Well, I still have the problem to reach the monitor's full resolution 1366x768.
The problem is also solved now. The graphics card seems only to accept resolutions which are multiples of 8. 1366 is not, 1360 and 1368 are. If I use 1360, I have aliasing effects on the screen (can be seen with the X Window System background). If I use 1368, the monitor still recognizes a 1366x768 resolution, but without aliasing, so I think it cuts away the first and last pixel row. I think we can live with that. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Manfred Härtel -- Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH Tel.: 02 61 / 94 38 - 4 60 mailto:manfred.haertel@lotto-rlp.de http://www.lotto-rlp.de -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diese Mail wurde von Lotto Rheinland-Pfalz automatisch auf Viren, SPAM und andere unerwuenschte Inhalte ueberprueft.