Hello, On 2021-03-17 11:57, Stefan Hundhammer wrote (excerpt):
I myself tend to add a lot of comments explaining things in the code
same for me, cf. "Make yourself understood" in https://github.com/rear/rear/wiki/Coding-Style I am totally selfish with that because I experienced too often that some time later I do no longer understand the mess that I had created so absolutely geniously in former times ;-) BUT I experienced others who prefer to have explanatory stuff outside of the actual code in some external documentation (because longer explanations distract from the actual code) but there the explanations basically always RIP "rot in peace" because too often even comments directly in place in the code were forgotten to be updated when the actual code was changed (according to my experience), AND I experienced others who seem to think source code is primarily there to tell the dumb machine what to do but I think in particular free software source code is primarily there to tell other humans what the code is intended to do to enable others to fix and enhance the code properly as needed, FINALLY I experienced others who seem to think nobody else exists ;-) Kind Regards Johannes Meixner -- SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH Maxfeldstr. 5 - 90409 Nuernberg - Germany (HRB 36809, AG Nuernberg) GF: Felix Imendoerffer