Hi there. I want to use the dvi-out of my Matrox G550 with a TFT Screen from EIZO. What happened is that the installation of SuSe 8.2 works fine. But if I want to start sax2 it seems to initialize the port, but after a few seconds the screen switches off and there is no chance to make it return to the textmode. Normally a C-M-Del should kill the x-server, but that doesn't work. I read in some faqs and got the driver from matrox.com. I have the original XFree86 version 4.3.0 from the suse-cd.. I tried to make it work in the following way: run the install-script from the matrox driver. That should just copy the libs to the right place. Its confusing to me that there is no "new" mga.o. There are just other libs that are obviously not used as module. After that I started "sax2 -m -0=mga" with the normal analog vga cable connected to my screen. I changed the monitor to the exact dates of the EIZO TFT, to avoid problems with frequencies. In the XFree config are to sections for the matroxdevices. I just added by hand the Option "DigitalScreen" "yes" entry as described in the matrox README to the first entry. I started the xserver and the same as everytime happended. The screen switched off. If I remove the digitalScreen entry, the normal vga startx perfectly. Now my questions: - Is there anyone who can help me in general and give hints what could be wrong or so? - Makes it a difference if I have connectet the two ports (normal vga and dvi) of the G550 to my screen or is can it just display one per time. If I connect the dvi and reboot the system, it seem that the pc uses only the dvi port and switches off the normal-vga port. - In witch way can I control the use of the ports?? If I make a "startx", linux uses just the first entry of the XFree86 config (the device[0]). Cheers Patrick
participants (1)
Patrick Scheibe