J. Daniel Schmidt napsal(a):
Hi hackers,
I want to share my current thoughts about the Rest Api for the registration. Please have a look and feel free to comment and ask.
Registration Configuration: --------------------------------- * /registration/config GET get registration server
<registrationconfig> <server> <url>https://myregistration.server.com/center/regsvc</url> </server> </registrationconfig>
Hi, just few notes. Why get doesn't get certificate? Maybe someone find usefull to check server certificate
PUT set new registration server the certificate is inclueded as well
post data:
<registrationconfig> <server> <url>https://somewhere.else.com/center/regsvc</url> </server> <certificate> <data> <![CDATA[ -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFIDCCBAigAwIBAgIJAPP6cY6saTFlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMIGPMQswCQYD VQQGEwJERTEPMA0 ......... 60QTef32lxeuVH9Kve8gGZiMwDqcJfl J8NLO3kNW3Zys2p4agg22yttmUs= -----END CERTIFICATE----- ]]> </data> </certificate> </registrationconfig>
return value is the same as for GET
Run Registration: ---------------------------------
* /registration
I am not sure if you don't have problems run registration as controller and have registration/config for configuration. Maybe you should use another subdirectory for registration?
POST run registration and return the/a result
post data:
<registration> <options> <debug>2</debug> <nooptional>1</nooptional> <nohwdata>1</nohwdata> <forcereg>0</forcereg> <httpproxy>http://my.proxy</httpproxy> <httpsproxy>http://my.proxy</httpsproxy> </options>
<arguments> <argument> <name>key</name> <value>val</value> </argument> ... </arguments> <registration>
<registration> <status>finished|missinginfo|error</status> <message>Some text to display</message> <guid>systemsguid</guid>
<!-- in case of missing arguments -->
I think that missing argument should be reported as error, also another controller handle it as error (I plan add specific exception for arguments missing/invalid). Do you have any reason to respond it as success response? Also status error is not good I think...thats reason why status code exist, just report problem in status code and explain problem in response. Don't mix success registration and problematic. Josef -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: yast-devel+help@opensuse.org