Lukas Ocilka napsal(a):
Stephan Kulow napsal(a):
Am Dienstag 04 Dezember 2007 schrieb Ricardo Cruz:
I would rather you guys let the UI-bridge provide the icons as we are in a better position to honor user's settings. Besides, we might want yast-ncurses to do a colored frames, or do some vertical Warning label or something...
So, why not adding some `warn, `error, `info to UI::OpenDialog()? It would also make it nicer for YCP writers. Btw, checkout `warnColor and `errorColor on yast-gtk. It will use your style icon there.
Sounds right to me. The problem is always that a ycp solution is easy to do for a single developer, while UI provides usually require 3-4 developers to come up with a solution ;(
But I'm fine with the current solution too.
I've found that it's easier for developers to use Icon::$whatever because it's better understandable for them and thus better-controllable.
Of course, Dialog (`opt (`warn)) can be more easily redefined by the UI (ncurses don't support images but could solve it somehow else). I'd vote for having such support in UI.
I forgot one important thing: It's very common that one YaST scripts ones up a Wizard window (with installation steps, for instance) and the rest of scripts, that called by that script, just call SetContents/Buttons. Warning, Info and Error icons don't need to be used *only* in pop-ups created by UI::OpenDialog(). L.