On Sat, 3 Jun 2006 02:51:34 +0200 Stefan Dirsch <sndirsch@suse.de> wrote:
lenz@metis:~> sudo rpm -Uhv fglrx_6_9_0_SUSE101-8.25.18-1.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: libexpat.so.0 is needed by fglrx_6_9_0_SUSE101-8.25.18-1.i386
Install the package "compat-expat1-1.95.8-6"
Wow, this is even not on the 10.1 DVD. You must have found it somewhere in the factory tree on openSUSE.
Not really: # apt policy compat-expat1 compat-expat1: Installiert: 1.95.8-6 Kandidat: 1.95.8-6 Versionstabelle: *** 1.95.8-6 0 500 ftp://ftp.gwdg.de SuSE/10.1-i386/base pkglist 100 RPM Database But I have to admit I'm still not 100% sure about all the differences and workings of the SUSE versions and all the new ways to install software packages ;-) Cheers, Ingo -- Ingo Strauch ---- Registered Linux User #227900 (http://counter.li.org/) GPG Key Fingerprint = DEC8 1B12 9573 6BE7 7A99 C33F 809C 8C2C 772E 66A1 http://www.the-one-brack.org/