31 Mar
31 Mar
See <https://ci.opensuse.org/job/yast-yast.github.io-master/166/display/redirect?page=changes> Changes: [igonzalezsosa] Add D-Installer first release announcement [igonzalezsosa] Adapt the ISO URL [igonzalezsosa] Update from review [igonzalezsosa] Update D-Installer release date [igonzalezsosa] Improve D-Installer first release announcement [igonzalezsosa] Improve D-Installer contact section [igonzalezsosa] Fix images ------------------------------------------ Started by GitHub push by imobachgs Started by GitHub push by imobachgs Running as SYSTEM [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables. Building remotely on yast-jenkins-original (yast-head yast-jenkins) in workspace <https://ci.opensuse.org/job/yast-yast.github.io-master/ws/> The recommended git tool is: NONE No credentials specified > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir <https://ci.opensuse.org/job/yast-yast.github.io-master/ws/.git> # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url https://github.com/yast/yast.github.io.git # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from https://github.com/yast/yast.github.io.git > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.26.2' > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- https://github.com/yast/yast.github.io.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > git rev-parse origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision a06886859788a1d7cbcb17b3e7e5354f69345930 (origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f a06886859788a1d7cbcb17b3e7e5354f69345930 # timeout=10 Commit message: "Merge pull request #319 from yast/d-installer-first-release" > git rev-list --no-walk 25610e96282dddb0a4fed4d8b1bed7db2d91828c # timeout=10 Cleaning workspace > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10 Resetting working tree > git reset --hard # timeout=10 > git clean -fdx # timeout=10 [yast-yast.github.io-master] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins8186250238253701725.sh + bundle install --path .vendor/bundle Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.......... Fetching rake 13.0.6 Installing rake 13.0.6 Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.1.9 Installing concurrent-ruby 1.1.9 Fetching i18n 0.9.5 Installing i18n 0.9.5 Fetching minitest 5.14.4 Installing minitest 5.14.4 Fetching thread_safe 0.3.6 Installing thread_safe 0.3.6 Fetching tzinfo 1.2.9 Installing tzinfo 1.2.9 Fetching zeitwerk 2.4.2 Installing zeitwerk 2.4.2 Fetching activesupport 6.0.4 Installing activesupport 6.0.4 Fetching public_suffix 4.0.6 Installing public_suffix 4.0.6 Fetching addressable 2.8.0 Installing addressable 2.8.0 Using bundler 1.16.1 Fetching coffee-script-source 1.11.1 Installing coffee-script-source 1.11.1 Fetching execjs 2.8.1 Installing execjs 2.8.1 Fetching coffee-script 2.4.1 Installing coffee-script 2.4.1 Fetching colorator 1.1.0 Installing colorator 1.1.0 Fetching ruby-enum 0.9.0 Installing ruby-enum 0.9.0 Fetching commonmarker 0.17.13 Installing commonmarker 0.17.13 with native extensions Fetching unf_ext Installing unf_ext with native extensions Fetching unf 0.1.4 Installing unf 0.1.4 Fetching simpleidn 0.2.1 Installing simpleidn 0.2.1 Fetching dnsruby 1.61.7 Installing dnsruby 1.61.7 Fetching eventmachine 1.2.7 Installing eventmachine 1.2.7 with native extensions Fetching http_parser.rb 0.6.0 Installing http_parser.rb 0.6.0 with native extensions Fetching em-websocket 0.5.2 Installing em-websocket 0.5.2 Fetching ffi 1.15.3 Installing ffi 1.15.3 with native extensions Fetching ethon 0.14.0 Installing ethon 0.14.0 