Ladislav Slezak wrote:
Hi all,
I have changed semantics of Pkg::SourceFinishAll() call in yast2-pkg-bindings-2.17.0.
In the past it saved all known repositories and disabled them.
Due to bug #395738 (and similar #155459, #176013) we need to separate saving and finishing the repositories. Another problem is that after Pkg::SourceFinishAll() reloading was not possible - this was also fixed, the sources are removed instead of disabling, so the next reload (Pkg::SourceStartManager()) will be successful.
Great :) thanks! This means that a lot of possible issues during installation will vanish...
For YCP scripts that means that they should use Pkg::SourceSaveAll() when they add a new repository. Pkg::SourceFinishAll() should be used when the module finishes. (But all repositories are destroyed automatically in Pkg:: destructor, so nothing wrong happens when it's missing.)
Which means Pkg::SourceFinishAll() stays just for backward compatibility or does it do anything else that makes it better for us to still call it, e.g., free some resources?
I have adapted and submitted all affected yast modules, just check your code when you use Pkg::SourceFinishAll() if it is OK.
Thanks :) Bye L.