On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 06:59:13 +0100 Imobach González Sosa <igonzalezsosa@suse.de> wrote:
Hi all,
During the past openSUSE Conference, some members of the YaST team (Áncor, Christopher, HuHa, Knut, Josef and myself -alphabetical order, excuse me if I forgot anyone) discussed about YaST2 code reorganization.
The outcomes of such a discussion are summarized in this document: https:// gist.github.com/imobach/d90940315bd0471ee00b2a68ba22fbe5#proposal
Obviously the discussion is still open so, please, feel free to comment and bring up new ideas.
Regards, Imo
OK, few notes: - I think it is good idea to also use oppurtinity when you are in Prague and discuss it also there, maybe more ideas or previously not seen issues appear - problem with UI is not that it is too generic, but that it often use Yast::UI which creates nasty name collision and confusion if Y2User::UI will use Yast::UI - in the end we discuss that such require layer is maybe not so useful and can cause some confusion, so maybe if we still use import, it indicate we use some legacy module and not common ruby library - regarding nested classes we also discussed usage of rubocop to detect it and report it as issue if it is not marked as private - regarding move of lib to /usr/share/Yast2/lib there is still question what to do with Y2UPDATE? maybe add it by default to ruby load PATH? Josef