Fetching faraday-em_http 1.0.0 Installing faraday-em_http 1.0.0 Fetching faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0 Installing faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0 Fetching faraday-excon 1.1.0 Installing faraday-excon 1.1.0 Fetching faraday-httpclient 1.0.1 Installing faraday-httpclient 1.0.1 Fetching faraday-net_http 1.0.1 Installing faraday-net_http 1.0.1 Fetching faraday-net_http_persistent 1.2.0 Installing faraday-net_http_persistent 1.2.0 Fetching faraday-patron 1.0.0 Installing faraday-patron 1.0.0 Fetching multipart-post 2.1.1 Installing multipart-post 2.1.1 Fetching ruby2_keywords 0.0.5 Installing ruby2_keywords 0.0.5 Fetching faraday 1.5.1 Installing faraday 1.5.1 Fetching forwardable-extended 2.6.0 Installing forwardable-extended 2.6.0 Fetching gemoji 3.0.1 Installing gemoji 3.0.1 Fetching sawyer 0.8.2 Installing sawyer 0.8.2 Fetching octokit 4.21.0 Installing octokit 4.21.0 Fetching typhoeus 1.4.0 Installing typhoeus 1.4.0 Fetching github-pages-health-check 1.17.2 Installing github-pages-health-check 1.17.2 Fetching rb-fsevent 0.11.0 Installing rb-fsevent 0.11.0 Fetching rb-inotify 0.10.1 Installing rb-inotify 0.10.1 Fetching sass-listen 4.0.0 Installing sass-listen 4.0.0 Fetching sass 3.7.4 Installing sass 3.7.4 Fetching jekyll-sass-converter 1.5.2 Installing jekyll-sass-converter 1.5.2 Fetching listen 3.6.0 Installing listen 3.6.0 Fetching jekyll-watch 2.2.1 Installing jekyll-watch 2.2.1 Fetching rexml 3.2.5 Installing rexml 3.2.5 Fetching kramdown 2.3.1 Installing kramdown 2.3.1 Fetching liquid 4.0.3 Installing liquid 4.0.3 Fetching mercenary 0.3.6 Installing mercenary 0.3.6 Fetching pathutil 0.16.2 Installing pathutil 0.16.2 Fetching rouge 3.26.0 Installing rouge 3.26.0 Fetching safe_yaml 1.0.5 Installing safe_yaml 1.0.5 Fetching jekyll 3.9.0 Installing jekyll 3.9.0 Fetching jekyll-avatar 0.7.0 Installing jekyll-avatar 0.7.0 Fetching jekyll-coffeescript 1.1.1 Installing jekyll-coffeescript 1.1.1 Fetching jekyll-commonmark 1.3.1 Installing jekyll-commonmark 1.3.1 Fetching jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.1.6 Installing jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.1.6 Fetching jekyll-default-layout 0.1.4 Installing jekyll-default-layout 0.1.4 Fetching jekyll-feed 0.15.1 Installing jekyll-feed 0.15.1 Fetching jekyll-gist 1.5.0 Installing jekyll-gist 1.5.0 Fetching jekyll-github-metadata 2.13.0 Installing jekyll-github-metadata 2.13.0 Fetching mini_portile2 2.8.0 Installing mini_portile2 2.8.0 Fetching racc 1.6.0 Installing racc 1.6.0 with native extensions Fetching nokogiri 1.13.3 (x86_64-linux) Installing nokogiri 1.13.3 (x86_64-linux) Gem::RuntimeRequirementNotMetError: nokogiri requires Ruby version < 3.2.dev, >= 2.6. The current ruby version is 2.5.0. An error occurred while installing nokogiri (1.13.3), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install nokogiri -v '1.13.3'` succeeds before bundling. In Gemfile: github-pages was resolved to 216, which depends on jekyll-mentions was resolved to 1.6.0, which depends on html-pipeline was resolved to 2.14.0, which depends on nokogiri Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Skipped archiving because build is not successful Performing Post build task... Match found for : : True Logical operation result is TRUE Skipping post build task 0 - job status is worse than unstable : FAILURE Not sending mail to unregistered user github@theintersect.org Not sending mail to unregistered user ptesarik@suse.com Not sending mail to unregistered user ancor@suse.de Not sending mail to unregistered user igonzalezsosa@suse.com