished|missinginfo|error</status> <message>Some text to display</message> <guid>systemsguid</guid> <!-- in case of missing arguments --> <missingarguments> <argument> <name>missingkey</name> <type>string|text|number</type> </argument> ... </missingarguments> <!-- in case of success and services or repos got changed --> <changedrepos> <repo> <name>repoName</name> <alias>myRepoName</alias> <urls> <url>http://some.host/repo/xy</url> ... </urls> <priority>80</priority> <autorefresh>true</autorefresh> <enabled>true</enabled> <status>added|deleted</status> </repo> ... </changedrepos> <changedservices> <service> <name>some-serv1</name> <url>http://some.host/services/serv1</url> <status>added|deleted</status> </service> ... </changedservices> </registration> There is only one action to perform the registration. And all data has to be send for each request, as it operates in stateless context. The following action depends on the answer to the request. If there are arguments missing a following call is needed (together with the additional arguments). Otherwise the changes to the package system are returned if the registration succeeded. Thanks for comments. Ciao, Daniel -- J. Daniel Schmidt <jdsn@suse.de> SUSE Linux Products GmbH Research & Development Maxfeldstr. 5 GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg) D-90409 Nürnberg -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: yast-devel+help@opensuse.org