I installed the latest of SuSE's ATI fglrx driver (v3.14.1) on my fully YOU updated SuSE 9.1 box with ATI 9600. I also got a camcorder, shot some video, used Kino to import and compress and mplayer to play it. Kino and mplayer are the latest from Packman. With the XVideo extension enabled ("VideoOverlay" "on" in XF86Config) some of the video is blurry particularly along vertical lines as on tall buildings. With OpenGL instead ("OpenGLOverlay" "on" in XF86Config) the problem disappears and CPU usage does not go up much - maybe 5-10%. I think http://www.inb.uni-luebeck.de/~boehme/xvideo_sync.html is about the same problem but the suggested solution is involved. Does anyone know what the drawbacks are to using "OpenGLOverlay"? None of the XF86Config's that I've seen on the web have this option enabled.
participants (1)
Claus Olesen