Re: [suse-xfree86] 9.3: Keyboard keymaps and xorg

Carlos E. R. ( wrote something I wish to comment : (news:<Pine.LNX.4.61.0506172247260.11566@nimrodel.valinor> posted on 17-juin-05 21:50:01)
Oh s..t. At installation time, I was thinking to use ext3 partitions instead. But then I saw the ReiserFS was default with Suse, and I opted for it. Thanks, I'm going to try that. [Back for report] *SOLVED* !!! (The whole thing was a ReiserFS issue) 1st step: Repairing the damaged partition I booted the DVD, and first try to repair the partition with the repair function from the installation program. The program found effectively that my /dev/sda2 ReiserFS partition was corrupted (did not have a chance to spot that the last time I used the install/repair function. See underneath why.) I click on "Repair", and in a fraction of a second, I briefly saw a small windows poping up. It ran so fast that I sounded suspect. I ran the detection again to discover that the partition was still corrupted. *WORST*, I could then no more boot from HD ! So the only thing left to do was to launch the rescue mode. From there, I ran reiserfsck --check /dev/sda2 and I was told to fix the partition with the --rebuild-tree option. So I did it: reiserfsck --rebuild-tree --logfile rebuild.log /dev/sda2 After a moment of PANIC when I saw the warning to perform a backup first (I have none and could not do one), but everything went fine. 2nd step: Repair the system (in case...) The Suse install/repair process ran flawlessly, no more corrupted FS. I replaced a few packages as suggested (xorg was not one of them). And reboot again, now from HD. ... a quick check: the "unavailable" files were not in place, but the directories were clean. (The retrieved files were in a newly created lost+found directory) So, step 3: re-install the xorg package again with yast. No problem this time, the package was installed properly. Step 4: Run Yast Online Update (YOU) At least to make sure the packages replaced during the system repair process are up-to-date. Step 5: Configure X11 and the keyboard with Yast > Sax2 Hey, I can now print the missing keys in the test key gadget ! AND *DONE* ! My keyboard configuration issue is closed now. Thanks to all ! (I wonder if I'll take the assle to switch from ReiserFS to Ext3. Is there a tool which perform a backup, format the partition, and restore the backup to it without much pain ?) AmigaPhil, world citizen. /No MS-HTML mail please/ PGP key: 0x9C07F6C1 -----BEGIN CARNIVORE TEASER----- The following garbage may or may not contain crypted message. At least you now know I'm an advocate for the respect of privacy. MUAWOEF3HcrhtER1pIlIP5FUvlapvVOJSVvVHvHABAyFHBHytIpzoUvMOz5SaSVTIGyWJHqM ykVEVIHLtnyzyxOp6Rtxt2FOOKlypRCGfJztLltMSHWbyYODxdjvIOOcnpDtEMyMjazDDIMn lFt0SW1vAFVzq5VODRzFLVlavqVldETxHEFR5ttKJpIJIpqqDHORU0FEIOVVvMNuRPb3tG== -----END CARNIVORE TEASER-----
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