ATI Rage Mobility P/M problem

Greetings, I'm having video problems while loading SuSe 9.2 I'm attempting to load on a Thinkpad A21e with ATI Rage Mobility P/M video. I've been running this box exclusively on Linux for two years with no problem. My distribution has been Mandrake which recognizes the video easily. Unfortunately, Mandrake broke my sound with their 10.0 release and continued the problem with 10.1. Although SuSe gives me sound it fails with video. Specifically, my Rage Mobility card is recognized during hardware configuration but the resolution is low. If I attempt to up the resolution I'm asked for vertical and horizontal synchs. Testing with the recognized low resolution is a total failure. The screen shows nothing meaningful and displays ghosted images while fading. This problem seems odd to me as I'm running this video flawlessly on Mandrake 10.0. It seems even stranger as I notice Thinkpad configuration modules loading under SuSe 9.2. I'm aware 9.2 uses, which I believe is new. Is the problem with SuSe? Is the problem with Any help would be appreciated. -- ___________________________________________________________ Sign-up for Ads Free at
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