3 Nov
3 Nov
Branch: refs/heads/log_profile_checksum Home: https://github.com/yast/yast-autoinstallation Commit: b0c6a98f4befc2a51f57b0806f0b17877c047a8d https://github.com/yast/yast-autoinstallation/commit/b0c6a98f4befc2a51f57b08... Author: Ladislav Slezák <lslezak@suse.cz> Date: 2022-11-03 (Thu, 03 Nov 2022) Changed paths: M package/autoyast2.changes M package/autoyast2.spec M src/modules/AutoinstClass.rb M src/modules/ProfileLocation.rb Log Message: ----------- Log the profile/rules/classes file SHA1 sum (bsc#1204175) - So we can later verify that a particular file was or was not used by YaST - 4.5.8